Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: India
Interview Type: In-Person

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public static ArrayList<linkedlist> printTheMaxSumPathOfBinaryTree(treeNode root){

if(root == null) return null;

ArrayList<linkedlist> l = printTheMaxSumPathOfBinaryTree(root.left);
ArrayList<linkedlist> r = printTheMaxSumPathOfBinaryTree(root.right);

if(l == null && r == null) {
linkedlist n = new linkedlist();
ArrayList<linkedlist> arr = new ArrayList<linkedlist>();
return arr;
}else if(l == null && r != null){
for(int i=0;i<r.size();i++){
return r;
}else if(l != null && r == null){
for(int i=0;i<l.size();i++){
return l;
if(l.get(0).sum > r.get(0).sum) {
for(int i=0;i<l.size();i++){
return l;
}else if(l.get(0).sum < r.get(0).sum){
for(int i=0;i<r.size();i++){
return r;
for(int i=0;i<l.size();i++){
for(int i=0;i<r.size();i++){
return l;

- January 27, 2013 | Flag Reply
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My idea is similar to the Vincent above. You have to use the parent pointer to save the time complexity. The whole idea explains as followings:
1) when constructing the tree, each node saves these information:
value, left pointer, right pointer, and an additional parent pointer.
2) Use BFS trick to traversing the tree, and calculate the sum of path from root to current node. If the node:
a. has all child node(s) non-positive
b. has no child node
then store this node to the candidate array. (This is because that only these two types of node can be the maximum path.)
3. After the traverse, we found the maximum, then traverse the candidate array, and print the maximum path(s) following the parent link.
Note that the size of candidate array is smaller than N.

The total time complexity is O(N).

- oohtj January 20, 2013 | Flag Reply
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As we go from parent node to it's child node in binary tree, we send current path sum to all it's childern, we maintain two global variable one is max_sum and another is count, we set count to be zero and now start from root node, it send it's node value to it's childern, then add it with their value and send final sum to their childerns, whenever someone reaches to end(leaf node), it check weather it's sum is greater or equal or less, if equal then it increment count, if less, then do nothing, if greater then set count = 1 and max_sum to it's sum.
so after one tree trival we get both max_sum and count.
Now if we want to print the paths also then we do following
as we know how many max_sum path exist, Now we create that many arrays of integer element, each array have some unique Id, now we start again with the same procedure but with one difference, we send current sum to childern nodes, but we want something from them, what we want is a structure which contain a integer(which tells how many path having max_sum are having current node in comman) and id's of all arrays., once we get these data from all it;s childerns, then we print the node value in all those arrays, and return total sum and all array's id, which we get from both or one of it's childern. if we get zero as integer value from all childern then we return zero.
but ya here we visit all nodes on the tree 3 times, once when we find out max_count, and second time when we go forward to locate leaf node of all the paths whose sum is max_sum and thrid time when we return from all these leaf node to root node.

- sonesh January 20, 2013 | Flag Reply
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You can use BFS in order to solve this problem.

- s.keshtkar January 19, 2013 | Flag Reply
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I think use dfs better than bfs

- fuxiang90 January 19, 2013 | Flag
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traverse just once? does recursive solution count as once?

- zyfo2 January 19, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Every node in the tree has exactly one path. The trick here for best time complexity is to calculate the sum at each node as you're traversing. Preorder traversal seems like the best option. Here is a solution you can test out. This includes updates for all three of the requirements of the problem.

The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n). Required space will be equal to the size of the binary tree plus the size of each max path. The worst (and rare) case for space requirements would be if all nodes in the tree were equal to zero, as a linked list must be stored for every path.

public class Main {
	public static class ListNode {
	    public int value;
	    public ListNode nextLink;

	    //Link constructor
	    public ListNode(int d1) {
		    value = d1;

	    //Print ListNodedata
	    public void printLink() {
		    System.out.print(value + " ");

	public static class LinkedList {
	    private ListNode first;

	    //LinkedList constructor
	    public LinkedList() {
		    first = null;

	    //Returns true if list is empty
	    public boolean isEmpty() {
		    return first == null;

	    //Inserts a new ListNode at the first of the list
	    public void insert(int d1) {
		    ListNode link = new ListNode(d1);
		    link.nextLink = first;
		    first = link;

