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This problem can be solved with TWO POINTERS that make a sliding window and a map to store occurrence of the distinct characters in the window.

public static String longestSubstringWithKDistinctChars(String s, int k) {

        int left = 0, right = 0;        //create a window for substring(left, right + 1)

        Map<Character, Integer> distinctChars = new HashMap<>();  // store occurrence of chars in the window

        String max = "";   // the output

        while(right < s.length()) {

            char c = s.charAt(right);
            distinctChars.put(c, distinctChars.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);

            if(distinctChars.size() == k) {             //if window size == k, compare length of current substring with max
                if(right - left + 1 > max.length()) {
                    max = s.substring(left, right + 1);  //if current substring is longer, replace max with current

            while(distinctChars.size() == k + 1) {      //if window size > k, discard the char on the left
                char toRemove = s.charAt(left);
                if(distinctChars.get(toRemove) == 1) {
                } else {
                    distinctChars.put(toRemove, distinctChars.get(toRemove) - 1);

        return max;

This solution assumes that we only keep substrings with exactly 5 characters. So if the input string has less than k distinct characters, the return is "".

- aonecoding February 04, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Here's my submission in C++14. I chose to design my code for readability since no requirements were placed on the size of k or the string.

#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_set>

using namespace std;

int NumUniqueCharacters( const deque<char>& cur_substr )
	static unordered_set<char> unique_chrs;

	for( auto itr = cur_substr.begin(); itr != cur_substr.end(); ++itr )
		unique_chrs.insert( *itr );

	return unique_chrs.size();

string KthLongestDistinctSubString( const string& str, const int& k )
	deque<char> substr_buf;
	string largest_substr;

	for( const char& chr : str )
		substr_buf.push_back( chr );

		if( NumUniqueCharacters( substr_buf ) > k )

		if( largest_substr.size() < substr_buf.size() )
			largest_substr = string( substr_buf.begin(), substr_buf.end() );

	return largest_substr;

int main()

	string str_to_search;
	int k;

	cin >> str_to_search >> k;

	cout << KthLongestDistinctSubString( str_to_search, k ) << endl;

	return 0;

- Reid Hymes February 18, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Following is what I tried, after coming up with examples.

private static String KthLongestDistinctSubString(String string, int numChars) {

		int j = 0, distinct = 0;
		String result = "";
		char[] ch = string.toCharArray();
		for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) {
			j = i;
			StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
			int[] charAscii = new int[26];// 0,0,0,
			while (j < string.length()) // aaaabbbb
				char chac = ch[j];
				if (charAscii[chac-'a'] > 0) {
				if (charAscii[chac-'a'] == 0) {
						if (distinct > numChars)
					charAscii[chac-'a'] = 1;

			if (result.length() < sb.toString().length()) {
				result = sb.toString();


		return result;


- getPDat February 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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package main

import (

func KthLongestDistinctSubString(s string, k int) []string {
	letters := strings.Split(s, "")
	start := 0
	i := 1
	j := k
	for j > 0 {
		if len(letters) == i {

		if letters[i-1] != letters[i] {
	if j != 0 {
		return []string{}
	max := i - start - 1
	result := []string{s[0 : i-1]}
	for i < len(letters) {
		for letters[start] == letters[start+1] {
		for i < len(letters) && letters[i-1] == letters[i] {
		if max == i-start-1 {
			result = append(result, s[start:i-1])
		if max < i-start-1 {
			max = i - start - 1
			result = []string{s[start : i-1]}

	return result

func main() {
	fmt.Println(KthLongestDistinctSubString("aaaabbbb", 2))
	fmt.Println(KthLongestDistinctSubString("asdfrttt", 3))
	fmt.Println(KthLongestDistinctSubString("aassdfrttt", 3))

- dmitry.labutin February 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  string in;
  int k;
  cin >> in >> k;
  int curr_len = 0;
  int max_l = 0;
  unordered_set<char> distinct_chars;
  queue<char> dist_chars_order;
  for (int i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) {
    if (distinct_chars.size() == k) {
      max_l = std::max(max_l, curr_len);
    if (distinct_chars.size() > k) {
      char top = dist_chars_order.front();
      while (dist_chars_order.front() == top) {
  cout << max_l << endl;
  return 0;

