Goldman Sachs Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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Use Kadane's algorithm

- Ran June 16, 2012 | Flag Reply
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public static Integer calculateSum(Integer[] a){
Integer sum =a[0]+a[1], diff=a[0];
for (int i=1;i<a.length;i++){
if(sum < diff)
else if(diff<0 && i <a.length-1)
diff =a[i];

//System.out.println(sum +" "+diff);
return sum;

- arpitg July 05, 2012 | Flag
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This will not work if you have input sequence
-2 4 2 3 -12 14 1

Rather use the following algorithm (haven't tested though):

int max_sum = 0;
int init_index = 0, end_index = 0;

void Find_Max_Sum(int index_1, int index_2, int sum){
int current_sum = sum + input[index_2];
if(current_sum > max_sum){
max = current_sum;
init_index = index_1;
end_index = index_2;

if(index_2 < input.length()-1){
Find_Max_Sum(index_1, index_2 + 1, current_sum);

void main(){
for (int i = 0; i < input.lenght() -1 ; i++)
Find_Max_Sum (i, i+1, input[i]);

- AA December 01, 2012 | Flag
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initialize max_sum = input[0];

- AA December 01, 2012 | Flag
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int[] x = { -2, 4, 2, 3, -12, 5, 9, -8, 9 };

		int max = x[0];
		int sum = max;

		for (int i = 1; i < x.length; i++) {

			sum = sum + x[i] > x[i] ? sum + x[i] : x[i];

			if (sum > max)
				max = sum;

- Anonymous August 01, 2012 | Flag Reply
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What about this variation (in C++) of Kadane's algorithm, usefull for positive or negative numbers?

#include <iostream>

int calculateSum(int* a, size_t len)
  int sum =a[0]+a[1], aux=a[0];
  for (int i=1;i<len;++i)
    if (aux>sum)
  return sum;

int main()
  int a[] = {-10, -12, -7, -5, -4, -13};
   std::cout<<"Sum = "<<calculateSum(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))<<std::endl;

P.S.: I understood consecutive as adjacent, so I guess it isn't valid.

My implementation in C++ of the Kadane's algorithm:

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>

long calculateSum(int* a, size_t len)
  long maxSum(std::numeric_limits<long>::min()), currentMaxSum(0);
  int maxStartIndex(0), maxEndIndex(0), currentStartIndex(0);

  for (int currentEndIndex=0; currentEndIndex<len; ++currentEndIndex)
    currentMaxSum = currentMaxSum + a[currentEndIndex];
    if (currentMaxSum > maxSum)
      maxSum = currentMaxSum;
      maxStartIndex = currentStartIndex;
      maxEndIndex = currentEndIndex;
    if (currentMaxSum < 0)
      currentMaxSum = 0;
      currentStartIndex = currentEndIndex + 1;

int main()
  int a[] = {-2, 4, 2, 3, -12, 5, 9, -3, 4};
  std::cout<<"Sum = "<<calculateSum(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))<<std::endl;

- juan.jose.martin.marcos.gomez August 22, 2012 | Flag Reply
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This code handles the negative numbers as well. In that case it will return the minimum negative number

- Anonymous September 03, 2012 | Flag
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But Not when all the numbers are Negative. isn't it ?

- Manish September 22, 2012 | Flag
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//Kadane's Algorithm
void findMaxSum(int *arr, int len)
int i,local_max=0,max=0;
for(i=1; i<len; i++)
local_max = (local_max+arr[i]>0) ? local_max+arr[i] : 0;
max= local_max>max? local_max: max;

printf("sum is %d\n",max);


- Aalok June 17, 2012 | Flag Reply
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what happen if all the element is negative

- Anonymous June 17, 2012 | Flag
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if all no. is negative its sum is is zero but the correct answer should be min single -ve number (its index will be the ans)

- Anonymous June 17, 2012 | Flag
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what if the list is "-10 12 7 5 4 13"?

- Anonymous June 29, 2012 | Flag
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Well kadane's algorithm does not work when all the elements are negative but in the given case this is the best algorithm as it works in O(n) time. The special case of all negative numbers can be handled separately.

