Facebook Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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Interview Type: Phone Interview

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This can be achieved using post-order traversal -

postOrder(BT r) {


  if(r.val == 0) {
    if(r.left.val != 0) {
       swap(r.val, r.left.val);
    } else {
       swap(r.right, r.right.val);

- Biru January 22, 2014 | Flag Reply
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How come? If you have 0 at the root, how is it going to sink to the bottom if it's processed as the very last node???

- Anonymous January 22, 2014 | Flag
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Just breadth-first traverse the tree, keep all node in a array or list.
Then swap the 0 node from the head of the list and non 0 node from the end of the list:

java codes:

public static void zeroSink(BNode node){
        if (node != null){
            List<BNode> list = new ArrayList<BNode>();
            BNode p = node;
            int index = 0;
            while (p != null && index < list.size()){
                p = list.get(index);
                if (p.left != null) list.add(p.left);
                if (p.right != null) list.add(p.right);
            int start = 0;
            int end = list.size() - 1;
            BNode n1 = list.get(start);
            BNode n2 = list.get(end);
            while (start < end){
                while (n1.data > 0 && start < end) {
                    n1 = list.get(start);
                while (n2.data == 0 && start < end) {
                    n2 = list.get(end);
                n1.data = n2.data;
                n2.data = 0;

- beartung January 19, 2014 | Flag Reply
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you are assuming balanaced tree

- kkr.ashish January 19, 2014 | Flag
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it works for a unbalanaced tree. If there is a node A with value 0 violate the rule(suppose its child is B), then A is in front of B in the queue. it had been swap during the later part

- cc.91 October 27, 2014 | Flag
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I did not understand very well.
If child node > parent node && parent node = 0, then swap values.
But the child node has children with values larger than 0. So, is the idea to swap recursively by levels?
Could you write an example, please?

- merlinparrajimenez January 18, 2014 | Flag Reply
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from what i understood the main motive is to make sure that no parent with child node or(sub tree) which has none zeros should have value zero.

int search1(tree * node)
	if (node == nullptr)
		return 0;
	else if (node->value != 0)
		int t = node->value;
		node->value = 0;
		return t;
		int t = search1(node->left);
		if (t!= 0)
		return (t);
		return (search1(node->right));
	return 0;

void sinkZero(tree **root)
	if (*root != nullptr)
		if ((*root)->value == 0)
			(*root)->value = search1(*root);

- raushan08bce253 January 18, 2014 | Flag Reply
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We can do it like making the heap..
We can use two functions 1)makeheap -> to traverse the tree by postorder traversal and checking the root and its childs. If root is zero then swap it with its nonzero child and apply second function heapify .
2) heapify apply on swapped element and traverse the tree down from there for putting this zero at its proper position . (means if after swapping zero there are child nodes with non zero values then we have to recursively do the same process for all the nodes which are downwords from this swapped zero)

- Amol B. Patil January 18, 2014 | Flag Reply
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preorder Traversal{
IF(parent == zero && non-zerochild)

preorder left;
preorder right;

- anil1in7 January 18, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Don't think it works for this case. The root has no non-zero children...

 0   0
2 3 4 5

- Sunny January 18, 2014 | Flag
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For zero current descendant we need to check for some more level down upto we don't get a non zero value or all possible descendants are zero

and copy non zero value to all possible sequential parents having value zero.

to achieve this a almost complete sub tree traversal is required for each node

  0     0
2 3   4 5

- PKT January 18, 2014 | Flag
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@anil1in7 logic is fine except 1 change

preorder Traversal{
preorder left;
preorder right;

IF(parent == zero && non-zerochild)

This will work for the case given by @sunny

- Anonymous January 22, 2014 | Flag
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your solution is also wrong try this

1           2
3 4        5  6
both of your codes will not propagate 0 downwards

preorder Traversal{ 
preorder left; 
preorder right; 
IF(parent == zero && non-zerochild) 
	preorder left;
	preorder right;

- kkr.ashish January 24, 2014 | Flag
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and the solution will be O(n^2).. will post a O(n) solution

- kkr.ashish January 24, 2014 | Flag
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This isn't well-tested, but it's the same general idea as beartung's post, which is to order the nodes according to level using breadth-first search. I separated the traversal from the zero-sinking so the algorithm is clearer.

