Bloomberg LP Yahoo Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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Explains the solution, which solves in O(n) time.

- lohith May 10, 2009 | Flag Reply
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int MaxSubArray(int *a, int size, int &from, int &to)
int sum = 0, maxSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
sum += a[i];
if (sum >maxSum) {
maxSum = sum;
else if (sum < 0) {
sum = 0;
return maxSum;

- K2G April 12, 2009 | Flag Reply
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cant get better than this one... this is the best... i tried it

public final class MaxSumTest
static private int seqStart = 0;
static private int seqEnd = -1;

public static int maxSubSum3( int [ ] a )
int maxSum = 0;
int thisSum = 0;

for( int i = 0, j = 0; j < a.length; j++ )
thisSum += a[ j ];

if( thisSum > maxSum )
maxSum = thisSum;
seqStart = i;
seqEnd = j;
else if( thisSum < 0 )
i = j + 1;
thisSum = 0;

return maxSum;
public static void main( String [ ] args )
int a[ ] = { 4, -3, 5, -2, -1, 2, 6, -2 };
int maxSum;

maxSum = maxSubSum3( a );
System.out.println( "Max sum is " + maxSum + "; it goes"
+ " from " + seqStart + " to " + seqEnd );


- Anonymous March 02, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Would this work the same for a 2dimensional array

- Tam May 20, 2010 | Flag
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Can you give more explanation or example?

- Anonymous April 12, 2009 | Flag Reply
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this is code that answers for all possible test cases.

class X
static int max=Integer.MIN_VALUE;
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception
int f1=0,t1=0,frm=0,to,i,j,len,sum;

BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
System.out.println("enter length of array");
len=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());int[] arr=new int[len];

System.out.println("max is "+max);
System.out.println("start index"+f1);
System.out.println("end index"+t1);

- saumils1987 August 13, 2010 | Flag
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Please find O(N) algorithm

public void subSeqSum(int[] numbers){
int start=-1;
int end=-1;
int total = 0;
int bufftotal = 0;
int buffstart = -1;
int buffend = -1;

for(int i=0 ; i<numbers.length ; i++){
if(numbers[i] >=0 && start == -1){
start = i;
end = i;
total += numbers[i];
else if(numbers[i] > 0){
end = i;
total += numbers[i];
else if (numbers[i]<0 && (numbers[i]+total) > 0){
if(total > bufftotal){
bufftotal = total;
buffstart = start;
buffend = end;
end = i;
total += numbers[i];
if(total > bufftotal){
bufftotal = total;
buffstart = start;
buffend = end;
total = 0;
start = -1;
end = -1;

if(total > bufftotal){
System.out.println("Total:" + total + " Start:" + start + " End:" + end);
System.out.println("Total:" + bufftotal + " Start:" + buffstart + " End:" + buffend);

- Sudharshan February 01, 2013 | Flag
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Array: consecutive memory locations
sub_array: size less than original array (atleast one less)
+ Find all possible sub arrays within the given array
+ Compute the sum of each possible sub array
+ Find the max among the sum of all subarrays

If the array was filled with both positive and negative nos, then we have to compute the sum of all possible subarrays. One way to look at this is to collect all subarray sums from each position.

Ex 1: 3 7 1 8 4

3 7
3 7 1
3 7 1 8

7 1
7 1 8
7 1 8 4

1 8
1 8 4

8 4


So, to add code to do the above, leads us to:

max_sum_end_pos = 0;

for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
	sum[i] = 0
	end = (i==0)?(n-1):(n);

	for (j=i; j<end; j++) {		            
		sum += a[j];
		if (sum > max_sum) {	
			max_sum = sum;
			max_sum_start_pos = i;		
			max_sum_end_pos = j;		

Obviously, the abobe algorithm is O(n^2). The minimum time possible is O(n) as all the elements have to be visited atleast once. So, the next step is to come up with an algorithm that is O(n).

- sk_seeker April 13, 2009 | Flag Reply
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Algorithm by K2G does the same thing in O(n).
it gives u max sum and start and end position of sub sequence.
If all the nos are positive then max sum sub sequence include all elements ie starts from 0 to end.

- Anonymous April 13, 2009 | Flag
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Thanks. I wanted to try on my own :-)

I seem to have one working algorithm, hand tested against a couple of test arrays. But, my algorithm is not as neat as K2G's algorithm.

