Amazon Interview Question for Senior Software Development Engineers

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At the least, one could 'trim' the arrays based on min/max of the other arrays, meaning putting better bounds on the n^3 loops (instead of 0 to A.length-1).

- DaveO February 26, 2017 | Flag Reply
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how what merge sort concept-

let 3 arrays are - A,B,C
take x from A[i] then look for y in B[j] such that y >x then for all j <len(B) B[j] >x
then look for z in C ,such that C[k] >y then for all k < len(C) C[k] >y
required pair{ x,B[j],C[k] to C[end]}

Optimal time for finding y in B - is binary search -> log (len(B)).
similary for k in C using binary search-->>>>>>>> log(len(C)).

time complexity (len(A) * log(lenB) * log(lenC))

- morphy February 26, 2017 | Flag Reply
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how what merge sort concept-

let 3 arrays are - A,B,C
take x from A[i] then look for y in B[j] such that y >x then for all j <len(B) B[j] >x
then look for z in C ,such that C[k] >y then for all k < len(C) C[k] >y
required pair{ x,B[j],C[k] to C[end]}

Optimal time for finding y in B - is binary search -> log (len(B)).
similary for k in C using binary search-->>>>>>>> log(len(C)).

time complexity (len(A) * log(lenB) * log(lenC))

- morphy February 26, 2017 | Flag Reply
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how what merge sort concept-

let 3 arrays are - A,B,C
take x from A[i] then look for y in B[j] such that y >x then for all j <len(B) B[j] >x
then look for z in C ,such that C[k] >y then for all k < len(C) C[k] >y
required pair{ x,B[j],C[k] to C[end]}

Optimal time for finding y in B - is binary search -> log (len(B)).
similary for k in C using binary search-->>>>>>>> log(len(C)).

time complexity (len(A) * log(lenB) * log(lenC))

- morphy February 26, 2017 | Flag Reply
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package whatever; 

import java.util.Arrays;

class amazonSort {
    public static void main (String[] args) 
        throws java.lang.Exception  {
        int[] arr1 = {5, 3, 15, 19, 6};
        int[] arr2 = {24, 34, 11, 13, 16};
        int[] arr3 = {91, 45, 57, 72, 100};
        int x = findPossibilityCount (arr1, arr2, arr3);
        System.out.println("Number of possibilities of sequence [x < y < z] is " + x);
    private static int smallestNumber (int[] anInput) {
        int smallest = anInput[0];
        for (int i=1; i<anInput.length; i++) {
            if (smallest > anInput[i])
                smallest = anInput[i];
        return smallest;
    private static int findPossibilityCount (int[] arr1, int[] arr2, int[] arr3) {
        int smallestArr2 = smallestNumber(arr2);
        int smallestArr3 = smallestNumber(arr3);
        int counter1 = 0, counter2 = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<arr1.length; i++) {
            if (arr1[i] < smallestArr2) 
        for (int i=0; i<arr2.length; i++) {
            if (arr2[i] < smallestArr3) 
        // System.out.println ("Counter 1 = " + counter1 
        //                    + " Counter 2 = " + counter2
        //                    + " Size 3 = " + arr3.length);
        return counter1 * counter2 * arr3.length;

- Nilanjan Sil February 26, 2017 | Flag Reply
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I was thinking in terms of finding all solutions

After initially 'trimming' A, B & C:

for (int i = 0; i < rightIndexA; i++) {
			for (int j = leftIndexB; j <= rightIndexB; j++) {
				if (A[i] < B[j]) {
					for (int k = leftIndexC; k < C.length; k++) {
						if (B[j] < C[k]) {
							System.out.println("solution: " + A[i] + " < " + B[j] + " < " + C[k]);
						} else {
							leftIndexC = k;
				} else {
					leftIndexB = j; // move left index to the right

- DaveO February 26, 2017 | Flag Reply
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/* package whatever; // don't place package name! */

import java.util.Arrays;

class amazonSort {
public static void main (String[] args)
throws java.lang.Exception {

// Prepare data set
int[] arr1 = {5, 3, 15, 19, 6};
int[] arr2 = {24, 34, 11, 13, 16};
int[] arr3 = {91, 45, 57, 72, 100};


int x = findPossibilityCount (arr1, arr2, arr3);

System.out.println("Number of possibilities of sequence [x < y < z] is " + x);


private static int smallestNumber (int[] anInput) {

int smallest = anInput[0];

for (int i=1; i<anInput.length; i++) {
if (smallest > anInput[i])
smallest = anInput[i];

return smallest;

private static int findPossibilityCount (int[] arr1, int[] arr2, int[] arr3) {

int smallestArr2 = smallestNumber(arr2);
int smallestArr3 = smallestNumber(arr3);

int counter1 = 0, counter2 = 0;

for (int i=0; i<arr1.length; i++) {

if (arr1[i] < smallestArr2)

for (int i=0; i<arr2.length; i++) {

if (arr2[i] < smallestArr3)

// System.out.println ("Counter 1 = " + counter1
// + " Counter 2 = " + counter2
// + " Size 3 = " + arr3.length);

return counter1 * counter2 * arr3.length;


