Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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I base my answer on the fact that each node can only have one parent but multiple children.
First search upward and store each parent node in a stack. Then search downward on the parent nodes.
Second search downward and store each child also in a stack. Then search downward also on these nodes. You just have to keep track on how far you are away from the given node.

- snyperGTR January 30, 2013 | Flag Reply
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The question can be broken down into two parts as most of the above comments suggest.
1. Find the nodes which can be reached in k hops from the given node. Assuming only pointers to children are available.
2. Second part is those nodes on the upper part of the tree that are hops k away from the given node(B). The parent(A) of the given node(B), is 1 hop away. Let the given node be the left child of its parent. Hence all the nodes in the right child subtree of the parent k-1 hops away from the parent(A) are distance k - 1 + 1 = k hops away from the given node B. Similarly the grand parent of B, lets call it D, is 2 hops away. All the nodes that are k - 2 distance from D ( in the other subtree than A) are k - 2 + 2 distance away from B.

Function 1 : It returns the list of all the children which are k distance from the node s.

List<Node *>  FindNodesAtDistance(Node * s , int k)

1. Start from root, store all nodes in a queue of maximum size k till you reach the given node. The queue will have at max k elements. The queue will eventually have a (sub)path to the given node.
2. Call FindNodesAtDistance from the given node to get all the nodes distance k in child direction.
3. Call FindNodesAtDistance on the nodes from the queue to get all the nodes distance k -i from the node. where i is the distance of the node in the queue from the given node.

- SR February 03, 2013 | Flag Reply
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i agree with ur solution but i am afraid the time complexity in this case would be O(n^2) ... what is the optimal solution a O(n) or n^2 one for this particular problem

- Sagar January 30, 2014 | Flag
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def findNodesAtDistance(distance):
BFSFromCurrentNode(level = distance) (i.e. do BFS from current node but collect nodes only at level = distance)
If the pointer to the parent is available
navigate to sibling;
findNodesAtDistance(distance - 2 )

- hero January 03, 2013 | Flag Reply
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forgot to check for already completed nodes..

- hero January 03, 2013 | Flag
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You forgot the case where you can go into parents siblings as well , path : node->parent->parent's parent->parent's siblings....

- Hill Billy January 17, 2013 | Flag
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void PrintDdistance(Tree *node, int d, const int D)
if(node == NULL)
if(d == D)
Print the node
PrintDdistance(node->left, d+1, D);
PrintDdistance(node->right, d+1, D);

I doubt we can find the distance from the parent since only the node pointer is given

- DashDash January 03, 2013 | Flag Reply
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the nodes could be in upward direction as well as in other subtrees also. From your algo , we would not be able to find those nodes.
Also , both the pointers are provided: the root of the tree and the node from which nodes at d distance needs to be found

- popoff January 03, 2013 | Flag
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Find the path of the node from the head and store in a array
temp = array[i];
if(dis ==0) break;

if(head == null)
if(dis ==0)
{Sysout(head.value); return;}

- Kannan January 03, 2013 | Flag Reply
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This algorithm will solve the upward direction scenario also

- Anonymous January 03, 2013 | Flag
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This algorithm will solve the upward direction scenario also

- Kannan January 03, 2013 | Flag
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no need to store the path. recursion can be used. I'll post a code shortly.

- Tushar January 11, 2013 | Flag
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I think there are a few bugs.
In DisplayNode(), you take node at distance one to be head itself. head should be printed when dis comes in the function as zero. If dis is zero, it is converted to -1, and then recursive calls are made. This recursion will end only when you encounter head to be NULL.
In FindNodes, you call DisplayNode() for nodes in path from root to required node. This will print nodes at distance dis(which has been decremented correctly) in both directions. You have to print nodes in the subtree other than the one in which required node is present.

