Facebook Interview Question for SDE-2s

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Same DP approach as kkr.ashish above:
F(n+1,k) = min(F(n,k-1), F(n-1,k-1)+dist(a(n),a(n+1)), F(n-2,k-1)+dist(a(n+1),a(n),a(n-1)

where dist(a(n),a(n+1)...) represents the minimum distance to group a(n),a(n+1)... into a partition.

Overall complexity is O(k*n^3) since each dist() takes O(n).

class GroupPartitioning {
	public static int minMoves(int[] arr, int k) {
		int n = arr.length;
		int min[][] = new int[n][k+1];
		for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
			min[i][0] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
			for(int j=1; j<=k; j++) {
				min[i][j] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
				for(int a=i; a>=j-1; a--) {
					int dist;
					if(a-1 >= 0) {
						if(min[a-1][j-1] == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
						dist = min[a-1][j-1];
					} else {
						dist = 0;
					dist += minDist(arr, a, i);
					if(dist < min[i][j])
						min[i][j] = dist;

		return min[n-1][k];

	public static int minDist(int[] arr, int start, int end)  {
		int minDist = 0;
		for(int i=start+1; i<=end; i++) {
			minDist += (arr[i] - arr[start]);
		int prevDist = minDist;
		for(int i=start+1; i<=end; i++) {
			int dist = prevDist;
			int diff = arr[i]-arr[i-1];
			dist += (i-start) * diff;
			dist -= (end-i+1) * diff;
			minDist = Math.min(minDist, dist);
			prevDist = dist;
		return minDist;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int k = Integer.parseInt(args[args.length-1]);
		int arr[] = new int[args.length - 1];
		for(int i=0; i<args.length-1; i++)
			arr[i] = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);
		System.out.println(minMoves(arr, k));

- Sunny February 02, 2014 | Flag Reply
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A really easy way of lowering the time complexity would precomputing the distances for every pair of index at the start, resulting in O(k*n^2 + n^3)

- Anonymous February 02, 2014 | Flag
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And also we need to sort the array first.

- Anonymous February 02, 2014 | Flag
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Ah the distance precomputing idea is nice. Sounds like it can indeed be done in O(n^3) then (since k<=n).

- Sunny February 02, 2014 | Flag
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regarding minDist(), it looks like that the center of the group will be in the middle, so the following implementation should work:

private static int minDist(int[] arr, int start, int end) {
		int mid = (start + end) / 2;

		int sum = 0;
		for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
			sum += Math.abs(arr[i] - arr[mid]);

		return sum;

- Anonymous February 04, 2014 | Flag
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@anonymous no your idea is not correct it can be middle(very likely) but not true in general..

- kkr.ashish February 05, 2014 | Flag
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@kkr.ashish can you give an example?

- Anonymous February 07, 2014 | Flag
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Actually anonymous might be right here, even though I also repeal the idea at first. Let me try proving it.

Let m be the index of the middle element. Suppose n>m. We will show dist[n] has to be greater than dist[m]. Vice versa when proving the same for n<m.

Imagine the array being split into 3 sections by m & n:
(1) Left section has elements <= m
(2) Right section has elements >= n
(3) Middle section has elements between m & n

Let d=a[n]-a[m]. We know d>=0 when the numbers are sorted.

The elements in each section is now either closer or farther away:
(1) Each element in left section is now a distance "d" farther
(2) Each element in right section is now a distance "d" closer
(3) Each element in middle section is now either a "distance < d" farther or closer

Since m is in the middle, the left section comprise half the elements, while the right & middle sections comprise the other half. As such, the total increased distance for the left section must be greater or equal to the decreased distance from the right & middle section combined. So dist[n] >= dist[m].

- Sunny February 07, 2014 | Flag
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yes anonymous is correct a more straight proof will be
let j be the position of the minimum and j!=mid
then if(j>mid=n/2) moving j to j-1 results in k*(n-j)- k *j change of the value
where k = A[j]-A[j-1] this change is k*(n-2*j) as u can see it is negative till j!=n/2
similarly for j<mid=n/2 which will result in k*j -k*(n-j) = k *(2*j-n) which is negative till j!=n/2

- kkr.ashish February 24, 2014 | Flag
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since this is one D array use DP
F(n+1,k) = min(F(n,k-1), F(n-1,k-1)+dist(a(n),a(n+1)), F(n-2,k-1)+dist(a(n+1),a(n),a(n-1) ...................)
also F(j,k) = 0 for j<=k
complexity.. O(k*n^2)

- kkr.ashish February 01, 2014 | Flag Reply
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How do you compute each dist(a(n), a(n+1)...) in only O(1)?
I think that's at least O(n), making the overall complexity O(k*n^3)...