class Node:
	left = None
	right = None
	data = 0

	def __repr__(self):
		s = "(" + str(self.data) + ", "
		s += str(self.left) + ", "
		s += str(self.right) + ")"
		return s

def bfs(root):
	queue = [root]
	idx = 0
	while idx < len(queue):
		n = queue[idx]
		if n.left:
		if n.right:
		idx += 1
	return queue

def zerosink(queue):
	start = 0
	end = len(queue) - 1
	while start < end:
		if queue[start].data == 0 and queue[end].data > 0:
			queue[start].data = queue[end].data
			queue[end].data = 0
			start += 1
			end -= 1
		elif queue[start].data == 0 and queue[end].data == 0:
			end -= 1
			start += 1
	return queue

- nilkn January 20, 2014 | Flag Reply
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class Node(object):

        self.left = None
        self.right = None
        self.data = 0

- beartung January 20, 2014 | Flag
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I thought about this more and I think it could potentially shift a 0 around a single level of the tree, which is probably not desired. The solution is to record the depth of a node in the Node class and, in the zerosink function, only actually perform the swap if the nonzero node is actually at a greater depth than the zero node.

- nilkn January 20, 2014 | Flag
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Some thoughts.

For N node and possibility of multiple zeros, the worst case scenario appears to be N^2, i.e. we blindly look for a zero and when found we sink it to the bottom of the current subtree (square because for a degenerate tree, i.e. a tree is a list, it's N^2).

Alternatively we may look for the first non-zero child and swap with it and repeat. This may improve N^2 but I am not positive by how much.

Sinking N zeros is sinking of 1 zero N times, thus since sinking 1 is at worst N (if we have to traverse the whole tree and find no zero) then sinking N is N^2.

- DS January 20, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Solution O(n)

std::stack ss;
preorder Traversal{ 
IF(parent == zero) 

	preorder left;
	preorder right;

- kkr.ashish January 24, 2014 | Flag Reply
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We should use a queue instead of a stack in order to swap always the top-most zero. Take this case for example:

  /   \
2    0

- Anonymous January 25, 2014 | Flag
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i don't know how much complexity wise it will be different as the soln i gave is anyway O(n) .. the good thing with stack is it always keep a portion of tree as required.. while in case of queue you will have to abruptly empty the queue if there are only zeros

please try the solution using queue, To keep track of zero present is a bit messy .. will be interesting

- kkr.ashish January 25, 2014 | Flag
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The complexity is the same but your algorithm doesn't work (in the example that I gave you the 2 only goes up one level). But you are correct that using a queue is not a good idea... furthermore, we wouldn't keep the relative order of the non-zero nodes. I think if we use a stack and process the tree in postorder it works:

void sinkzero(Node& node, stack<int>& s) {
	if (node == null) return;
	if (node->val == 0) s.push(node);
	sinkzero(node->left, s);
	sinkzero(node->right, s);
	if (!s.empty()) {
		if (node->val != 0) swap(node->val, s.top()->val);
		s.pop(); // if node->val == 0 then s.top() must be this node

- Anonymous January 26, 2014 | Flag
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Nevermind, it still doesn't work well. I can't see a O(n) solution that mantains the relative order of the non-zero nodes right now :\

- Anonymous January 26, 2014 | Flag
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a dequeue can solve this problem very easily .. i think that will work out

- kkr.ashish January 26, 2014 | Flag
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of 4 votes

You are right, I forgot completely about them :)

void sinkzero(Node& node, deque<int>& d) {
	if (node == null) return;
	if (node->val == 0) d.push_back(node);
	else {
		swap(node->val, d.front()->val);
	sinkzero(node->left, d);
	sinkzero(node->right, d);
	if (!d.empty() && d.back() == node) d.pop_back();