- sil.nilanjan February 26, 2017 | Flag Reply
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1. Start x from min in Arr1
2. Start z from max in Arr3
3. Find y values in Arr2 between x and z
To improve perf exclude values in Arr3 which are < x or > z from subsequent iterations

public static int ThreeArrayPatterns(int[] ar1, int[] ar2, int[] ar3)
    int ar3LeftLimit = 0;
    int ar2LeftLimit = 0;
    int ar2RightLimit = ar2.Length - 1;
    int count = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i <  ar1.Length; i++) //go from smallest to largest in ar1
        for (int j = ar3.Length - 1; j >= ar3LeftLimit; j--) //go from largest to smallest in ar3
            if (ar1[i] + 1 < ar3[j]) // there is room for x<y<z
                //1. Find ar2[k] such that x<y
                for (int k = ar2LeftLimit; k < ar2RightLimit; k++)
                    if (ar2[k] > ar1[i]) //x<y
                        if (ar2[k] < ar3[j])
                        {//x<y<z found
                            Console.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2}", ar1[i], ar2[k], ar3[j]);
                            ar2RightLimit = k;
                            break; //No matches further right
                    { //x>=y
                        ar2LeftLimit = k;

            if (ar2LeftLimit >= ar2RightLimit)
        if (ar2LeftLimit >= ar2RightLimit)
    return count;
public static void Test()
int[] arr1 = { 5, 3, 15, 19, 6 };
int[] arr2 = { 24, 34, 11, 13, 16 };
int[] arr3 = { 91, 45, 57, 72, 100 };

int count = ThreeArrayPatterns(arr1, arr2, arr3);
Console.WriteLine("Match Count = {0}", count.ToString());

- IC February 26, 2017 | Flag Reply
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I ended up with this:

int findLeft(int A[], int value, int lower, int upper);
'return the index i where value <= A[i], lower <= i <= upper'

A[], B[] and C[] are trimmed by using findLeft() & findRight() to obtain leftIndex & rightIndex prior to entering this block of code:

// arrays bounds ensure that A[i] < B[i] < C[i] so no additional compares are needed
		int count = 0;
		for (int i = leftIndexA; i <= rightIndexA; i++) {
			leftIndexB = findLeft(B, A[i], leftIndexB, rightIndexB);
			for (int j = leftIndexB; j <= rightIndexB; j++) {
				leftIndexC = findLeft(C, B[j], leftIndexC, rightIndexC);
				count += (rightIndexC - leftIndexC + 1);

- DaveO February 27, 2017 | Flag Reply
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int[] arr1 = {3};
        int[] arr2 = {11, 13,  16};
        int[] arr3 = {45};

   Your output : 3
   Correct Output : 6


- manishasharma361 February 27, 2017 | Flag Reply
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// sort arr1, arr2 and arr3
// arrays bounds ensure that A[i] < B[i] < C[i]

int[] arr1 = {3};
int[] arr2 = {11, 13, 16};
int[] arr3 = {45};

int count = 0,a=0, b=0;

while(a < 5){
for (int i = a; i <5 ; i++ ) {
while(b < 5){
for (int j = b; j < 5; j++) {
if( arr1[i]<arr2[j]){
for (int k= 0; k < 5; k++) {
if( arr2[j]<arr3[k]){
count ++;
cout<<"count value :"<<count;

- Maheshwari February 27, 2017 | Flag Reply
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//sort the arr1, arr2 , arr3
// arrays bounds ensure that A[i] < B[i] < C[i]

int[] arr1 = {3};
int[] arr2 = {11, 13, 16};
int[] arr3 = {45};

int count = 0,a=0, b=0;

while(a < 5){
for (int i = a; i <5 ; i++ ) {
while(b < 5){
for (int j = b; j < 5; j++) {
if( arr1[i]<arr2[j]){
for (int k= 0; k < 5; k++) {
if( arr2[j]<arr3[k]){
count ++;
cout<<"count value :"<<count;

- Anonymous February 27, 2017 | Flag Reply
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@manishasharma361 need clarification regarding the output

why (3,13,16, 45) not a possible output???

- rsrs3 February 27, 2017 | Flag Reply
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What if we use a balanced binary tree with Left<Root<Right and start comparing in groups, i.e. first tree's left most child to 2nd tree's left most child, + first tree's right most child to second tree's right most child, and continuing further.
The idea is to combine the elements, so that we dont perform check on every element but on a set of elements created using binary tree.
When this condition is not met, we could use back tracking to find out what will be the next set of elements
let me know your thoughts

- Pat February 27, 2017 | Flag Reply
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int[] arr1 = {3};
int[] arr2 = {11, 13, 16};
int[] arr3 = {45};

Your output : 3
Correct Output : 7


- manisha361 February 28, 2017 | Flag Reply
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iterate each elements from Array2 and find out last index of Array1 which smaller than y (found x) and find out First index of Array3 which is greater than y (found z).. Also increment index of Array2 upto z .. We get count1*count2*count3 .. do same for next element of Array2 ..