But, a minor tweak is needed for K2Gs code for the test array: -1, -2, -3, -4, -5. Since max_sum is 0 to start with, an all -ve array with the highest value in index 0 does not seem to work. Lemme know what you think.

- sk_seeker April 14, 2009 | Flag
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This solution doesnt work wen the sum never goes below zero , for e.g. for the list 4 2 -1 -2 6 , 'from' is never initialized. From needs to be given a value of zero before the for loop i guess.

- Akanksha April 17, 2009 | Flag
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O(N) Solution

public void subSeqSum(int[] numbers){
int start=-1;
int end=-1;
int total = 0;
int bufftotal = 0;
int buffstart = -1;
int buffend = -1;

for(int i=0 ; i<numbers.length ; i++){
if(numbers[i] >=0 && start == -1){
start = i;
end = i;
total += numbers[i];
else if(numbers[i] > 0){
end = i;
total += numbers[i];
else if (numbers[i]<0 && (numbers[i]+total) > 0){
if(total > bufftotal){
bufftotal = total;
buffstart = start;
buffend = end;
end = i;
total += numbers[i];
if(total > bufftotal){
bufftotal = total;
buffstart = start;
buffend = end;
total = 0;
start = -1;
end = -1;

if(total > bufftotal){
System.out.println("Total:" + total + " Start:" + start + " End:" + end);
System.out.println("Total:" + bufftotal + " Start:" + buffstart + " End:" + buffend);

- Sudharshan February 01, 2013 | Flag
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This problem is explored in great detail in programming pearls.. sure there is a linear solution and I guess K2G's solution can be refined to get the correct program

- prolificcoder April 17, 2009 | Flag Reply
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This problem is explored in great detail in programming pearls.. sure there is a linear solution and I guess K2G's solution can be refined to get the correct program

- prolificcoder April 17, 2009 | Flag Reply
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Maximum sum of the sub array can be done in number of ways depending on the time complexity needed, the space constraint and preprocessing allowed.

It can be done in a straight forward way by adding the positive numbers as you see them. Then once you see a negative number, start adding the negative numbers and store the positive number as temp_max. At the end of the negative number run,see if the sum of negative number hurts or adds to the temp_max. If it hurts, exclude the negative number else add to temp_max. Continue until you see all the numbers. A separate bookkeeping variable for positions is required. The time is O(n).

It can also be done using a Dynamic Programming approach, where the core recursive solution consists of storing the value of maximum sum seen so far for each number. Everytime you see another number, the decision involves either taking the number to increase the previous sum or not. However this approach requires O(n^2).

It can be done in O(n) by converting the numbers into nodes, the edges become the weight of the number. Add a dummy source which links to all the nodes via a weighted edge where the weight is the number is itself. (s->1 has an edge weight 1). Add a dummy destination, which links to all the nodes except the source via an edge weight of 0. Now the problem reduces to finding the Longest Path in the Directed Acyclic Graph.

- kunjaan May 17, 2009 | Flag Reply
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In the kadane's algorithm, can anyone tell me how to print the start and end of that maximum subarray.

- Anonymous August 02, 2009 | Flag Reply
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Its actually very simple... I am posting here the full code I made that prints indices and the sum.


int max(int a, int b){
	return (a>b)?(a):(b);
void maxmaxsubarray(int a[], int n){
	int from, to;
	int max_so_far, max_ending_here, i;
	max_so_far = max_ending_here = 0;
		max_ending_here = max(0, max_ending_here + a[i]);
		if(max_ending_here + a[i] > max_so_far)
			to = i;
		else if(max_ending_here + a[i] < 0)
			from = i+1;
		max_so_far = max(max_so_far, max_ending_here);
	printf("max subarray from indices %d to %d and the sum is %d\n", from, to, max_so_far);
int main(){
	int i, n, array[100];
	scanf("%d", &n);
		scanf("%d", &array[i]);
	maxmaxsubarray(array, n);
	return 0;

- Ankit Gupta August 02, 2009 | Flag
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ankit gupta's code but a bit modified and made simpler to understand, and yes in python:

def max_subarray(A):
    max_so_far = max_ending_here = 0
    for x in A:
        max_ending_here = max(0, max_ending_here + x)
        max_so_far = max(max_so_far, max_ending_here)
        print  max_ending_here, max_so_far
    return max_so_far

if __name__ == "__main__":
    B = [2, -3, 10, -8, 9, -4, 1, -7]
    print max_subarray(B)

- desiNerd August 07, 2009 | Flag Reply
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what about {-1,-3,-2,-1,-4}

the code will give 0.