- Naughty February 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  string in;
  int k;
  cin >> in >> k;
  int curr_len = 0;
  int max_l = 0;
  unordered_set<char> distinct_chars;
  queue<char> dist_chars_order;
  for (int i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) {
    if (distinct_chars.size() == k) {
      max_l = std::max(max_l, curr_len);
    if (distinct_chars.size() > k) {
      char top = dist_chars_order.front();
      while (dist_chars_order.front() == top) {
  cout << max_l << endl;
  return 0;

- Naughty February 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class Solution {
 Map<Character,Integer> map=new HashMap<Character,Integer>();
 Boolean function(String string,int kval){

 char array[]=string.toCharArray();
 for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++){
 return true;
 return false;}


 Set<String> Hash = new HashSet<String>();

    void getSubstring(String strng,int Kval){
        if(function(strng, Kval)==true){Hash.add(strng);}
         String st1=strng.substring(0,strng.length()-1);
         String st2=strng.substring(1,strng.length());

         getSubstring(st1, Kval);
         getSubstring(st2, Kval);

void showSet(){


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Solution solution=new Solution();
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
        int k=sc.nextInt();
        solution.getSubstring(st, k);




- harsh bhardwaj February 04, 2017 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class Solution {
 Map<Character,Integer> map=new HashMap<Character,Integer>();
 Boolean function(String string,int kval){

 char array[]=string.toCharArray();
 for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++){
 return true;
 return false;}


 Set<String> Hash = new HashSet<String>();

    void getSubstring(String strng,int Kval){
        if(function(strng, Kval)==true){Hash.add(strng);}
         String st1=strng.substring(0,strng.length()-1);
         String st2=strng.substring(1,strng.length());

         getSubstring(st1, Kval);
         getSubstring(st2, Kval);

void showSet(){


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Solution solution=new Solution();
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
        int k=sc.nextInt();
        solution.getSubstring(st, k);




- Harsh Bhardwaj February 04, 2017 | Flag Reply
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I made it heavily documented - thus...

// fully declarative --> un-optimal 
def k_distinct_d( string , k ){
  // create a range 
  r = [ 0 : size(string) ]
  // create combination pair 
  pairs = list ( comb( r , 2 ) )
  // sort them by their size : end_index - start_index
  sortd ( pairs ) :: { ( $.left.1 - $.left.0 ) <  ( $.right.1 - $.right.0 )  }
  // find a pair such that the distinct chars are exactly equal to k 
  v = find ( pairs ) :: { s = string[$.left:$.right] ; size(set(s.value)) == k }
  // yep, we are good
  v.nil?'nothing found':string[ v.value.0 : v.value.1 ]  
s = k_distinct_d("asdfrttt", 3)
// semi imperative : reasonably optimal 
def k_distinct_i( string , k ){
  // we need to generate pairs with larger size 
  len = size(string)
  r = [0:len]
  MAX = [ '' ] // global is frowned upon, use side effect 
  res = join ( r, r.reverse ) :: { 
    continue( $.0 >= $.1 )
    s = string[ $.0 : $.1 ]
    continue( size( set(s.value) ) != k || size(s) <= size(MAX.0) )   
    MAX.0 = s // set max 
    false // do not collect 
  empty(MAX.0) ? 'nothing found' : MAX.0  
s = k_distinct_i("asdfrttt", 3)

- NoOne February 04, 2017 | Flag Reply
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internal static string GetMaxSubstring(string input, int k)
    if ((String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input)) ||
        (input.Length < k) ||
        (k <= 0))
        return string.Empty;

    int left = 0, right = 0, start = 0, maxLength = 0;
    HashSet<char> hash = new HashSet<char>();

    while (right < input.Length)
        if (!hash.Contains(input[right]))

        var length = right - left + 1;
        // If we have k distinct elements in the hash,
        // get the substring between left and right
        // and see if it is longer that previous substring
        if (hash.Count == k)
            if (length > maxLength)
                start = left;
                maxLength = length;

        // If we have one more than k distinct elements in the
        // hash, then we need to remove the first element in the
        // hash and update the left accordingly
        if (hash.Count == k + 1)
            // Move left as long as we keep encountering
            // the input[left] character
            var leftChar = input[left];
            while (input[left] == leftChar)
            // Remove the character from the hash
        // Move to the next character