- Tushar January 19, 2013 | Flag
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Step1: Find the path from root to given node(push all the nodes into stack from root when u are traversing to the given node).
Step2: Now from the given node call the below funct
func(Node N,distance d,Given_distance D)
while(d>0 && stack.isnotempty())
tree *node=pop_stack()
void PrintDdistance(Tree *node, int d, const int D)
if(node == NULL)
if(d == D)
Print the node
PrintDdistance(node->left, d+1, D);
PrintDdistance(node->right, d+1, D);

- Anonymous January 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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 * Recursive solution for getting nodes at a given distance
public List<Node> getNodesAtDistance(Node rootNode, int distance) {
	List<Node> resultList = new ArrayList<Node>();
	if(rootNode==null) {
		return resultList;
	} else if(distance==0) {
	} else {
		Node left = rootNode.getLeft();
			getNodesAtDistance(left, distance-1) );
		Node right= rootNode.getRight();
			getNodesAtDistance(right, distance-1) );
	return resultList;

- ozkansari January 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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 * BFS-like implementation
public List<Node> getNodesAtDistance(Node rootNode, int distance){
	List<Node> resultList = new ArrayList<Node>();
	Queue<Node> bfsQueue = new LinkedList();
	int currentLevel = 0;
	boolean hasChildNodes;
	while(!bfsQueue.isEmpty()) {
		hasChildNodes = false;
		// O(n)
		// Remove all first
		List<Node> levelNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
		while(!bfsQueue.isEmpty()) {
		// O(n)
		for (Node n : levelNodes) {
			Node leftNode = n.getLeft();
			Node rightNode = n.getRight();
			if(leftNode!=null) {
				hasChildNodes = true;
			if(rightNode!=null) {
				hasChildNodes = true;
		// check return condition
		if(currentLevel==distance) {
		// If has more childs, increment the level
		if(hasChildNodes) {
	return resultList;

- ozkansari January 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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The solution can be in two phases
1. upward
2. downward

printKDistNodes(node* root, node* start, int k) {

upward(root, start, 0, k);
downward(start, k);

int upward(node* root, node* start, int level, int dist) {

if (root == start) { return level; }
if (root == null) { return -1; }

int right_level == upward(root->right, start, level+1, dist);
int left_level == upward(root->left, start, level+1, dist);

if (right_level != -1) {

if (right_level - level == dist) { print root; }

return right_level;

} else if (left_level != -1) {

if (left_level - level == dist) { print root; }

return left_level;

void downward(node* start, int level) {

stack cur, next;

while(!cur.isempty()) {

if (level == 0) {

print nodes in cur stack;

} else {

node* n = cur.pop();

if (cur.isempty()) {


while(!next.isempty()) {

node* temp = next.pop();
}//while cur.isempty() loop
}// downward

- Anonymous January 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Find the level of the given node. let that be L and let k be the distance
then we need to print the nodes at level L - k and L + k

1. int L = findLevel(root, start);
2. printNodes(root, L, k);

- Anonymous January 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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#pragma once

#include <queue>
#include <list>

struct TreeNode
	TreeNode(int d, TreeNode* l = NULL, TreeNode* r = NULL)
		data = d;
		left = l;
		rigth = r;

	int data;
	TreeNode* left;
	TreeNode* rigth;

struct Record
	TreeNode* node;
	int level;

void Push(std::queue<Record*>& queue, TreeNode* node, int level)
		Record* record = new Record();
		record->level = level;
		record->node= node;


std::list<TreeNode*>* FindLevels(TreeNode* node, int level)
	if(node == NULL)
		return NULL;

	std::list<TreeNode*>* result = new std::list<TreeNode*>();

	std::queue<Record*> queue;

	Push(queue, node, 0);

	while(queue.empty() == false)
		Record* record = queue.front();

		if(record->level == level - 1)

			Push(queue, record->node->left, record->level + 1);
			Push(queue, record->node->rigth, record->level + 1);

		delete record;

	return result;


int main(char** args, int argc)

	TreeNode* head = new TreeNode(1, 
		new TreeNode(2, 
			new TreeNode(4, 
				new TreeNode(6), new TreeNode(7, NULL, new TreeNode(9)))),
		new TreeNode(3, 
			new TreeNode(5, 
			NULL, new TreeNode(8, new TreeNode(10), new TreeNode(11))))