	    //Deletes the ListNode at the first of the list
	    public ListNode delete() {
		    ListNode temp = first;
		    first = first.nextLink;
		    return temp;

	    //Prints list data
	    public void printList() {
		    ListNode currentLink = first;
		    while(currentLink != null) {
		    	if(currentLink.nextLink != null)
			    currentLink = currentLink.nextLink;
	public static class TreeNode {
		public TreeNode leftChild = null;
		public TreeNode rightChild = null;
		int mValue;
		TreeNode(int v) {
			mValue = v;
		public int getValue() {
			return mValue;
	public static class BinaryTree {
		public TreeNode root;
		public int currentMax = 0;
		public ArrayList<LinkedList> pathsToMax;
		public BinaryTree(int rootValue) {
			root = new TreeNode(rootValue);
			/* Test case */
			pathsToMax = new ArrayList<LinkedList>();
		public void fillTestTree() {
			root.leftChild = new TreeNode(4);
			root.rightChild = new TreeNode(-1);
			root.leftChild.leftChild = new TreeNode(1);
			root.rightChild.leftChild = new TreeNode(5);
			root.leftChild.rightChild = new TreeNode(0);
			root.rightChild.rightChild = new TreeNode(6);
		public LinkedList appendToNewList(LinkedList l, int value) {
			LinkedList newList = new LinkedList();
			ListNode currentLink = l.first;
		    while(currentLink != null) {
			    currentLink = currentLink.nextLink;
			return newList;
		public void printPaths() {
			System.out.println("Max paths are: ");
			for(int i = 0; i < pathsToMax.size(); i++) {
		public void getMaxSum(TreeNode n, int currentSum, LinkedList l) {
			//Visit current node
			if(n == null) {
			int sumAtCurrentNode = n.getValue() + currentSum;
			if(sumAtCurrentNode >= currentMax) {
				if(sumAtCurrentNode > currentMax) {
					pathsToMax = null;
					pathsToMax = new ArrayList<LinkedList>();
				currentMax = sumAtCurrentNode;
				//Blow away our current set of paths due to the new max

				pathsToMax.add(appendToNewList(l, n.getValue()));

			//Traverse left
			if(n.leftChild != null) {
				getMaxSum(n.leftChild, sumAtCurrentNode, appendToNewList(l, n.leftChild.getValue()));
			//Traverse right
			if(n.rightChild != null) {
				getMaxSum(n.rightChild, sumAtCurrentNode, appendToNewList(l, n.rightChild.getValue()));
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//Test list and tree
		BinaryTree btree = new BinaryTree(-1);
		LinkedList l = new LinkedList();
		btree.getMaxSum(btree.root, 0, btree.appendToNewList(l, -1));
		System.out.println("Max sum is: " + btree.currentMax);

- Will_In_Seattle January 19, 2013 | Flag Reply
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your solution find's only max sum . (1) of problem . what about (2) and (3) ?

- singhsourabh90 January 19, 2013 | Flag
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You're right. I specified at the end to be sure to store away the path to the node with the maxSum and to be prepared to store multiple paths. You'd just pass a linked list (with a getTail() method) as you went through the traversal along with the currentSum. And you would need a way to distinguish two nodes that had the same value, so you would want to make sure that each node had a unique identifier. Either that, or you could just store an array of directions like "Left Right Right".

- Will_In_Seattle January 19, 2013 | Flag
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there are n nodes. so there can be n path's . how will you store all n path's in O(n).

you'll need to copy linked list [path] for both childs of a parent . ie. O(n)
in for every parent node . thus making it O(n^2)

- joker January 19, 2013 | Flag
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The time complexity is O(n), which is what I believe the interviewer was asking for. I don't think it is possible to store all possible combinations of LinkedLists to each node with storage space of O(n). Consider the case where every node is equal to zero.

- Will_In_Seattle January 20, 2013 | Flag
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does this count as once? basically you are traversing the node and get back to it later. not sure whether this is what the author means.

- zyfo2 January 20, 2013 | Flag
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This is a standard preorder traversal. Every node is visited exactly one time. When I say "visited", for this problem, I mean it is examined, the value of the path is calculated, and the currentMax is updated. This is, indeed, O(n) time complexity. If you're not convinced, drop my program in Eclipse and set a break at "int sumAtCurrentNode = n.getValue() + currentSum;". It will be hit n times.