- Sunny February 02, 2014 | Flag
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yeah i missed that... this dist can be calculate in O(log n) with some fancy work as the its only 1-D.. same thing for 2D will be O(n)
using mean and binary search for number closest to mean

- kkr.ashish February 02, 2014 | Flag
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a very basic bugg ridden code using recursion :D and O(n) for dist

int distance(int a[],int N,int J)
	double mean=0;
	int near=INT_MAX,near_id;
	for(int i=0;i<J;i++)
	for(int i=0;i<J;i++)
	if(std::abs(a[N-i-1]-(int)mean) < near)
		near = std::abs(a[N-i-1]-(int)mean);
		near_id = i;
	int sum = 0;
	for(int i=0;i<J;i++)
		sum+= std::abs(a[N-i-1]-a[N-near_id-1]);
	return sum;
int calc_distance(int a[],int N,int K)
	int min1=INT_MAX;
		return min1;
		return 0;
		return 0;
	min1 = calc_distance(a,N-1,K-1);
		min1 = distance(a,N,N);
	for(int i=1;i<=N-K;i++)
		min1 = std::min(min1,calc_distance(a,N-i,K-1)+distance(a,N,i));
	return min1;

- kkr.ashish February 02, 2014 | Flag
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Sort the array so that x_1 <= x_2 <= …. <= x_n. Now the problem is reduced to partitioning number N into K positive numbers a_1, a_2, …., a_K. From the partition we can construct a grouping: First we pick up a_1 numbers from x_1 to x_a for the first group, next we pick another a_2 numbers from x_(a1+1) ….x_(a2+a1), and this process continues. The problem can be reduced into a DP problem:

F(i, N, K) = 0 if  K>=N, or K==0
F(i, N, K) = min_j (max(x[i+j] - x[i], F(i+j+1, N-j, K-1)))   for 0<= j < N - K

- Westlake February 01, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Can't we use Kmeans algorithm for this purpose?

- zhangtemplar February 17, 2014 | Flag Reply
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This algorithmic problem is called
Jenks natural Breaks for coloring, see following post
"Oren Gal GIS Blog: Calculating Jenks Natural Breaks"
And it has name of its creator :-)

- Andrey Yeliseyev March 01, 2014 | Flag Reply
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I found another similar algorithm

Fisher's Natural Breaks Classification

- Andrey Yeliseyev March 02, 2014 | Flag
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JavaScript implementation

1. sort array
2. find the best split of array into 2 intervals. Split second interval recursively in order to find the best split for K groups

//var items = [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15];
var items = [1, 2, 5, 7];
var k = 2;

var mins = [];
for(var index =0; index < items.length; index+=1) {
	mins[index] = {};

function getDistance(items, start, end) {
	var result = 0;

	var total = 0;
	for (var index = start; index <= end; index += 1) {
		var item = items[index];

		total += item;

	var mean = total / (end - start + 1);

	/* it is better to use binary search here */
	var bestPosition = null;
	var bestOffset = null;
	for (var index = start; index <= end; index += 1) {
		var item = items[index];

		if (bestPosition == null || bestOffset > Math.abs(item - mean)) {
			bestOffset = Math.abs(item - mean);
			bestPosition = index;

	for (var index = start; index <= end; index += 1) {
		var item = items[index];

		result += Math.abs(items[bestPosition] - item);

	return result;

function getMinDistance(items, pos, k) {
	var result = null;

	if (pos >= items.length - k) {
		return 0;

	if (k == 1) {
		result = getDistance(items, pos, items.length - k);
	} else {
		for (var end = pos; end < items.length - k; end += 1) {
			/* var distance = getDistance(items, pos, end) + getMinDistance(items, end + 1, k - 1); */
			var posDistance = null;
			if (!mins[end + 1].hasOwnProperty(k - 1)) {
				posDistance = getMinDistance(items, end + 1, k - 1);
				mins[end + 1][k - 1] = posDistance;
			} else {
				posDistance = mins[end + 1][k - 1];
			var distance = getDistance(items, pos, end) + posDistance;

			result = (result == null) ? distance : Math.min(result, distance);
	return result;

var result = getMinDistance(items, 0, k);

- Andrey Yeliseyev March 03, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Please explain me question...what x_i means?

