Flipkart Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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do the same as breadth first traversal using Queue while keeping track of levels. While popping from Queue,whenever the level changes, toggle between directly popping from Queue and inserting the popped element into a stack. When the level changes again, empty the stack.

- Anonymous October 14, 2010 | Flag Reply
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I am thinking in the same lines.
Rather than adding it to a stack, why not try this..
We are keeping track of the levels anyways. So lets use it.

push right child
push left child
else if(height%2==0)
push left child
push right child

This avoids the usage of the stack. please let me know what u guys think about my solution.

- Anonymous November 10, 2010 | Flag
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Dude when you push (right,left) into the queue.Right will be at the front whereas for the next enqueue you need the left element first.

- Geek July 03, 2011 | Flag
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Use two stacks. When popping a node from stack 1, expand it from right child to left child, and the children should be pushed into stack 2; For stack 2, its the other way around. As init, A can be pushed in stack 1. Print the children when expending.

- careercuper October 14, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Do Breadthfirstsearch and put the values in the queue by right child first and then the left child. (Meaning adding children from right to left)

- kannanvijay November 14, 2010 | Flag Reply
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The code is similar to the one in which a line has to be inserted doing bfs. Thinking on the same lines u require an additional stack and a variable level to keep track of the level of the tree..

void printNodes (Node *temp)
    Queue q;
    Stack s;
    int level = 0, current_level, next_level, next_level_temp;

    if (temp != 0)
        q.enqueue (temp);
        level = 1;
        current_level = 1;
        next_level = 0;
        while (!q.isEmpty ())
            if (current_level == 0)
                if (level % 2 == 0)         //print the even levels backwards
                    for (int i = 0; i < next_level_temp; i++)
                        temp = s.pop ();
                        cout<< temp->data;
                if (level % 2)           
                  next_level_temp = next_level;  //No of nodes to print in next level
                current_level = next_level;
                next_level = 0;
                cout<<" ";
            temp = q.dequeue ();
            if (temp->left)
                q.enqueue (temp->left);
            if (temp->right)
                q.enqueue (temp->right);
            if (level % 2)
                cout<<temp->data;    //print if the level is odd
                s.push (temp);       //push on the stack if the level is even

- Siraj December 11, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Using same algorithm we do for Level Order traversal using queue . here we will use an extra stack that get be filled in even case and then pop out so then we can get it printed backwards

using namespace std;

typedef struct nn {
    int data;
    struct nn *left;
    struct nn *right;    

node *insert(node *start, int data) {
     if(start == NULL) {
         node * p = new node;     
         p->data = data;
         p->left = NULL;
         p->right = NULL;
         start = p;     
     else if(start->data > data)
         start->left = insert(start->left,data);
         start->right = insert(start->right,data);
    return start;         

void printInOrder(node *start) {
     if(start) {
         cout << start->data << " ";

void printLevelOrderSpiralIterative(node *start) {
     queue<node*> levelOrder;
     stack<int> levelStack;
     int nullCount = 1;
     while(levelOrder.size() > 0) {
           node *start = levelOrder.front();
           if(start != NULL) {
              if(nullCount % 2) cout << start->data << " ";
           else {
              if(levelOrder.front() != NULL) {
                 if(nullCount % 2) {
                      while(levelStack.size()) {
                           cout << levelStack.top()<< " ";
                 cout << endl;
           if(start->left) levelOrder.push(start->left); 
           if(start->right) levelOrder.push(start->right);

int main() {
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    node *start = NULL;
    while(n != -1) {
        start = insert(start,n);
        cin >> n;    

- Manish Agarwal January 02, 2011 | Flag Reply
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You have to maintain a QUEQUE and STACK.
Starting from the ROOT node put it into QUEQUE and now delete element from the QUEQUE ,print them and put there neighbours into STACK till QUEQUE is empty. Again starting
from STACK take element from it and print them and put their neighbours into QUEQUE.
till STACK is empty.

DO it till we have both the QUEUE And STACK is empty

- kamal pushpad May 06, 2011 | Flag Reply
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head = end =0;
h = height(root);
for i = 1 to h
CreateList(root, i, ((i%2)==0));

void CreateList(tree, d, front)
if (!tree) return;
if (d==1) {
AddToList(tree, front);
} else if (d>1) {
CreateList(root->left, d-1, front);
CreateList(root->right, d-1, front);
void AddToList(n, front) {
if (!head) head = n;
if (!end) {
end = n;
if (front) {
n->next = head;
head = n;
} else {
end->next = n;
end = n;

- Anonymous October 19, 2011 | Flag Reply
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head = end =0;
h = height(root);
for i = 1 to h
  CreateList(root, i, ((i%2)==0));

void CreateList(tree, d, front)
  if (!tree) return;
  if (d==1) {
    AddToList(tree, front);
  } else if (d>1) {
    CreateList(root->left, d-1, front);
    CreateList(root->right, d-1, front);
void AddToList(n, front) {
  if (!head) head = n;
  if (!end) {
    end = n;
  if (front) {
    n->next = head;
    head = n;
  } else {
    end->next = n;
    end = n;