- Will_In_Seattle January 20, 2013 | Flag
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I know it's preorder and supposed to be O(n). I'm just confused with why it specifies twice doesn't count as O(n). You know when you do recursive functions, you are storing the state in the stack so that you can get back to it later. you are not calculating the sum twice but technically you are visiting the same node more than once. I probably misunderstood the statement.

- zyfo2 January 21, 2013 | Flag
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of 2 vote

ArrayList path = new Arraylist();
StringBuffer a = new Stringbuffer();
int max = 0;

if(head == null) return null;
sum = sum+head.value;
if(head.left == null && head.right == null)
if(max< sum)
max = sum;
s = append(i,false);
if(max == sum)
s = append(build,true);

return s;

s ="";
for(int j =0;j<i;j++)
s= s+path.get(j);


- Kannan S January 19, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Small correction

if(max< sum)
max = sum;
s = append(i,false);
if(max == sum)
s = append(i,true);

append function should take i as the input parameter

- kannan s January 19, 2013 | Flag
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"root to any node" u r checking for leaf only.

- joker January 19, 2013 | Flag
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Since the question is for finding the max path, max path can be formed only when we traverse till the leaf node..
Correct if i am wrong

- Kannan S January 19, 2013 | Flag
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              /    \
            1       4
           /       /  \
          3      -3   -4

here : max is 6: 2 paths . 2,4 | 2,1,3

- singhsourabh90 January 19, 2013 | Flag
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Here is solution of multiple path & single path.

char PATH[N];//N = (Number of Node in BT)X(Max Number of Leaf in BT)
int PATH_Len=0;
int path_cunt=0
int max_sum = 0;
void main()
    char path[N];
    int sum = 0, l = 0;
    NODE *BT == CreateBT(4,6,1,3,9,20,56,88,21,22,15);
    path[0]='R'; l=1;

    MaxPath(BT, sum, path, l);//This will evalute one path.
    printf("\nMax Sum: %d, PATH: %s", max_sum, PATH);
    memset(PATH, 0, N);
    path[0]='R'; l=1; max_sum=0; path_cunt=0;

    Multi_MaxPath(BT, sum, path, l);//This will evalute multiple path of same max.
    for(int i=0, int temp=0; i<path_cunt; i++){
        int temp_l=strlen(PATH+temp);
	printf("Max Sum: %d, PATH: %s", max_sum, PATH+temp);
        temp += temp_l+1;

void MaxPath(NODE *Root, int sum, char path[], int l)
    if(!Root) return;
    sum += Root->info;
        strcpy(PATH, path, l);
        max_sum = sum;
    path[l] = 'L';
    MaxPath(Root->Left, sum, path, l+1);
    path[l] = 'R';
    MaxPath(Root->Left, sum, path, l+1);

void Multi_MaxPath(NODE *Root, int sum, char path[], int l)
    if(!Root) return;
    sum += Root->info;
    if(sum == max_sum){
        PATH[PATH_Len] = '\0'; PATH_Len++;
        strcpy(PATH+PATH_Len, path, l);//Appending multiple Path String
	PATH_Len += l;
    } else if(sum>max_sum){
        strcpy(PATH, path, l);
        max_sum = sum;
    path[l] = 'L';
    MaxPath(Root->Left, sum, path, l+1);
    path[l] = 'R';
    MaxPath(Root->Left, sum, path, l+1);

T(N) = O(N)
S(N) = (Number of Node in BT)X(Max Number of Leaf in BT)

- SRB January 19, 2013 | Flag Reply
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some issues :
1) you can traverse tree only once .
2) you'll print some path's multiple time .[paths which don't end at leaf . u'll print them for both child branches ].
3) you are not supposed to print 'L' 'R' array. [as u are consedering strcpy() O(1) . which is actually O(n) ]
making your algo O(n^2).

- singhsourabh90 January 19, 2013 | Flag
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How about the solution I gave .!!!
Just above this one.