    // Create the substring
    return input.Substring(start, maxLength);

- Anonymous February 04, 2017 | Flag Reply
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public String getLongestDistinctString(String s, int k) {
	if (s == null || k <= 0) {
		return null;

	final HashMap uniqueChars = new HashMap();
	String lastString;
	String longestString = "";

	char currentChar;
	for (int index = 0; index < s.length(); index ++) {
		currentChar = s.charAt(index);

		if (!uniqueChars.contains(currentChar) && uniqueChars.size() >= k) {
			if (longestString.length() < lastString.lenght()) {
				longestString = lastString;

			char charToRemove;
			int indexOfCharToRemove = lastString.length();
			for (Entry entry : uniqueChars.entrySet) {
				if (entry.getValue() < indexOfCharToRemove) {
					indexOfCharToRemove = entry.getValue();
					charToRemove = entry.getKey()

			final int newStartIndex = indexOfCharToRemove + 1;

			lastString = lastString.subString(newStartIndex);

			// Reset the indexes of the uniqueChars
			for (Entry entry : uniqueChars.entrySet) {
				entry.setValue(entry.getValue() - newStartIndex);

		uniqueChars.put(char, lastString.length())
		lastString += currentChar

	return longestString;

- feistc February 04, 2017 | Flag Reply
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#Solution in Python
def longestsubstring(mystring,k):
    for i in range(len(mystring)):
        if len(distictchars) == k and mystring[i] not in distictchars:
        if mystring[i] not in distictchars:
    if len(distictchars) == k:
    print allsubstrings

- ankitpatel2100 February 04, 2017 | Flag Reply
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!/usr/bin/env python2.7

class CharSet:
    def __init__(self):
        self.chars = {}

    def has(self, c):
        return c in self.chars

    def size(self):
        return len(self.chars)

    def evict(self):
        to_evict = min(self.chars.items(), key=lambda (c, last_seen): last_seen)
        return to_evict

    def add(self, c, last_seen):
        self.chars[c] = last_seen

def solve(s, k):
    longest = ''
    chars = CharSet()
    start = 0
    for i, c in enumerate(s):
        if not chars.has(c) and chars.size() >= k:
            ss = s[start : i]
            longest = max(longest, ss, key=len)

            ec, ec_last_seen = chars.evict()
            start = ec_last_seen + 1

        chars.add(c, i)

    ss = s[start :]
    longest = max(longest, ss, key=len)

    return longest

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print solve("asdftttg", 3)     # dfttt
    print solve("asdfttdg", 3)     # dfttd
    print solve("asdfttdgg", 5)    # sdfttdgg

- Anonymous February 05, 2017 | Flag Reply
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#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

class CharSet:
    def __init__(self):
        self.chars = {}

    def has(self, c):
        return c in self.chars

    def size(self):
        return len(self.chars)

    def evict(self):
        to_evict = min(self.chars.items(), key=lambda (c, last_seen): last_seen)
        return to_evict

    def add(self, c, last_seen):
        self.chars[c] = last_seen

def solve(s, k):
    longest = ''
    chars = CharSet()
    start = 0
    for i, c in enumerate(s):
        if not chars.has(c) and chars.size() >= k:
            ss = s[start : i]
            longest = max(longest, ss, key=len)

            ec, ec_last_seen = chars.evict()
            start = ec_last_seen + 1

        chars.add(c, i)

    ss = s[start :]
    longest = max(longest, ss, key=len)

    return longest

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print solve("asdftttg", 3)     # dfttt
    print solve("asdfttdg", 3)     # dfttd
    print solve("asdfttdgg", 5)    # sdfttdgg

- mrsmith February 05, 2017 | Flag Reply
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- Alexey February 05, 2017 | Flag Reply
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public static void main(String[] argc){
String str="asdfrttt";
int k =3;
HashSet<String> validString = new HashSet<String>();
System.out.println(getlongestSubstring(str,0, str.length(), k, validString));
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
String LongestStr = new String();
for(String a: validString){
{ max = a.length();
LongestStr = a;
private static int uniqueCharCount(String str, int start, int end){
HashSet<Character> set= new HashSet<Character>();
for(int i=start; i<end; i++){
return set.size();
private static int getlongestSubstring(String str, int start, int end, int k, HashSet<String> validString){
if(start <0 || end >str.length())
return 0;

if(k== uniqueCharCount(str,start,end)){
return end-start;
return Math.max( getlongestSubstring(str, start+1, end, k, validString), getlongestSubstring(str, start, end-1, k, validString));