- huan August 23, 2009 | Flag Reply
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Code given by Ankit Gupta is incorrect. It will give correct value of sum as the code has been taken from Programming Pearls. However,it gives wrong values of from and to.
Ex {8,10,-10,-7,1,25}
Maxsum: 27  from = 4 & to = 5.. 
It should have been from = 0 and to = 5

- Himanshu Govil November 17, 2009 | Flag Reply
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understand the problem first ... if u r just adding up all the elements of array and giving the output why do u think all this mess.
In a maximum sum subsequence, the length of the subsequence shud be less than the size of the array atleast by 1. u cannot consider the whole array as subsequence will just be the given sequence right :P
the program by ankit is perfect.

- someone November 04, 2012 | Flag
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This can be another solution to same problem

typedef struct index_details
int start;
int end;
int sum;
} index_details_t;

index_details_t * __mmaxsub(int start,int end,int arr[],index_details_t *__mindexinfo)
int i;
int sum=0,max_sum = arr[start];;

sum += arr[i];
if(max_sum < sum)
__mindexinfo->start = start;
__mindexinfo->sum = sum;
max_sum = sum;
return __mindexinfo;

#define MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 9

int main()
index_details_t indexinfo[2] = {{0,0,0},{0,0,0}};
int numarr[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] = {-2,1,-3,4,-1,2,1,-5,4};
int i;
int sum = 0, max_sum = numarr[0];


if(max_sum < indexinfo[1].sum)
indexinfo[0].start = indexinfo[1].start;
indexinfo[0].sum = indexinfo[1].sum;
max_sum = indexinfo[1].sum;

printf("\n Max Subarray \n");

printf("\t %d",numarr[i]);

printf("\n Done \n");
return 0;

- Manoj December 10, 2009 | Flag Reply
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easy one , get Cumlative sum , put zero where it is -ve , in second step start finding MAX ,

- nks December 18, 2009 | Flag Reply
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Best way is to load the entire array into a graph & assign each element of the array as the weight of an edge. So, the graph will have n edges & n+1 vertices (where n is the number of elements in the array). Now, find the longest path in this graph. It is not easy to find the longest path in a graph (unlike shortest path). We need to design some efficient algorithm.

- Helper December 18, 2009 | Flag Reply
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What if all the numbers are negative?

- Anonymous December 19, 2009 | Flag Reply
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It means you didn't read the question properly.

- Anonymous December 20, 2009 | Flag
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- Mahesh February 09, 2010 | Flag
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Hi, I am new to this interview type question.

This problem is solvable with Interval tree in O(NlogN). I don't think any O(N) solution exists for this.

- Imran December 27, 2009 | Flag Reply
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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
//Array containing the integers
int array[]= {-2, 1,-3, 4,-1,2,1,-5,4,2,-17,9,-2,4, 5, -4};
int total = 0;
int start = 0;
int finish = 0;
int highest = 0;
int tempstart = 0;
for(int i=0;i <=sizeof(array)/sizeof(int) - 1; i++)
total = total + array[i];
total = total < 0 ? 0: total;
if(total <= 0)
tempstart = i+1;
highest = highest < total ? total:highest;
if(total >= highest)
start = tempstart;
finish = i;
cout<<"from "<<start<<" to "<<finish<<" Produce:- "<<highest<<endl;
return 0;

- Grub February 04, 2010 | Flag Reply
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cant get better than this one... this is the best... i tried it

public final class MaxSumTest
static private int seqStart = 0;
static private int seqEnd = -1;

public static int maxSubSum3( int [ ] a )
int maxSum = 0;
int thisSum = 0;

for( int i = 0, j = 0; j < a.length; j++ )
thisSum += a[ j ];

if( thisSum > maxSum )
maxSum = thisSum;
seqStart = i;
seqEnd = j;
else if( thisSum < 0 )
i = j + 1;
thisSum = 0;

return maxSum;
public static void main( String [ ] args )
int a[ ] = { 4, -3, 5, -2, -1, 2, 6, -2 };
int maxSum;

maxSum = maxSubSum3( a );
System.out.println( "Max sum is " + maxSum + "; it goes"
+ " from " + seqStart + " to " + seqEnd );


- clrs March 02, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Finds the Sub-Array of any size with Maximum sum.