- Ankur March 16, 2014 | Flag Reply
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please help explain clue. what means

For the first case, there is no need to move any object.
For the second case, group objects 1 and 2 together by moving the first object to position 2.
For the third case, group objects 1 and 2 together by moving the first object to position 2 and group objects 3 and 4 together by moving object 3 to position 7. Thus the answer is 1 + 2 = 3.

please show use numbers example in answer for first case and second case and third case?

is first case: 3, no move?
is second case: 3 3, first 3 move to second 3?
but what is object 3 and 4 in third case?

thanks patience and help.

- anonymous coward May 14, 2014 | Flag Reply
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This is very similar to the DP proposed above but implemented using memoization

class Solver:
	def getmindist(self , start , end):
		#print "mindist",start,end
		if end-start<=1:
			return 0
		if self.distlookup[start][end] != -1:
			return self.distlookup[start][end]
		target = self.pos[start]
		dist   = 0
		for x in self.pos[start:end]:
			dist += abs(target-x)
		mindist = dist
		for i in xrange(start+1 , end):
			delta = abs(self.pos[i]-target)
			dist += (i-start)*delta
			dist -= (end-i)*delta
			mindist = min(dist , mindist)
		#print "mindist",start,end,":",mindist
		self.distlookup[start][end] = mindist
		return mindist
	def evalcost(self,index,k ,total):
		#print "eval",index,k,total
		if index<0:
			return 0
		if k==1:
			cost =  self.getmindist(0,index+1) + total
			self.mincost = min(self.mincost , cost)
			return cost
		if self.lookup[index][k]!=-1:
			return self.lookup[index][k]+total
		mincost = 100000000
		for i in xrange(index+1):
			dist = self.getmindist(i,index+1)
			cost = self.evalcost(i-1 , k-1 , total+dist)
			mincost = min(cost-total , mincost)
		self.lookup[index][k] = mincost
		return mincost+total
	def getmincost(self , pos , k):
		print pos,
		self.pos = pos
		self.mincost = 100000000
		n = len(pos)
		self.distlookup = [[-1 for j in xrange(n+1)] for i in xrange(n+1)]
		self.lookup     = [[-1 for i in xrange(k+1)] for j in xrange(n+1)]
		self.evalcost(n-1 , k , 0)
		return self.mincost
s = Solver()
print s.getmincost([1,1,3] , 3)
print s.getmincost([1,2,4] , 2)
print s.getmincost([1,2,5,7] , 2)

- anantpushkar009 November 04, 2014 | Flag Reply
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private static int solve(List<Integer> grp, int center, int gCost, int tCost, int rGrp, int idx, int[] pos) {
        if(idx == pos.length) {
            if(rGrp > 0) {
                return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            } else {
                return tCost + gCost;
        } else {
            if(rGrp == 0 && grp.size() == 0) {
                return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        int mCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int newCtrGrpCost = computeCost(grp, pos[idx]);

        if(rGrp > 0) {
            if(grp.size() > 0) {
                // case 1: Old center remains, terminate group
                int newCost = solve(new ArrayList<Integer>(), -1, 0, tCost + gCost + Math.abs(center - pos[idx]),
                        rGrp - 1, idx + 1, pos);
                mCost = Math.min(newCost, mCost);

            // case 2: This is the new center, terminate group
            int newCost = solve(new ArrayList<Integer>(), -1, 0, tCost + newCtrGrpCost, rGrp - 1, idx + 1, pos);
            mCost = Math.min(newCost, mCost);

        //case 3: Old center remains, same group continues

        if(grp.size() > 1) {
            int newCost = solve(grp, center, gCost + Math.abs(center - pos[idx]), tCost, rGrp, idx + 1, pos);
            mCost = Math.min(newCost, mCost);

        // case 4: This is new center, same group continues
        int newCost = solve(grp, pos[idx], newCtrGrpCost, tCost, rGrp, idx + 1, pos);
        mCost = Math.min(newCost, mCost);

        grp.remove(grp.size() - 1);

        return mCost;

    private static int computeCost(List<Integer> grp, int center) {
        int cost = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < grp.size(); i++) {
            cost += Math.abs(center - grp.get(i));

        return cost;

- learner21 September 12, 2016 | Flag Reply
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where will u keep the location j or i ??
greedy will not work its just wrong:
example k=2
1 5 6 10

its a DP question

- kkr.ashish February 01, 2014 | Flag

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