- ShilpaKhanal February 05, 2017 | Flag Reply
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public static void main(String[] argc){
        String str="asdfrttt";
        int k =3;
        HashSet<String>  validString = new HashSet<String>();
        System.out.println(getlongestSubstring(str,0, str.length(), k, validString));
        int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        String LongestStr = new String();
        for(String a: validString){
            { max = a.length();
                LongestStr = a;
    private static int uniqueCharCount(String str, int start, int end){
        HashSet<Character> set= new HashSet<Character>();
        for(int i=start; i<end; i++){
        return set.size();
    private static int getlongestSubstring(String str, int start, int end, int k, HashSet<String> validString){
        if(start <0 || end >str.length())
            return 0;

        if(k== uniqueCharCount(str,start,end)){
            return end-start;
        return Math.max( getlongestSubstring(str,  start+1, end, k, validString), getlongestSubstring(str, start, end-1, k, validString));

- ShilpaKhanal February 05, 2017 | Flag Reply
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def substring(s):
    "aaaa" should return 1, "abcd" should return 4, "aabb" should return 2
    :return length of the longest substring that does not contain repeated characters
    :param s: string
    :return: int
    d = {}
    longest, currlen = 0, 0
    idx = 0
    start = end = 0
    while idx < len(s):
        if not s[idx] in d:
            end = idx
        else:  # s[idx] in d
            for i in range(start, d[s[idx]]):
            start = d[s[idx]] + 1
        currlen = idx - start + 1
        d[s[idx]] = idx
        longest = currlen if currlen > longest else longest
        idx += 1
    return longest

- Anonymous February 07, 2017 | Flag Reply
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def substring(s):
    "aaaa" should return 1, "abcd" should return 4, "aabb" should return 2
    :return length of the longest substring that does not contain repeated characters
    :param s: string
    :return: int
    d = {}
    longest, currlen = 0, 0
    idx = 0
    start = end = 0
    while idx < len(s):
        if not s[idx] in d:
            end = idx
        else:  # s[idx] in d
            for i in range(start, d[s[idx]]):
            start = d[s[idx]] + 1
        currlen = idx - start + 1
        d[s[idx]] = idx
        longest = currlen if currlen > longest else longest
        idx += 1
    return longest

- sz February 07, 2017 | Flag Reply
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char * k_long_substr( char* str, int k){
	char* front = str, mid = str, end = str, front_out = str, end_out = str;
	int num_ch = 1;
	int char_table = 1 << (*str - ' a' );
	int max = 0;
	while( !end ){
		if ( chars < k ){
			char_table |= 1 << (*end - 'a');
		} else {
			front = ++mid;
		if ( (end-front) > max ){
			max = end-front;
			front_out = front;
			end_out = end;
	++endout = '\0';
	return front_out;

- Buttcoin February 07, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Two-pointer solution: start with the whole string and count the frequency of the characters and how many distinct ones there are(call it cnt). If cnt < k, then impossible. If cnt > k you need to shorten the string. So start with i=0 and j=length(s). Increase i only if s[i] will make the count of that character zero. If not then decrease j.

#include <map>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main(){

    int t; cin >> t;
    for(int _t=1; _t<=t; _t++){
        string s; cin >> s;
        int k; cin >> k;

        map<char,int> F;
        int cnt = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<s.size(); ++i){
            if(F[s[i]] == 1)
        int i=0;
        int j=s.size()-1;
            cout << i << " " << j << " cnt: " << cnt << endl;
            if(cnt == k)
            if(cnt < k){ 
                i = -1; 
            if(F[s[i]] == 1){ 
                cnt -= (F[s[i]] == 0); 
        printf("Case #%d: ", _t);
        if(i == -1) 
            cout << "impossible\n";
            cout << s.substr(i,j-i+1) << endl;


- Cristian Plop February 07, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Here's my solution for C++14. I went for readability since this question did not place requirements on the size of the string to search, nor the value of k.