- Spock July 07, 2012 | Flag
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Your code is wrong It will give {-4,5,2,-3}; 3 for this case but should have been 7.

- Cheeku August 14, 2012 | Flag
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This is maximum sub-array problem...use the divide & conquer method.
recursively divide the array into two sub-parts left & right.
find max left sum.max right sum & max cross sum whichever is greater return that.

cross-low,cross-high,cross-sum=find max-crossing subarray(A,low,mid,high)
if(leftsum>=rightsum && leftsum>=cross-sum)
return (left-low,left-high,left-sum);
else if (leftsum<=rightsum && rightsum>=cross-sum)
return (right-low,right-high,right-sum);
return (cross-low,cross-high,cross-sum);

find left max sum from i=mid to low & store that cross-low=i
find right max-sum from i=mid+1 to high & store that cross-high=i ;

return (cross-low,cross-high,left-sum+right-sum)

Time complexiety: O( n logn )

- amnesiac June 17, 2012 | Flag Reply
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this problem can be solved by using a stack and array location of size n.......and maitain two sum for stack element sum and one for array element sum
1. intialize the sum_array= minusinfinite and sum_stack=0;

while(last element not reached) do step 2 to 4

2. read element from given input push the content to the stack and add the its value to sum_stack; sum_array +=input[s[top][;

3. now compare sum_array and sum_stack
3.1 if(sum_stack>sum_array) then copy down stack content to array;
3.2 else no change in array;
4. now check is adding element to sum_attack makes it -ve or not
if yes then pop all the elmenet from stack; i.e top=0;

5.finally what left in array is index of input array whose element sum is max

- Anonymous June 17, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Can you please present it with example... becoming ambiguous in above case....

- sachinism June 17, 2012 | Flag
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supose we have -2 4 2 3 -12 5 9 -8 9
initially sum_stack=0 and sum_array=high -ve number and stack is empty;

after reading first element i.e -2---->
we put index in stack...i.e 0
sum_stack= -2; and and sum_array< sum_stack so, sum_array= sum_stack and copy the stack element to array
i.e(1 is the array content)

and also after adding the element sum_stack is -ve so we pop all the stack element i.e (0 currently) and make sum_stack=0

so ,supose if all input is -ve we get the index with min -ve number in array

after reading 2nd element i.e 4
stack contain index 1
sum_stack=4 which is greater than sum_array i.e(4>-2)
so we copy the stack element to array i.e (1)and sum_array=sum_stack i.e(4)
sum_stack is not -ve so proceed futher

after reading 3 element ----
stack contain 1,2
sum_stack>sum_array i.e( 6>2) so copy stack element to the array and sum_array= sum_stack
and sum_stack is not -ve proceed further

same for index 3----
until now array contain(1,2,3)

now in case of index four
stack contain 1,2,3,4

sum_array>sum_stack i.e (9>-3) so we dont copy stack element to array(what in the array is index for elements whose elements sum is max until now)i.e(1,2,3)
and also sum_stack is -ve so we pop all the stack element i.e(1,2,3,4) and sum_stack becomes 0

after reading 5th element
sum_stack=5 i.e less than sum_array (5<9)
so no change is array and also sum_arry is not -ve so proceed further
after reding next element sum_stack>sum_array i.e(14>9)
so copy down the stack element to the array i.e(5,6) until now array have (5,6)

after reading next element i.e -8
stack contain(5,6,7)
sum_stack<sum_array i.e(6<14) so no change in array
and also sum_stack is not -ve so proceed further

after reading last element i.e 9
stack contain(5,6,7,8)
and sum_stack>sum_array i.e(15>14)
so copy stack element to arry i.e(5,6,7,8)

i.e the final answer in th array

- Anonymous June 18, 2012 | Flag
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using namespace std;

int main()
int a[50],i,j,k,n,sum1=0,sum2=0,tempsum=0;


cout<<"Maximum sum : " <<sum1;
return 0;

