Microsoft Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Team: Bing
Country: India
Interview Type: In-Person

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For any given mXn matrix M[0][0] and M[m][n] gives the range of the matrix

1. Divide the MATRIX into 4 submatrices.
2. For each of the 4 matrices check the range(s) and eliminate the matrices. At least one of the 4 submatrices is eliminated in this step.
3. Repeat recursively untill, submatrix consists of one element.

Recursive relation : T(n) = 3T(n/4) + O(1)
Complexity : less than O(n)

- Anonymous January 22, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Still not logN

- eugene.yarovoi January 23, 2012 | Flag
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> Still not logN
IMHO, it is

- tsichevski January 23, 2012 | Flag
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yes this is the logarithmic approach. The only difference is, in a binary approach, you discard half of the input size in every pass, whereas in this one, you are discarding only 1/4th of the input in one pass. so it will log base 4 (which is a constant times log base 2). and O(log (n*n)) is same as O(log(n)) ...

- P January 24, 2012 | Flag
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No, it is not logarithmic. It is O(n^(log_4(3))), according to Master's theorem. It is better than O(n), but still not O(log n).

- Anonymous January 24, 2012 | Flag
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if Rows are sorted left to right in ascending order. Columns are sorted top to bottom in ascending order....

This algorithm works by elimination. Every move to the left (--col) eliminates all the elements below the current cell in that column. Likewise, every move down eliminates all the elements to the left of the cell in that row.

boolean FindElem(int[][] mat, int elem, int M, int N) {
int row = 0;
int col = N-1;
while (row < M && col >= 0) {
if (mat[row][col] == elem) {
return true;
} else if (mat[row][col] > elem) {
} else {
return false;

- Ali_BABA January 22, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Still the solution is in the order of N

- Sanjay Kumar January 22, 2012 | Flag
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Why exactly do you say this is O(N)? Say you have a 4x4 matrix (16 cells). It will take you at most 4 tries to find the answer. Same with 4x4 matrix. You need at most 5 tries to find the answer. This is O(lg N)

What makes you say this is O(N)?

- Anonymous January 23, 2012 | Flag
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In the given problem the N is given as 4 not 16. if your algo is taking 5 tries the still its in the order of N. that mean N+1.

- Sanjay Kumar January 23, 2012 | Flag
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We need to do binary search in recursive manner, by switching between row-wise & column-wise search..
Terminating condition and navigation is tricky..
i will get back here, after gettng a working code

- saga January 26, 2012 | Flag
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As told by sanjay, suppose we are looking for 11,
based on diagonal search we find that 11 lies in between 8 and 12, so 11 can lie in either
[3 11
4 14]
[6 7
9 10]
follow same procedure for these blocks and continue.
N + N/2 + N/2^2 .. = 0(log2(N))

- abhishekatuw January 22, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Sorry, but n + n/2 + n/4 + ... is O(n) and not O(log(n)). It's quite clear that a sum that only includes positive numbers and starts with n can't be less than O(n).

- eugene.yarovoi January 23, 2012 | Flag
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Please find the complete logic..
Better then this... use the Diagonal as a shorted array... and use modified version of binary search...

1 5 6 7
2 8 9 10
3 11 12 13
4 14 15 16
the diagonal is 1 8 12 16.. use the binary search on this to find out the nearest element of the number
Diagonal which is greater then the element which had to be searched and its previous element is less then the element which is has to searched for example suppose we have to search 10 in the given matrix.... 12 is greater then the 10 and 8 is less then 10. your number will be in the row or column of either 8 or 12. search using binary search in the column and row of element 8 and 12.
searching element in Diagonal will take O(logN)
searching element in 2 row + 2 column will tale 4*logN that is log N
total complexity is in the order or log N.
Please comment if you are finding any loop hole in the logic.

- Sanjay Kumar January 23, 2012 | Flag
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Sanjay, I think the number may not be necessarily in the row/column of 8/12.

Consider this array:

1   5   6   10  
2   8   9   15  
3   11  12  20  
4   15  16  25

Here 10 lies between 8 and 12 but, not in the row/column of 8/12.
As someone below pointed out, each time, we can only eliminate one quarter of the input. In this case, we can eliminate

1   5
2   8

- sachin January 24, 2012 | Flag
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Bhagwan Shri Ramchandra ki jai....
Now see the solution....
Let matrix M[1,1],M[1,2],....M[1,N]

Short Algo-
1. Do binary search on the 1st column to locate the row where x could be - O(lgN)
2. Do binary search in the found row to locate x. - O(lgN)

Detailed algo -
Step 1. // Search 1st column to get the row_num where x might belong
1.first=1, last=N
2.while(first<last) {
2.1 mid=floor((first+last)/2);
2.2 if(M[mid,1]<x), first=mid+1; flag=1
2.3 else if(M[mid,1]>x), last=mid-1; flag=2
2.4 else return(mid) //mid as row_num to be checked for x
3. if(flag==1) return(first-1) //first-1 as row_num to be checked for x
4. if(flag==2) return(last+1) //last+1 as row_num to be checked for x

Step 2. //Search row_no row for element x
1. first=1, last=N;
2. while(first<last) {
2.1 mid=floor((first+last)/2);
2.2 if(a[mid]<x), first=mid+1;
2.3 else if(a[mid]>x), last=mid-1;
2.4 else return(mid)) //mid as column number containing x
3. return(-1) // x not present

row_num,col_num = position of x

Jay bolo Shri Ram ji ki....
Ram Lakshamana Jaanki, Jay bolo Hanuman ki....