- Anonymous January 26, 2014 | Flag
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public class SinkZero {
	private static class Node<K> {
		public K data;
		public Node<K> left;
		public Node<K> right;
		public Node(K data, Node<K> left, Node<K> right) {
			this.data = data;
			this.left = left;
			this.right = right;
		public String toString() {
			return "Data:"+data;
	public static void sinkZero(Node<Integer> root) {
		if(root != null) {
			Stack<Node<Integer>> zeroStack = new Stack<Node<Integer>>();
			if(root.data == 0) {
			if(root.left != null) {
				sinkZero(root.left, zeroStack);
			if(root.right != null) {
				sinkZero(root.right, zeroStack);
	public static void sinkZero(Node<Integer> node, Stack<Node<Integer>> zeroStack) {
		//do a postorder traversal. in pre recurssion if the data is zero add to stack
		//in post recursion step pop from queue and swap it with the node
		if(node.data == 0) {
		if(node.left != null) {
			sinkZero(node.left, zeroStack);
		if(node.right != null) {
			sinkZero(node.right, zeroStack);
		if(zeroStack.size() > 0) {
			Node<Integer> zeroNode = zeroStack.pop();
			zeroNode.data = node.data;
			node.data = 0;
	private static void printTree(Node tree) {
		if(tree == null) {
			System.out.print("Null tree");
		} else {
			Queue<Node> currentLevel = new LinkedList<Node>();
			Queue<Node> nextLevel = new LinkedList<Node>();
	private static void printTreeBFS(Queue<Node> currentLevel, Queue<Node> nextLevel) {
		if(currentLevel.size() > 0) {
			Node elem = currentLevel.poll();
			if(elem.left != null) {
			if(elem.right != null) {
			System.out.print("Data:"+elem.data+"    ");
			if(currentLevel.size() == 0) {
				Queue<Node> temp = currentLevel;
				currentLevel = nextLevel;
				nextLevel = temp;
			printTreeBFS(currentLevel, nextLevel);
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//create a dummy tree
		Node<Integer> tree1 = new Node<Integer>(0,new Node<Integer>(0,new Node<Integer>(2,null,null),new Node<Integer>(3,null,null)),new Node<Integer>(0,new Node<Integer>(4,null,null),new Node<Integer>(5,null,null)));

- hinax February 08, 2014 | Flag Reply
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public static NodeBT postOSink(NodeBT root){
			if(root.left!=null && root.left.data!=0){
			else if(root.right!=null && root.right.data!=0)
		return root;


- idzy March 08, 2014 | Flag Reply
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How about just fix the root node first if it is zero then call the function for to fix nodes for the remaining subtree. The root node will ultimately be either the leftmost nonzero node or right-most non zero node.
It will take O(n) time.

public void sinkZeroes(Node root){
if(root.leftChild!=null && root.leftChild.data!=0){
int temp = root.data;
root.data = root.leftChild.data;
root.leftChild.data = temp;
else if(root.rightChild!=null && root.rightChild.data!=0){
int temp = root.data;
root.data = root.rightChild.data;
root.rightChild.data = temp;

//sink in zeroes in binary tree
public void sinkZeroes1(Node root){
if(root.leftChild!=null && root.leftChild.data!=0){
int temp = root.data;
root.data = root.leftChild.data;
root.leftChild.data = temp;
else if(root.rightChild!=null && root.rightChild.data!=0){
int temp = root.data;
root.data = root.rightChild.data;
root.rightChild.data = temp;

- Anonymous April 24, 2014 | Flag Reply
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I have implemented a postorder solution where we rise leafs. I have tested and seems to work fine. (Solution at jelices.blogspot.com/2014/05/sink-zeros-in-binary-tree.html)

public  void sink0(TreeNode root)
		HashSet<TreeNode> finished = new HashSet<TreeNode>();
		sink0(root, new HashMap<TreeNode,TreeNode>(), finished, false);
	public void sink0(TreeNode root, HashMap<TreeNode, TreeNode> parentMap, HashSet<TreeNode> finished, boolean zerosOver)
			zerosOver = true;
		if(root.left != null)
			parentMap.put(root.left, root);
			sink0(root.left, parentMap, finished, zerosOver);
		if(root.right != null)
			parentMap.put(root.right, root);
			sink0(root.right, parentMap, finished, zerosOver);
		if(root.val!=0 && !finished.contains(root))
			TreeNode temp = root;
			ArrayDeque<TreeNode> nonZeroNodes = new ArrayDeque<TreeNode>();
			ArrayDeque<TreeNode>nodes = new ArrayDeque<TreeNode>();
			while(temp!=null && !finished.contains(temp))
				temp = parentMap.get(temp);
				TreeNode tempNode = nonZeroNodes.pop();
				TreeNode toModify = nodes.pop();
				toModify.val = tempNode.val;
				TreeNode toModify = nodes.pop();

- jelices May 29, 2014 | Flag Reply
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I think this is more of a data structure question:

appropriate data structure for such problems is heap, represented in an array
now apply pseudo delete operation on nodes with key zero(non null), similar to what we do during heap sort