- srikant.ritolia June 18, 2012 | Flag Reply
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int FindSum(int arr[], int n)
int sum = 0;
int cSum = 0;

for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
if(cSum < 0)
cSum = arr[i];
cSum += arr[i];

if(cSum < arr[i])
cSum = arr[i];
cSum += arr[i];
sum = cSum;
return sum

- sri June 18, 2012 | Flag Reply
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max_sum = a[0]; <- Current maximum value.. assign as first element.
max_right = 0; <- Cur right/left maintain interval for the current maximum sum
max_left = 0;

right = 0; <- these 2 are potentially moving as we go along;
left = 1;
sum = A[0]; <- Moving sum;

for (left = 1; left < n; left++)
sum = sum + a[left];
if ((sum) > max_sum)
max_left = left;
max_right = right;
max_sum = sum;
else if (cur_sum < 0)
right = left + 1;

printf("MAX SUM = %d\n right = %d left = %d\n",
max_sum, max_right, max_left);

- Lokesh June 19, 2012 | Flag Reply
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public static void MaximumSumSubarray(int[] SourceArray)
int baseStart, baseEnd, baseSum;
int localStart, localEnd, localSum;

localStart = localEnd = localSum = 0;
baseStart = baseEnd = baseSum = 0;

Console.WriteLine("Source Array: ");
for (int i = 0; i < SourceArray.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", i, SourceArray[i]);
if (SourceArray[i] > 0 && localStart == 0)
localStart = i;
localSum = SourceArray[i];
localSum += SourceArray[i];

if ((i == SourceArray.Length - 1) || (SourceArray[i + 1] < 0 && localStart != 0))
localEnd = i;
if (localSum > baseSum)
baseSum = localSum;
baseStart = localStart;
baseEnd = localEnd;
localStart = localEnd = localSum = 0;

Console.WriteLine("Maximum sum subarray: Start:{0} End:{1} Sum:{2}", baseStart, baseEnd, baseSum);

- gm June 20, 2012 | Flag Reply
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@sachinism - I need some help regarding this. Can ypu pls add me on

- Anonymous June 21, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Since i am a beginner i wont be focusing on the complexities, this algorithm is very easy though having a terrible complexity of O(n^3):

let there be N digits stored in an array A :
max = max sum value
w = window size
n = number of elements
t= local variable

max = 0
for w = n to 1
for t = 1 to n-w+1
for i = t to t+w-1
*sum the elements of the array*
if max < sum
{ max = sum
c= t+w-1 // store the index values }
make a dry run on an array of five elements! it works!

- Coder! August 01, 2012 | Flag Reply
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int maxSubArraySum(int a[], int size)
   int max_so_far = 0, max_ending_here = 0;
   int i;
   for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
     max_ending_here = max_ending_here + a[i];
     if(max_ending_here < 0)
         max_ending_here = 0;
     /* Do not compare for all elements. Compare only   
        when  max_ending_here > 0 */
     else if (max_so_far < max_ending_here)
         max_so_far = max_ending_here;
   return max_so_far;

- Putta June 10, 2013 | Flag Reply
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private static void FindLargestSum()
            var srcList = new List<int>() { -2,4,2,3,-12,5,9,-3,4 };
            var diffList = new List<int>();
            int Sum = 0;
            int maxIdx = 0;
            int i = 0;

            //Calculate total Sum
            foreach (int el in srcList)
                Sum += el;

            //Find differential sums
            for (i = 0; i < srcList.Count; i++ )
                Sum -= srcList[i];

            //Find max differential and identify the indexes for the largest sum
            Sum = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < diffList.Count; i++)
                if (diffList[i] > Sum)
                    Sum = diffList[i];
                    maxIdx = i;

            Console.WriteLine("Max Sum = " + Sum.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Consecutive Indexes: {0} - {1}", (maxIdx + 1).ToString(), (srcList.Count - 1).ToString()));

- Vladimir August 25, 2013 | Flag Reply
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find sum of upto index list
for given list = [-2 4 2 3 -12 5 9 -3 4 ]
Sum upto Index List = [-2 2 6 9 -3 2 11 8 12]

now find MAX ( SumArray[i+] - Array[i] ) for all combinations....
and SumArray[8] - SumArray[5] == (12) - (-3) = 15

- PKT October 23, 2013 | Flag Reply

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