#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_set>

using namespace std;

int NumUniqueCharacters( const deque<char>& cur_substr )
	static unordered_set<char> unique_chrs;

	for( auto itr = cur_substr.begin(); itr != cur_substr.end(); ++itr )
		unique_chrs.insert( *itr );

	return unique_chrs.size();

string KthLongestDistinctSubString( const string& str, const int& k )
	deque<char> substr_buf;
	string largest_substr;

	for( const char& chr : str )
		substr_buf.push_back( chr );

		if( NumUniqueCharacters( substr_buf ) > k )

		if( largest_substr.size() < substr_buf.size() )
			largest_substr = string( substr_buf.begin(), substr_buf.end() );

	return largest_substr;

int main()
	string str_to_search;
	int k;

	cin >> str_to_search >> k;
	cout << KthLongestDistinctSubString( str_to_search, k ) << endl;

	return 0;

- Reid Hymes February 18, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Solution in C++11

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

int uniqueCharactersInString(const string& s)
	set<char> unique;

	for (const char& c : s)
		if (unique.find(c) == unique.end())

	return unique.size();

string kLongestDistinctSubstring(const string& s, const int& k)
	int follow = 0, //begining of the substring currently being evaluated
		lead = k, //end of the substring currently being evaluated
		beginIndex = 0, //instead of repeatedly storing the substring, we'll keep track of the indexes that it falls in
		endIndex = k;

	for (int i = 0; i <= s.length(); i++)
		int tempLength = lead - follow;

		if (uniqueCharactersInString(s.substr(follow, tempLength)) <= k)
			if (tempLength > endIndex - beginIndex)
				beginIndex = follow;
				endIndex = lead;


	return s.substr(beginIndex, endIndex - beginIndex);

int main(void)
	string s;
	int k;

	cout << "String: ";
	cin >> s;

	cout << "Number of Unique characters: ";
	cin >> k;

	cout << kLongestDistinctSubstring(s, k) << endl;

	return 0;

- brenna.duffitt February 20, 2017 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class SubstringDistincyChars {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		String str="asdfrttt";
		//String str="aaaasaaa";
		int k=3;
		SubstringDistincyChars sd = new SubstringDistincyChars();
		String result = sd.getSubstring(str, k);
		if(result.equals(str.substring(0, 1))){
			System.out.println("Number of distinct characters in given strning is less than the given input");
			System.out.println("Max substring is "+result);

	public String getSubstring(String s, int distinct){
		char[] ch = s.toCharArray();
		int n=1;
		int ind =0;
		String mainString = s.substring(0, 1);
		String maxString = s.substring(0, 1);
		List<Character> l = new ArrayList<Character>();
		for(int i =0;i<ch.length;i++){
				maxString = s.substring(0, i+1);
				ind = i+1;
			}else if(n<= distinct){
				maxString = s.substring(0, i+1);
				ind = i+1;
			if(n > distinct && maxString.length() > mainString.length()){
				mainString = maxString;
			if (mainString.length() < s.substring(ind,s.length()).length()){
				mainString = getSubstring(s.substring(ind,s.length()), distinct);;
			return mainString;

- srinav141 March 05, 2017 | Flag Reply
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We can solve this using a 2 pointer approach

1. Maintain a sliding window using 'left' and 'right' variables
2. If the sliding window contains k distinct characters increment the right pointer. See if the substring in the window is the maximum seen till now
3. If the sliding window contains more than k distinct characters increment the left window

public static String longest(String str, int k) {
    int left = 0;
    int right = 0;
    String max = "";
    // maintain the latest position of each distinct element
    HashMap<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
    while (right <str.length()) {
      if (map.size() > k) {
        // process the left element
        map.put(str.charAt(left), map.get(str.charAt(left))-1);
        if (map.get(str.charAt(left)) == 0) {
      } else {
        // process the right element
        if (map.containsKey(str.charAt(right))) {
          map.put(str.charAt(right), map.get(str.charAt(right)+1));
          if (right+1-left > max.length()) max = str.substring(left, right+1);
        } else {
          map.put(str.charAt(right), 1);

    return max;