A===>Array In which SubArray To Find

n===>Size of Array

pk===>Pointer to k which give lower index of sub-array

pl===>Pointer to l which give upper index of sub-array

Returns the sum of sub-array

int LargestSum(int * A,int n,int* pk,int* pl)
*pk = *pl = 0;
int sum = 0;
int maxsum = 1<<31;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
sum += A[i];
if(maxsum < sum){
maxsum = sum;
*pl = i;
else if(sum < 0){
sum = 0;

int j = *pl;
int temp = maxsum;
temp = temp - A[j];

*pk = j + 1;
return maxsum;

- jk March 04, 2010 | Flag Reply
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This one solves K2G's bug on index "from".

- will October 24, 2010 | Flag
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For what it matters, here my O(n) linear programming solution


using namespace std;

void findMaxSub(int *a, int count) {
	if (count == 1 || count == 0) {
		cout << "Trivial case";

	int sum[count];
	sum[0] = a[0];
	int start = 0;
	int startmax = 0;
	int endmax = 0;
	int max = a[0];

	for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
		if (sum[i - 1] <= 0) {
			//Largest sum of previous elements is zero or negative
			sum[i] = a[i];
			start = i;
		} else {
			sum[i] = a[i] + sum[i - 1];

		//Check if new max
		if (sum[i] > max) {
			max = sum[i];
			endmax = i;
			startmax = start;

	cout << startmax << " " << endmax << " " << max << endl;

int main() {
	int a[] = { -111, -9, -8, 7, -2, -3, 4, 5, 7, -6 };

	findMaxSub(a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(int));

- sascha March 14, 2010 | Flag Reply
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meant dynamic programming of course, not linear programming

- Anonymous March 14, 2010 | Flag
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#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

int max_of(int first, int second)
   return first > second ? first : second;

      int main()

          int a[] = {1, -2, -3, 4, 5, 7, -6};
          int max_so_far = 0;
          int max_now_here = 0;
          for(int i=0; i<6;i++)
            max_now_here = max(0, max_now_here + a[i]);
            max_so_far = max(max_so_far , max_now_here);

          cout<< "The max sum is : "<< max_so_far;

        return 0;


- chethanjs March 17, 2010 | Flag Reply
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int array[10]= { -111, -9, -8, 7, -2, -3, 4, 5, 7, -6};

int max = -99999;
int curSum = 0;

int a=0 , b =0, s=0, i = 0;

for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
curSum += array[i];

if ( curSum > max )
max = curSum;
a = s;
b = i;

curSum = 0;
s = i + 1;

s = i;

printf("Sum-> %d s=%d f=%d\n",max,a,b);
return 0;

- raja roy August 18, 2010 | Flag Reply
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public static int[] maxSubsequence(int[] A) {
int start = 0, end = 0;
int startPrev = 0, endPrev = 0;
int sum = 0;
int preSum = 0;
boolean restart = false;
for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
if (restart) {
restart = false;
start = i;
sum = 0;

if (A[i] >= 0) {
sum += A[i];
end = i;
if (i == A.length - 1) {
if (sum > preSum) {
preSum = sum;
startPrev = start;
endPrev = end;
} else {
restart = true;
if (sum > preSum) {
preSum = sum;
startPrev = start;
endPrev = end;
int[] ret = new int[]{startPrev, endPrev};
return null;

- Charles November 09, 2011 | Flag Reply
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int MaxSum(const vector<int>& v, int& start, int& end)
   int max = v[0];
   int sum = v[0];
   int j;
   start = 0;
   end = 0;
   for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); ++i)
      if (sum > 0) {
         sum += v[i];
      } else {
         sum = v[i];
         j = i;
      if (sum > max) {
        max = sum;
        end = i;
        start = j;
   return max;

- seek January 23, 2012 | Flag Reply
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time complexity is O(n), classical dynamic programming problem