- drv January 19, 2013 | Flag
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how about my code with c++ ,and i think i can print well the path .
I use a vector to store the path

int max_sum = 0;
vector<  vector<int> > max_sum_path;
void getMaxSum(struct node *head , int curr_sum ,vector<int> &path)

    curr_sum += head->x;

    if(curr_sum > max_sum){
        max_sum = curr_sum;
        max_sum_path.erase(max_sum_path.begin() , max_sum_path.end());

    if(head->l ){
        path.push_back(1);// 1 :left 2 :rigth
        getMaxSum(head->l , curr_sum , path);

    if(head->r ){
        path.push_back(2);// 1 :left 2 :rigth
        getMaxSum(head->r , curr_sum , path);

    if(curr_sum == max_sum){

- fuxiang90 January 19, 2013 | Flag Reply
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seems wrong still

- singhsourabh90 January 19, 2013 | Flag
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sorry for my error ,i update it .

- fuxiang90 January 19, 2013 | Flag
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Logic is not complete you have to reset pathList every time you get new maxValue. and print all paths when you have finished up traversing whole tree.

- Crazy Tesla January 20, 2013 | Flag
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This problem can be solved by using parent pointer.

- Vincent January 20, 2013 | Flag Reply
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My solution:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class MaxPathTree {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TreeItem root = init();

        List<MaxPath> result = findMaxPath(root);


    private static List<MaxPath> findMaxPath(TreeItem root) {
        int max = 0;

        List<MaxPath> maxPaths = new ArrayList<>();
        if (root.left != null) {
            List<MaxPath> leftPaths = findMaxPath(root.left);
            for (MaxPath maxPath : leftPaths) {
                if (maxPath.sum > max) {
                    max = maxPath.sum;
                } else if (maxPath.sum == max) {
        if (root.right != null) {
            List<MaxPath> rightPaths = findMaxPath(root.right);
            for (MaxPath maxPath : rightPaths) {
                if (maxPath.sum > max) {
                    max = maxPath.sum;
                } else if (maxPath.sum == max) {

        if (maxPaths.size() == 0) {
            MaxPath maxPath = new MaxPath();

        for (MaxPath maxPath : maxPaths) {
            maxPath.sum += root.value;

        return maxPaths;

    private static TreeItem init() {
        TreeItem A = new TreeItem("A", 1);
        TreeItem B = new TreeItem("B", 2);
        TreeItem C = new TreeItem("C", 3);
        TreeItem D = new TreeItem("D", 4);
        TreeItem E = new TreeItem("E", 5);
        TreeItem F = new TreeItem("F", 6);

        A.left = B;
        A.right = C;
        B.left = D;
        B.right = E;
        C.right = F;
        return A;

    public static class MaxPath {
        public int sum;
        public List<TreeItem> path = new ArrayList<>();

    public static class TreeItem {
        public TreeItem left;
        public TreeItem right;
        public int value;
        public String id;

        public TreeItem(String id, int value) {
   = id;
            this.value = value;

        public String toString() {
            return id;


- Igor January 22, 2013 | Flag Reply
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void printList(int arr[], int len, int *maxSum)
int i, sum=0;
	fprintf(stderr,"%d ",arr[i]);
		*maxSum = sum;


allThePaths(struct node *root, int *path, int pathLen, int *maxSum)

if(root == NULL)

path[pathLen] = root->data;
if((!(root->left)) && (!(root->right)))
		allThePaths(root->left, path,pathLen, maxSum);
		allThePaths(root->right, path,pathLen, maxSum);

- drv January 19, 2013 | Flag Reply
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allThePaths(struct node *root, int *path, int pathLen, int *maxSum)

Here *path is actually pointer to array passed from main function.

Do let me know if there is anything wrong or to improve with the code.

- drv January 19, 2013 | Flag
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please read problem statement again . your solution is not doing what is needed.
this is an entirely different problem. do not get confused.

- singhsourabh90 January 19, 2013 | Flag
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1) Find path from root to any node with max sum.

==>This is stored in maxSum passed from main.

2) As there can be many path's find all of them.

==>Traversing all paths are printed..

3) Print all such paths

==> Printing all the paths.

What else ?

- drv January 19, 2013 | Flag
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Who ever voted it down, please take out a few moments to explain what is expected.

- drv January 21, 2013 | Flag

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