- Anonymous October 19, 2011 | Flag Reply
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above was incorrect. correct one is:

head = 0;
h = height(root);
for i = 1 to h
  CreateList(root, i, ((i%2)==0));

void CreateList(tree, d, even)
 if (!tree) return;
 if (d==1) {
  AddToList(tree, front);
 } else if (d>1) {
  if (even) {
   CreateList(root->left, d-1, even);
   CreateList(root->right, d-1, even);
  } else {
   CreateList(root->right, d-1, even);
   CreateList(root->left, d-1, even);
void AddToList(n) {
  if (!head) head = nextNode = n;
  else {
   NODE* nn = new NODE(n->data); 
   nextNode->next = nn;
   nextNode = nn;

- Anonymous October 20, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Please check the pseudo code and comment
push all elements from stack to Q;//using stackpointer
push in stack;//left & right
push in queue;//left & right


- Ankur May 12, 2012 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.Stack;

public class ZigZagTraversal {

	class BinaryTree {
		public Character value;
		public BinaryTree left = null, right = null;

		public BinaryTree(Character value) {
			this.value = value;


	public void doZigZagTraversal(BinaryTree root) {
		if (root == null)
		Boolean pushInReverseOrder = false;
		Stack<BinaryTree> currentLevelVisitStore = new Stack<>();
		Stack<BinaryTree> nextLevelVisitStore = new Stack<>();
		while (!currentLevelVisitStore.isEmpty()) {
			BinaryTree node = currentLevelVisitStore.pop();
			if (node != null) {
				System.out.print(node.value + " ");
				if (pushInReverseOrder) {
					if (node.right != null)
					if (node.left != null)
				} else {
					if (node.left != null)
					if (node.right != null)
			if (currentLevelVisitStore.isEmpty()) {
				Stack<BinaryTree> levelChangeSwapPointer = currentLevelVisitStore;
				currentLevelVisitStore = nextLevelVisitStore;
				nextLevelVisitStore = levelChangeSwapPointer;
				pushInReverseOrder = !pushInReverseOrder;
				System.out.print(" "); // just to highlight the change in order of printing. 

	public static void main(String args[]) {
		ZigZagTraversal zzt = new ZigZagTraversal();
		BinaryTree bt = zzt.new BinaryTree('A');

		bt.left = zzt.new BinaryTree('B');
		bt.right = zzt.new BinaryTree('C');

		bt.left.left = zzt.new BinaryTree('D');
		bt.left.right = zzt.new BinaryTree('E');

		bt.right.left = zzt.new BinaryTree('F');
		bt.right.right = zzt.new BinaryTree('G');

		bt.left.left.left = zzt.new BinaryTree('H');
		bt.left.left.right = zzt.new BinaryTree('I');

		bt.left.right.left = zzt.new BinaryTree('J');



- CyberJockey June 24, 2012 | Flag Reply
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The above code was having some compilation error,removed that

import java.util.Stack;

class BinaryTree {
public Character value;
public BinaryTree left = null, right = null;

public BinaryTree(Character value) {
this.value = value;


public class ZigZagTra1 {

public static void doZigZagTraversal(BinaryTree root) {
if (root == null)
Boolean pushInReverseOrder = false;
Stack<BinaryTree> currentLevelVisitStore = new Stack<BinaryTree>();
Stack<BinaryTree> nextLevelVisitStore = new Stack<BinaryTree>();
while (!currentLevelVisitStore.isEmpty()) {
BinaryTree node = currentLevelVisitStore.pop();
if (node != null) {
System.out.print(node.value + " ");
if (pushInReverseOrder) {
if (node.right != null)
if (node.left != null)
} else {
if (node.left != null)
if (node.right != null)
if (currentLevelVisitStore.isEmpty()) {
Stack<BinaryTree> levelChangeSwapPointer = currentLevelVisitStore;
currentLevelVisitStore = nextLevelVisitStore;
nextLevelVisitStore = levelChangeSwapPointer;
pushInReverseOrder = !pushInReverseOrder;
System.out.print(" "); // just to highlight the change in order
// of printing.

public static void main(String args[]) {
ZigZagTraversal zzt = new ZigZagTraversal();
BinaryTree bt = new BinaryTree('A');

bt.left = new BinaryTree('B');
bt.right = new BinaryTree('C');

bt.left.left = new BinaryTree('D');
bt.left.right = new BinaryTree('E');

bt.right.left = new BinaryTree('F');
bt.right.right = new BinaryTree('G');

bt.left.left.left = new BinaryTree('H');
bt.left.left.right = new BinaryTree('I');

bt.left.right.left = new BinaryTree('J');



- justCoder October 17, 2012 | Flag

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