- challapallirahul March 20, 2017 | Flag Reply
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package practice.careercup;

import java.util.*;

import static;

public class LongestSubstringWithKDistinct {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String input = "aaaabbbbb";
        int k = 2;
        Set<Character> characterSet = new HashSet<>();
        List<Character> characterList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Character character : input.toCharArray()) {
            if (!characterSet.contains(character) && characterSet.size() == k){
                characterSet = new HashSet<>();
                characterList = new ArrayList<>();


        if (characterSet.size() == k) {

- binitbhas May 01, 2017 | Flag Reply
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A C++ solution

The strategy here is to take advantage of two data structures to
accommodate our needs. The important data structure is the hashmap
(std::map in C++), which will lets us efficiently get duplicate counts and
unique letter counts in O(1) time.

The stringstream is the other structure used, though a queue may be
just as appropriate. The stringstream is expanded to the largest it can be,
then just stays that size, but only gets copied to the new max string if
the stringstream fits inside the required unique count.

std::string getMaxString(const char* input, size_t count, size_t k)
    // Corner cases and edge cases
    if (count <= k) return std::string(input);
    if (k == 0) return std::string();
    if (k == 1) return std::string(input).substr(0, 1);
    // Map letter to num duplicates
    std::map<char, int> hashmap;
    std::string maxString;
    std::stringstream currentString;
    char trash;
    while (input[0])
        // Push the next character onto the queue
        currentString << input[0];
        // Ensure character exists and default to 0
        hashmap.insert(std::make_pair(input[0], 0));
        // Increment count of duplicated for current letter
        // Shrink map if unique count hit cap
        if (hashmap.size() > k)
            // Pop the first character into a dummy variable
            currentString >> trash;
            std::map<char, int>::iterator itr = hashmap.find(trash);
            if (itr->second == 0)
        // Set max string
        if (hashmap.size() <= k &&
            currentString.str().size() > maxString.size())
          maxString = currentString.str();
    return maxString;

- Josh May 27, 2017 | Flag Reply
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func LongestSubstring(str string, uniqChars int) string {

	if str == "" {
		return ""

	chrs := make(map[byte]interface{})
	var substr, maxstr string

	var i, j int = 0, 0

	for j = 0; j <= len(str); j++ {

		//fmt.Println("Substr: ", substr, " i = ", i, " j = ", j )

		if j < len(str) {
			chrs[str[j]] = nil // new char in set

		if len(chrs) > uniqChars || j >= len(str) { // signal to check
			if len(substr) > len(maxstr) {
				maxstr = substr

			//fmt.Println("len susbtr ", len(substr))
			delete(chrs, substr[0])

			// remove char from substring
			for ; i < len(str) && str[i] == substr[0]; i++ {

		if i < len(str) && j < len(str) {
			substr = str[i : j+1]

		//fmt.Println("after substr: ", substr)

	return maxstr

- bolshaaan November 07, 2017 | Flag Reply
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private static String longestSubstring(String s, int maxChars){
        String longest = "";
        for (int startIdx = 0; startIdx < s.length(); startIdx++) {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            int uniqChars = 0;
            for (int i = startIdx; i < s.length(); i++) {

                char c = s.charAt(i);
                if (sb.indexOf(c+"") >= 0){
                } else {
                    if (uniqChars < maxChars) {
                    } else {
            if (sb.length() > longest.length()){
                longest = sb.toString();
        return longest;

- DmitryP May 15, 2018 | Flag Reply
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{{{ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> char *lss(char *a, int k) { char *f[100]; char *p, *c, *sp; int i, l, n = 0, mc = 0; // scan string to pointers to n differing char types and endchar for (c = a; *c; *c++) { if (c == a) { f[n++] = a; } else { if (*p != *c) { f[n++] = c; } } p = c; } f[n] = c; // iterate thru chartypes measuring pointer deltas taking max of it if (n<=k) { return a; } else { for (i=k; i<n; i++) { if (i<=k) { l = f[i+1] - f[0]; } else { l = f[i+1] - f[k]; } if (l > mc) { mc = l; sp = f[i-k+1]; } } return strndup(sp, mc); // return max chars from its start pointer } } int main() { printf("%s\n", lss("aaaabbbb", 2)); printf("%s\n", lss("asdfrttt", 3)); } ))) - J.J. February 07, 2017 | Flag Reply

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