	FindLevels(head, 4);

	return 0;

- uygar.gumus January 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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void find_nodes(given_node, 5, NULL)

void find_nodes(Node* node, int dist, Node* forbidden)
	if(node == null)
	if(dist == 0)
	if(node->left != forbidden)
		find_nodes(node->left, dist-1, node);
	if(node->right != forbidden)
		find_nodes(node->right, dist-1, node);		
	if(node->parent != forbidden)
		find_nodes(node->parent, dist-1, node);


- Anonymous January 30, 2013 | Flag Reply
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A simple approach would be:

1.Find path from root to the given node N and store that in a stack S.
int d=k;
while(S is not empty)
struct node *temp=pop(S)
Find node t at a distnance d from temp(downward) // if t==N skip

- Shashi January 30, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Hi shashi,
Don't you think that you need to mark your visited nodes to avoid infinite loop.

- pavankumar.thati January 30, 2013 | Flag
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Where do you think it will end up in infinite loop. Only loop is here that is having only node from root to N and i am quite sure that can't be infinite.

- Shashi January 30, 2013 | Flag
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It is a binary tree not a graph so there won't be any issue of infinite loop.

- Cyber Phoenix January 30, 2013 | Flag
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I think for upward direction....we should use pre-order traversal. Once we reach the given node(return from there)...and after that everytime we call pre() we should increment the distance...print once the desired distance is reached...
For downward distance we should reach given node(make depth=0)....we can use any traversal routine...and once we reach a depth=distance each time...print the node....
Please correct me if I am wrong...

- learner January 30, 2013 | Flag Reply
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I just have a rough idea, haven't implement it yet.

findRemoteNode(int k)

define 3 kinds of recursive calls:
a. findRemoteNode( k - 1) in left_child
b. findRemoteNode( k - 1) in right_child
c. findRemoteNode( k - 1) in parent

if called by parent, only do a, b
if called by left_child, only do b, c
if called by right_child, only do a, c
if k == 0, return it self.


Oh...I think I am wrong, cuz the question didnot mention we have pointer to parent.

- Xi.LaGrange January 30, 2013 | Flag Reply
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I think change the tree into the adjacency list form then use Breadth First Search can work

- lyw900422 January 31, 2013 | Flag Reply
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/* the insert code is for bst but the disk function will give correct answer for any tree */

typedef struct SearchTree {
    int val;
    struct SearchTree *l;
    struct SearchTree *r;
    struct SearchTree *p;
    struct SearchTree *s;
} bst;

void insert(bst **head, int key) {
    if (*head == NULL) {
        *head = new bst;
        (*head)->val = key;
    bst *h = *head;
    while (h) {
        if (h->val < key) {
            if (h->r == NULL) {
                h->r = new bst;
                h->r->val = key;
                h->r->p = h;
            h = h->r;
        if (h->val > key) {
            if (h->l == NULL) {
                h->l = new bst;
                h->l->p = h;
                h->l->val = key;
            h = h->l;

void disrk(bst *head, int k) {
    if (k < 0)
    if (k == 0) {
        cout << head->val << " ";
    cout << head->val << " ";
    if (head->l)
        disrk(head->l, k - 1);
    if (head->r)
        disrk(head->r, k - 1);

void disk(bst *head, int k) {
    disrk(head, k);
    while (head->p && k > 0) {
        cout << head->p->val << " ";
        if (head->p->r == head) {
            disk(head->p->l, k - 2);
        if (head->p->l == head) {
            disk(head->p->r, k - 2);
        k = k - 1;
        head = head->p;

- isandesh7 January 31, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Can you post your tree structure and algorithm ? Can't understand anything for just the code!

- akshaydhokale2304 January 31, 2013 | Flag
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Sorry forgot to add that.

- isandesh7 January 31, 2013 | Flag
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Won't BFS do the job?