- seek January 23, 2012 | Flag
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public class Subarray {

private int startIndex;
private int endIndex;
private int maxSum = 0;

public void getSubArraySum(int[] a)
int thisSum = 0;
for(int i=0, j=0; j<a.length; j++)
thisSum = thisSum + a[j];
if(thisSum > maxSum)
maxSum = thisSum;
startIndex = i;
endIndex = j;
maxSum = 0;

public static void main(String args[])
Subarray subArr = new Subarray();
int[] a = {1, -2, 5, -2, 4, 5, 2};

- Khushboo April 23, 2012 | Flag Reply
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public static int findMaxSubArray(int[] array)
int max=0,cumulativeSum=0,i=0,start=0,end=0,savepoint=0;

System.out.println("Max : "+max+" Start indices : "+savepoint+" end indices : "+end);
return max;


- Amit Veerani July 23, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Here's my JavaScript O(n) implementation

function find_maximum_subsequence(seq) {
	var result, lower_idx, upper_idx, max_sum, working_sum, i;

	max_sum = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < seq.length; i++) {
		if (seq[i] > 0) {
			lower_idx = i;
			working_sum = seq[i];

			while (i < seq.length && seq[i] > 0) {
				working_sum += seq[i];

			if (working_sum > max_sum) {
				max_sum = working_sum;
				upper_idx = i - 1;

	if (lower_idx && upper_idx) {
		result = {
			lower_idx: lower_idx,
			upper_idx: upper_idx,
			sum: max_sum
	} else {
		result = false;

	return result;

console.log(find_maximum_subsequence([1, -2, -3, 4, 5, 7, -6]));

- Charlie Murray June 30, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Assuming input is an integer array 'a' and there is atleast 1 +ve number. This is O(n) algorithm

int max=0, start=0, end=0, sum=0
for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++){
	if(sum < 0 )
	else if (sum>max){

- Yash August 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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There is a simple solution.

int maxSum (int [] a) {
  int sum = 0;
  int max = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
    sum += a[i];
    if (max < sum) {
      max = sum;
    } else if (sum < 0) {
      sum = 0;
   return max;

- Liam October 18, 2013 | Flag Reply
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int array[] -> given array;
int maxval, startindex,endindex;
for(int i = 0;i<n;i++)
if(a[i] > 0)
{  for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++)
   { if(a[j] > 0)
      { max[i] += a[j] ;
      else break;

sort max[] according to increasing order and we have solution in the last element ... vola!!!

- Deric December 17, 2013 | Flag Reply
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- Wellwisher March 26, 2014 | Flag Reply
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int max_sub_seq_sum(int* arr, int n, int &start, int &end)
	int curr_sum = 0, max_sum = 0;
	int curr_start = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if (curr_start == -1)
			curr_start = i;

		curr_sum += arr[i];

		if (curr_sum < 0)
			curr_sum = 0;
			curr_start = -1;
		if (curr_sum > max_sum)
			max_sum = curr_sum;
			start = curr_start;
			end = i;

	return max_sum;


- Anonymous October 02, 2014 | Flag Reply
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What if the input is {5,15,-30,1,-5,40,10}. It will print 50 instead of 55 {1, -5, 40, 10}. help please?

- CodeFreak October 18, 2014 | Flag Reply
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public void findLargestSum(int[] B){
int[] B = {1, -2, -3, 4, 5, 7, -6};
int startIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
int maxTotal = 0;
int tempTotal = 0;

for(int i=0;i<B.length;i++){
for(int j=i;j<B.length;j++){
tempTotal = tempTotal + B[j];
endIndex = j;
startIndex = i;
tempTotal = 0;
System.out.println("MaxTotal is : "+maxTotal);
System.out.println("Start Index is : "+startIndex);
System.out.println("End Index is : "+endIndex);


- Ankit Srivastava October 26, 2014 | Flag Reply
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What if all the numbers are negative?

- Anonymouse February 28, 2017 | Flag Reply

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Most engineers make critical mistakes on their resumes -- we can fix your resume with our custom resume review service. And, we use fellow engineers as our resume reviewers, so you can be sure that we "get" what you're saying.

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Mock Interviews

Our Mock Interviews will be conducted "in character" just like a real interview, and can focus on whatever topics you want. All our interviewers have worked for Microsoft, Google or Amazon, you know you'll get a true-to-life experience.

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