- Jay Siya Ram February 15, 2012 | Flag Reply
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In step 1 replace this
if(flag==1) return the number less than x, index: first or first-1
if(flag==2) return the number less than x, last or last+1

Basically when we have first=last-1, jus return one of first, last, first-1 or last+1. you can implement it way you want.

And also if x is present in the very 1st column then put this check outside while, check each of 4 indexes mentioned above for x, if so return position: row_number,1

- Jay Shri Ram February 15, 2012 | Flag
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1 5 6 10
2 8 9 15
3 11 12 20
4 15 16 25

kindly dry run ur code for finding elsement 10

- codez July 02, 2012 | Flag
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I've found a proof that this problem is not solvable with anything better than O(n) in the worst case. Consider a special case of matrix M:

1 1 1 ... 1 (2 or 3)
1 1 ... (2 or 3) 4
1 .... (2 or 3) 4 4
1 (2 or 3) 4 4 ... 4 4
(2 or 3) 4 4 4 ... 4 4

If you are required to find, say, value "3", your task will be not easier than finding said "3" in arbitrary (not necessarily sorted) array of 2-s and 3-s. Proof: consider array of 2-s and 3-s, place it on that diagonal of matrix M, if you can find 3 faster than O(n), than you can find it in the given array too, which is apparently not possible.

- Jacob Dlougach January 25, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Can you write your solution?

- V.Krestyannikov January 22, 2012 | Flag Reply
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This is exactly the same as binary search..

- Anonymous January 22, 2012 | Flag Reply
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This is a binary search in 2D version.

- Ric January 22, 2012 | Flag Reply
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And you do a binary search in two dimensions how, exactly?

- eugene.yarovoi January 23, 2012 | Flag
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of 4 vote

Better then this... use the Diagonal as a shorted array... and use modified version of binary search...

1   5  6  7
2   8  9 10
3  11 12 13
4  14 15 16

the diagonal is 1 8 12 16.. use the binary search on this to find out the nearest element of the number and then check the adjustment element of nearest element to find out the number.

- Sanjay Kumar January 22, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Can you explain why you believe your algo finds the element? I'm pretty sure the element isn't guaranteed to be anywhere near the diagonal.

- eugene.yarovoi January 23, 2012 | Flag
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yes I got it... find the element in the Diagonal which is greater then the element which had to be searched and its previous element is less then the element which is has to searched for example suppose we have to search 10 in the given matrix.... 12 is greater then the 10 and 8 is less then 10. your number will be in the row or column of either 8 or 12. search using binary search.
searching element in Diagonal will take O(logN)
searching element in 2 row + 2 column will tale 4*logN that is log N
total complexity is in the order or log N

- Sanjay Kumar January 23, 2012 | Flag
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In your example Sanjay, the 10 could be in the bottom left corner (where the 4 is), not just the 2 rows + 2 columns you point out.

- Anonymous January 24, 2012 | Flag
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Here your n is actually n*m, so complexity would be even more than O(n)

- Jacob Dlougach January 25, 2012 | Flag
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i think sanjay kumar is right...since the question says the array is sorted....

- Anonymous January 31, 2012 | Flag
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if the matrix is n by n. what is considered as the the input size? n or n square?

- gl February 03, 2012 | Flag Reply
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what about using three binary search.
bool Search(int matrix[][M_SIZE], int k)
int start = 0, end = M_SIZE-1;
int middle;
while (start <= end)
middle = (start+end)/2;
if (matrix[middle][middle] == k)
return true;
else if (matrix[middle][middle] > k)
end = middle-1;
start = middle+1;
if (matrix[middle][middle] < k)
return false;
int line = middle;
// dprint(line);

start = 0, end = line;
while (start <= end)
middle = (start+end)/2;
if (matrix[line][middle] == k)
return true;
else if (matrix[line][middle] > k)
end = middle-1;
start = middle+1;

start = 0, end = line;
while (start <= end)
middle = (start+end)/2;
if (matrix[middle][line] == k)
return true;
else if (matrix[middle][line] > k)
end = middle-1;
start = middle+1;

return false;

- gl February 03, 2012 | Flag Reply
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This is the same logic won't work for the following
1 5 6 10
2 8 9 15
3 11 12 20
4 15 16 25

if you search 10 in this it will give false.

- jerry February 26, 2012 | Flag
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kamino, kuch seekho

- ye kya randapa hain February 15, 2012 | Flag Reply
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I may be wrong here. But I don't think a O(logn) solution exsists.

- DarkKnight July 24, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Here is a O(logn) solution
1. Start with [0][0] Location and check max value of the Row and Column i.e. [0][ColMax] and [rowMax][0]
2. If the value is outside the range Move diagonally down e.g. Matrix[1][1] and Goto Step 1
If reached last diagnol then return with value not found
3. Search within the Row and Column

Moving along the diagonol is O(log(n)) . Then searching element in the row or column is O(logn) + O(log n) = O(log n). So overall it is O(log n ) algorithm where n is size of the col/row

- pc June 02, 2015 | Flag Reply
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1. Using binary search find the row which might contain the number given. Gives O(log(n)) complexity.
2. Do same to find the column in the row found

- tsichevski January 23, 2012 | Flag Reply
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If the matrix is sorted both on its columns and rows (and assuming the sort order is ascending for both columns and rows), you can process the matrix as a simple linear array of sorted values and use a simple binary (O(logN)) search to find the sought value or confirm that the values is missing from the matrix.

- ashot madatyan February 08, 2012 | Flag Reply

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