Walmart Labs Interview Question for Interns

Country: United States
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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traverse the price sequence ,maintain the minimum price so far,and update the max profit with a[i]-min
time complexity O(n)

int maxProfit(vector<int> &a) 
        if(a.size()==0)return 0;
        int min=a[0];
        int best=0;
        for(int i=1;i<a.size();i++)
            int tmp = a[i]-min;
            best = max(best,tmp);
        return best;

- duckling January 23, 2013 | Flag Reply
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this will not give max profit
consider 4 5 3 6 ur solution give 3
but max profit is 4

- csgeeg January 23, 2013 | Flag
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@Ravisingh .... this is fine actually the array contains the prices not profit/loss and since u can buy only once and then sell it only once the max profit in your example will also be 3 only not 4

@ducking ... this is similar what i was refering to(kandane's algo) however yours will not be consuming any extra space also so its definitely better

- vik January 24, 2013 | Flag
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ravi is right. It will be 4.
buy at 4 sell at 5 then again buy at 3 and sell at 6. total profil=4

Maintain both min(buying point) and max(selling point) over traversal, these are just candidates till either end of data than we can add it to solution set OR
if we get a[i] < min then add current min and max to solution set and update min as a[i] and clear max=0. if a[i] > max, max = a[i] and continue traversal.

The solution set will include list of buying price and linked selling price to max profit.
Total profit = summation(max[i]-min[i]) over solution set

- HInax January 25, 2013 | Flag
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My solution at the end was:

Store difference from each consecutive day in an array of size n-1 (as size of original array is 1). So now we just have to find a continuous sequence of numbers(in the difference array) whose sum is maximum and that would give us max benefit

For instance lets say
original price array = [150 ,149 ,155, 157, 137, 150, 167]
difference price array = [ -1, 6, 2, -20, 13, 17]

So in difference array 1element represent the profit or loss(if -ve) if one buys stock on first day and sells on 2nd day

Now the problem reduces to maximum sum in subarray which can be easily calculated by Kandane's Algo in worst case O(n)

- vik January 23, 2013 | Flag Reply
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i think according to question there is no restriction that user will buy and sell stock in sequence of days

- csgeeg January 23, 2013 | Flag
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yeah the user needs to buy and sell only once.. actually this is what was my ans was at that time

- vik January 24, 2013 | Flag
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Awesome.. This is correct one..

I had similar solution but reducing the problem to maxsubsequence is something I did not think of..

- Pavan July 27, 2013 | Flag
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making it subsequence problem means assumin you buy on day i and sell on day i+1 which in not correct

- kingKode September 27, 2013 | Flag
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First approach: O(n^2)
Global variables : maxProfit, maxSellValue, maxBuyValue
- start from the end , and for each index j(consider it selling value) find the max profit by computing a[j] - a[i] where i < j. Put in maxProfit the max profit found if bigger than maxProfit and store in maxSellValue the value from index j and in maxBuyValue the value from index i.
- return maxSellValue and maxBuyValue.

array = [150 ,149 ,155, 157, 137, 150, 167]

j = 6 : maxProfit = 30 maxSellValue = 167 maxBuyValue = 137
j = 5: the three values are the same
j = 4: the three values are the same
j = 3: the three values are the same
j = 2: the three values are the same
j = 1: the three values are the same
j = 0: the three values are the same

return the three values.

- Kamy January 28, 2013 | Flag Reply
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I think we can even go with 2 variables max and min and iterate through each element of the array and keep track of min and max until at each index. And at the end return min and max.

This would cost O(n) time and O(1) space.

- Kamy January 28, 2013 | Flag
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We have to find min first and a max after such that max - min = maxprofit .This can be done in O(n). while traversing start with first price as min, keep going forward , if you find a lower number then update min. If you find higher number than min, update max and maxprofit using curent min and max. whenever u find a new min after a max has been identified then update the min and reset the max. repeat. always update maxprofit any better poitns are found. this should work for all cases . (assuming prices are not -ve ofcourse)

case of 15,25,10,30. ans shud be 10,30

- tryingtosolvemystery August 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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will it work for this one?

150, 153,139,140,129

- ns August 20, 2013 | Flag
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Lets the price process is N{1,...n}
create another array M{1,...,n-1} where M[i] is the maximum element in array N[i+1,...,n]; require O(n)
calculate max(M[i]-N[i]) where i start with 1 and end at n-1
and output this max.
complexity O(n)+O(n)

- sonesh January 23, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Use a sliding window of x < N days. Calculate mean of these prices and then with each day slide the window to right by one i.e. take mean of next x numbers. If price is moving over the mean of last x days then buy and if it is going below that sell.

- awasthi.manoj January 23, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Profit[size] = {0}
Min{size] = {0}
profit[0] = 0;
Min[0] = price[0];
for ( i = 1; i < n; i++) {
   if (price[i] < Min[i-1]) {
      Min[i-1] = price[i];
   else {
      Min[i] = Min[i-1];
   profit[i] = price[i] - Min[i];

- Anonymous January 23, 2013 | Flag Reply
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int getProfit(int arr[], int len)
	int count = 0, profit = 0, buy_val = 0;

	for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
		if(arr[i] <= arr[i+1])
			buy_val += arr[i];
		else if(count)
			count = count * arr[i];
			profit += (count - buy_val);
			count = 0;
			buy_val = 0;

	return profit;

- Nikin Kumar Jain February 20, 2013 | Flag Reply
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1- Start from the end, and keep max
find Minima in the array
diff = max - min

- Move to next, if > max then repeat 1

- iA May 17, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Following the simplest solution I can think of:

public Integer findBestStockBuySellPointsSimple(List<Integer> list) {
		Integer currentMin, tempMin, currentMax, currentMaxProfit = 0;
		tempMin = currentMin = currentMax = list.get(0);
		for (Integer price : list) {
			if (price < tempMin) 
				tempMin = price;

			if (price - tempMin > currentMaxProfit) {
				currentMin = tempMin;
				currentMax = price;
                                currentMaxProfit = currentMax - currentMin;
		return currentMaxProfit;

1 - Remember the last lowest price.
2 - If the difference to the current price is bigger than my last
maximum you got a new maximum profit.