If we have to do it in a binary tree data structure, then approach would be:
do post order traversal and when processing root, sink root to the subtree which has a non zero root

- sw August 04, 2014 | Flag Reply
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The problem can be solved through rotations (remember, if you deal with BST, no simple swaps are allowed, since it breaks BST properties!). So, what you need it to do POST-ORDER traversal of a tree. As soon as you meet a 0 element, you simply perform left or right rotations till element children are either 0s and/or nulls (rotations explanation can be easily found in Google). The important propert of rotations for us is that it sinks one level the element for which the rotation is applied, while preserving the properties of BST. The post-order traversal guarantees that when you arrive to a given element, all 0s in its branches are already sunk, and so you guarantee that all zeroes in the tree in the end are at the bottom!

- Anonymous August 24, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Preorder + Queue:(On)

public void sink(Node root){
	Queue queue = new LinkedList<Node>();
	helper(root, queue);

public void helper(Node root, Queue q){
	if(root == null){
	if(root.val == 0){
			swap(q.poll(), root);
	helper(root.left, q);
	if(q.peek() == root.left){
	helper(root.right, q);
	if(q.peek() == root.right){

- Jiexun September 01, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Preorder + Queue:(On)

public void sink(Node root){
	Queue queue = new LinkedList<Node>();
	helper(root, queue);

public void helper(Node root, Queue q){
	if(root == null){
	if(root.val == 0){
			swap(q.poll(), root);
	helper(root.left, q);
	if(q.peek() == root.left){
	helper(root.right, q);
	if(q.peek() == root.right){

- Jiexun September 01, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Can be done with a variation on dfs, keep track of number of zeroValuedNodes along path from root on a stack, if at a leaf that has non zero value swap with head of stack

If zeroValuedNodes not empty at the end, there is no solution

Outline would be:
sinkZero(Node r){
init stack zeroValuedNodes
dfs(r, zeroValuedNodes)
if stack not empty problem not solvable

dfs(Node n, zeroValuedNodes){
if leaf {
if non zero, swap value with head of stack, pop zeroValuedNodes
} else {
if zero push onto zeroValuedNodes
if leftChild exists, dfs(left,..)
if rightChild exists, dfs(right,..)

- just_do_it February 24, 2015 | Flag Reply
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// returns true if swap was performed
// Time: O(n)
	public boolean sinkZero(TreeNode node, TreeNode parent, boolean shouldSwap)
		if (node == null)
			return false;
		boolean isSwap = false;
		if (node.getValue() != 0)
			if (shouldSwap)
				swapNodes(parent, node);
				isSwap = true;
			// if shouldswap = true, we should send it to the sub-tree because now node value = 0
			boolean childSwap = sinkZero(node.getLeft(), node, shouldSwap);
			// if child swap was performed, it's mean that the node.value was swapped and we don't need to swap it again
			sinkZero(node.getRight(), node, shouldSwap && !childSwap);
			return isSwap;
		// node value == 0
		boolean childSwapped1 = sinkZero(node.getLeft(), node, true);
		boolean childSwapped2 = sinkZero(node.getRight(), node, !childSwapped1);
		// check if shouldSwap = true and one of the children performed a swap, we will swap with him the node value
		// this scenario raise up the non zero value
		if (shouldSwap && (childSwapped1 || childSwapped2))
			swapNodes(node, parent);
			isSwap = true;
		return isSwap;

	private void swapNodes(TreeNode n1, TreeNode n2)
		int tmp = n1.getValue();

- Tal_Rozen May 14, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I will try to put a pseudo code.

	if (root == null) return;
	if (root.left == null && root.right == null) return;

	if (root.value == 0 && root.left.value !=0)
		swapValues(root, root.left);

	if (root.value == 0 && root.right.value !=0)
		swapValues(root, root.right);


- SrK April 07, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Use a Preorder traversal approach, if both childs have zero means we can not zink any more

public void ZinkZeros(TreeNode root)
	if (root == null)


	// If both childs are Zero we stop the recurzion, all zeros are sink
	if ((root.Left != null || root.Left.Value == 0) && (root.Right != null || root.Right.Value == 0))

	if (root.Value == 0)
		if (root.Left != null && root.Left.Value != 0)
			SwapValues(root, root.Left);
		else if (root.Right != null && root.Right.Value != 0)
			SwapValues(root, root.Right);

- hnatsu November 21, 2016 | Flag Reply
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