- alex January 31, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Don't get fooled by the "Binary Tree" notion. Treat it as a graph and use BFS to find all nodes that are k hops away from it

- freshboy February 02, 2013 | Flag Reply
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how can you treat Binary tree as a graph. for a binary tree you can move in left and right directions but not parent direction. coming to graph you can move in any of the three directions (left, right and parent).
Can you explain with an example how can you treat a binary tree as a graph and do BFS on it and find nodes k hops away from it.

- pavankumar.thati February 02, 2013 | Flag
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You could build a Multimap<Node, Node> that holds the neighboors for each node, and then as freshboy suggest do a BFS up to nodes that are k hops away from the given one.

- Martín February 14, 2013 | Flag
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Idea would be to recognize the branch on which the given element lies. Use a simple pre-order traversal to store elements in stack (maximum size: depth of a tree).
Once we have the corresponding branch including the given element one can print the elements at a distance (k-(distance of current node and given node)). Below code gives and idea.

PS: this code is not tested and intent is to give an idea:

//this method is to populate stack with required branch elements
bool func(struct tNode *ptr,int *stack,struct tNode *res)
     return False;
         return True;
     return False;

//This method is to print elements at k distance from a particular node
void printElem(struct tNode *ptr,struct tNode *par,int d,int k)

int main()
    struct tNode *stack[<depth of tree>],*temp,*prev;
    int d,k;

- k2 February 03, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Nodes we are interested in are: kth level grand parent and kth level grand children
To find kth level grand parent:
1. Get BFS trace till you encounter N in the tree.
2. In this trace array, parent node's index=floor(a node's index/2). Use this to go up k levels terminating if you hit zero before kth grand parent.
To find kth level grand children: BFS or DFS till level k

- td.abinesh February 03, 2013 | Flag Reply
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struct Node
	Node *left;
	Node *right;
	int distance; //initialized to -1 at the beginning, means the distance is not calculated yet.

void CalcDistance(Node *current, Node *node)
	if (!current) return;
	if (current == node) node->distance == 0;
	if (!current->left)
		CalDistance(current->left, node);
		if (current->left->distance !=-1) current->distance == current->left->distance + 1;
	if (!current->right && current->distance == -1)
		CalDistance(current->right, node);
		if (current->right->distance !=-1) current->distance == current->right->distance + 1;

void ReCalcDistance(Node *current, int distance)
	if (!current) return;
	if (current->distance == -1) current->distance == distance;
	ReCalDistance(current->left, current->distance+1);
	ReCalDistance(current->right, current->distance+1);

void Print(Node *current)
	if (!current) return;
	if (current->distance == k) print current;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        //initialize the tree...

	CalcDistance(root, node);
	ReCalcDistance(root, root->distance);
	return 0;

- Xindice February 03, 2013 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.Stack;
	class BinTree
			int data;
			BinTree left;
			BinTree right;
			int level;

		public class PrintDistanceKByNonRecur {
			 * @param args
			public static void main(String[] args) {
				// TODO Auto-generated method stub
				BinTree node=null;

			public static BinTree buildBinTree(BinTree node)
				BinTree top=null;
					node=new BinTree();;
					System.out.println("data "+100+" added to root node");

				int[] a={56,34,14,26,38,48,57,64,71,70};
				for (int i:a)
					//int random=(int) (Math.random()*100);
					//System.out.println("Item is "+i);
					AddNode(node,i,0 );
				System.out.println("Tree is built.....");
				return top;
			public static void bfs(BinTree node,int distance)

				if(node==null )

			public static void AddNode(BinTree node,Integer data,int level)
					if (node.left != null)
						BinTree temp=new BinTree();;

						System.out.println("data "+data+" added to left node");
				else if(data>
					if (node.right != null)
						BinTree temp=new BinTree();;
						System.out.println("data "+data+" added to right node");
				}else {System.out.println("Duplicate entry "+data);return;}

- Saktheesh August 30, 2013 | Flag Reply
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The above code will build tree with a level indicator. Later we shall print the level based nodes. This code is from the root,can be taken from any node by doing BFS and reach to the particular node and level can be altered accordingly.

- satheesh August 30, 2013 | Flag

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