- gonzo July 22, 2013 | Flag Reply
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public class BuySellProblem {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int tempProfit=0;
        int commitProfit=0;
        int tempBuy=0;
        int tempSell=0;
        int commitBuy=0;
        int commitSell=0;

        int[] input = {110 ,149 ,137, 147, 148, 151, 100};

        for (int i = 0,j=1; j < input.length; i++,j++) {

            int tempDiff=input[j]-input[i];

                if(commitProfit==0 &&commitBuy==0&&commitSell==0){


               if( commitSell<tempSell)

                if(commitProfit==0 &&commitBuy==0&&commitSell==0){

                if( commitSell<tempSell)








- sriman2k September 25, 2013 | Flag Reply
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public static void printMaxRange(int[] a){ //Stock numbers increasing sell & buy
		int currMax = 0;
		int prevMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
		int start = 0;
		int end = 0;
		int prevElement = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
			if(a[i] < prevElement){
				currMax = a[end] - a[start];
				if(currMax > prevMax){
					prevMax = currMax;
				start = i;
				end = i;
			else if(i == a.length-1 && a[i] > prevElement){
				currMax = a[i] - a[start];
				if(currMax > prevMax)
					prevMax = currMax;
				end = i;
			else if(a[i] > prevElement){
				end = i; 
			prevElement = a[i];
		//prevMax = currMax;
		System.out.println("Max Profit : " + prevMax);
		System.out.println("Range Start : " + start);
		System.out.println("Range End : " + end);

- Udayakumar June 27, 2014 | Flag Reply
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public class MaximizeStockProfit {
private static final long[] GIVEN_SAMPLE=new long[] {44,43,46,54,20,43,45,48,41,45,50};

public static void main(String[] args){
int currentIndexMin = 0;
int currentIndexMax = 0;
boolean lookForNewMax=false;
boolean lookForNewMin=true;
boolean captureData=false;

int minIndex=currentIndexMin;
int maxIndex=currentIndexMin;

int i=0;

boolean shouldIncrement=true;

if(lookForNewMax && (GIVEN_SAMPLE[i]>GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMax])){

} else if( lookForNewMax && GIVEN_SAMPLE[i]<GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMax] ) {


if(captureData || i==GIVEN_SAMPLE.length-1 ) {
if((GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMax] - GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMin] >GIVEN_SAMPLE[maxIndex] - GIVEN_SAMPLE[minIndex])
(GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMax] - GIVEN_SAMPLE[minIndex] >GIVEN_SAMPLE[maxIndex] - GIVEN_SAMPLE[minIndex])){
minIndex=(GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMin]<=GIVEN_SAMPLE[minIndex])? currentIndexMin:minIndex;
if(lookForNewMin && GIVEN_SAMPLE[i]<GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMin]){
} else if(lookForNewMin && GIVEN_SAMPLE[i]>GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMin] ) {
if(shouldIncrement) ++i;

System.out.println("Buy on day ["+(minIndex+1)+"] at price ["+GIVEN_SAMPLE[minIndex]+"], and sell on day ["+(maxIndex+1)+"] at price ["+GIVEN_SAMPLE[maxIndex]+"]");
} else {
System.out.println("You can't make money on this stock with long strategy. Try shorting it.");

- Imperialist May 23, 2015 | Flag Reply
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public class MaximizeStockProfit {
	private static final long[] GIVEN_SAMPLE=new long[] {44,43,46,54,20,43,45,48,41,45,50};
	public static void main(String[] args){
		int currentIndexMin = 0;
		int currentIndexMax = 0;
		boolean lookForNewMax=false;
		boolean lookForNewMin=true;
		boolean captureData=false;
		int minIndex=currentIndexMin;
		int maxIndex=currentIndexMin;
		int i=0;
			boolean shouldIncrement=true;
			if(lookForNewMax && (GIVEN_SAMPLE[i]>GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMax])){
			} else if( lookForNewMax && GIVEN_SAMPLE[i]<GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMax] ) {
			if(captureData  || i==GIVEN_SAMPLE.length-1 ) {
				if((GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMax] - GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMin] >GIVEN_SAMPLE[maxIndex] - GIVEN_SAMPLE[minIndex]) 
				(GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMax] - GIVEN_SAMPLE[minIndex] >GIVEN_SAMPLE[maxIndex] - GIVEN_SAMPLE[minIndex])){
					minIndex=(GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMin]<=GIVEN_SAMPLE[minIndex])? currentIndexMin:minIndex;
			if(lookForNewMin && GIVEN_SAMPLE[i]<GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMin]){
			} else if(lookForNewMin && GIVEN_SAMPLE[i]>GIVEN_SAMPLE[currentIndexMin] ) {
			if(shouldIncrement) ++i;
			System.out.println("Buy on day ["+(minIndex+1)+"] at price ["+GIVEN_SAMPLE[minIndex]+"], and sell on day ["+(maxIndex+1)+"] at price ["+GIVEN_SAMPLE[maxIndex]+"]");
		} else {
			System.out.println("You can't make money on this stock with long strategy. Try shorting it.");

Time complexity O(n)

- Imperialist May 23, 2015 | Flag Reply

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