Complexity - log(n2)*log(n1)*log(n3)..

- Kiddy March 01, 2017 | Flag Reply
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you can use factorial (Binomial Coefficient) to improve your solution

- blade March 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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There's a simpler way. In its simplest form (where the arrays don't have any overlaps), total possibilitites = # subsets from 1 * # subsets from 2 * # subsets from 3

If there are no overlaps between the sorted arrays, the solution is O(1).

When I say # of subsets, it excludes the empty set. It now becomes a problem of figuring out various possibilities of start and end in each array based on how interleaved the arrays are.

- Saivivekh Swaminathan March 06, 2017 | Flag Reply
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        1. Identify the first, second and third array of the input from the current pointer of each
        2. All current elements make one combination
        3. if the next in first is smaller the current second, call method with next pointer in first
             double count the output of the method call. One with current element and one skipping it
        4. Repeat 3 for second against third
        5. Increment the current pointers of all and call the method again
        6. Return the sum of all outputs
    private static int sequences(int[] a, int[] b, int[] c, int i, int j, int k){
        if(i >= a.length || j >= b.length || k >= c.length) return 0;
        //there can be a better way to find the first, second and third array in current selection
        int[] first, second, third;
        int f,s,t;
        if(a[i] < b[j] && a[i] < c[k]){
            first = a; f = i;
            second = b[j] < c[k] ? b : c; s = b[j] < c[k] ? j : k;
            third = b[j] < c[k] ? c : b; t = b[j] < c[k] ? k: j;
        } else if(a[i] > b[j] && a[i] > c[k]){
            third = a; t = i;
            first = b[j] < c[k] ? b : c; f = b[j] < c[k] ? j : k;
            second = b[j] < c[k] ? c : b; s = b[j] < c[k] ? k : j;
        } else {
            second = a; s = i;
            first = b[j] < c[k] ? b : c; f = b[j] < c[k] ? j : k;
            third = b[j] < c[k] ? c : b; t = b[j] < c[k] ? k : j;
        int count = 1;// current elements combination
        System.out.println(first[f]+" "+second[s]+" "+third[t]);
        if (f < first.length-1 && first[f+1] < second[s]){
            // count two times. 1 including the current element and one skipping it
            count += 2*sequences(first, second, third, f+1, s, t);
        if (s < second.length-1 && second[s+1] < third[t]){
            count+= 2*sequences(first, second, third, f, s+1, t);
        return count + sequences(first, second, third, f+1, s+1, t+1);

    public static void main(String[] args){
        int val = sequences(new int[] {3},
                new int[] {11, 13, 16},
                new int[] {45},
                0, 0, 0);


- san April 07, 2017 | Flag Reply
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public class ThreeArray {

    public void run(int[][] arrays) {
        for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) {
        print(arrays, 0, 0, new LinkedList<>());

    public void print(int[][] arrays, int indexArray, int index, LinkedList<Integer> list) {
        int[] array = arrays[indexArray];

        if (index >= array.length) {

        for (int i = index; i < array.length; i++) {
            int value = array[i];
            if (list.isEmpty() || value > list.getLast()) {
                if (indexArray >= arrays.length - 1) {
                } else {
                    print(arrays, indexArray + 1, 0, list);

                print(arrays, indexArray, index + 1, list);

    private void printArray(List<Integer> list) {
        int size = list.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if (i + 1 < size) {

public class ThreeArrayTest {
    private ThreeArray threeArray = new ThreeArray();

    public void setup() {
        threeArray = new ThreeArray();

    public void test() { int[][]{{3}, {11, 13, 16}, {45}});

- Bintoo June 29, 2017 | Flag Reply
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A Java solution I thought of...

package com.careercup.amazonchallenge;

import java.util.Arrays;

class amazonSort {
    public static void main (String[] args) 
        throws java.lang.Exception  {
        // Form input data set, can be replaced by JUnit
        int[] arr1 = {5, 3, 15, 19, 6};
        int[] arr2 = {24, 34, 11, 13, 16};
        int[] arr3 = {91, 45, 57, 72, 100};
        int x = findPossibilityCount (arr1, arr2, arr3);
        System.out.println("Number of possibilities of sequence [x < y < z] is " + x);
    private static int smallestNumber (int[] anInput) {
        int smallest = anInput[0];
        for (int i=1; i<anInput.length; i++) {
            if (smallest > anInput[i])
                smallest = anInput[i];
        return smallest;
    private static int findPossibilityCount (int[] arr1, int[] arr2, int[] arr3) {
        int smallestArr2 = smallestNumber(arr2);
        int smallestArr3 = smallestNumber(arr3);
        int counter1 = 0, counter2 = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<arr1.length; i++) {
            if (arr1[i] < smallestArr2) 
        for (int i=0; i<arr2.length; i++) {
            if (arr2[i] < smallestArr3) 
        // System.out.println ("Counter 1 = " + counter1 
        //                    + " Counter 2 = " + counter2
        //                    + " Size 3 = " + arr3.length);
        return counter1 * counter2 * arr3.length;

- Nilanjan Sil February 26, 2017 | Flag Reply

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