Pinterest Interview Question for Senior Software Development Engineers

Team: general
Country: United States
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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Can be solved by dynamic programming. Let
W(k) : no of words in the string from 0 to k. If there are incomplete words then the number is infinity
word(i,k) : returns 1 if a word formed from characters in the string from i to k exists in dict else return infinity

Recursion equation
W(k+1) = min [W(i) + word(i,k+1)] for i from 1 to k

- kr.neerav February 06, 2014 | Flag Reply
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public static void stringIntoSentence(String seq, Set<String> dict) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        if (seq != null && seq.length() > 0 && dict != null && !dict.isEmpty()) {
            while (seq.length() > 0) {
                String helper = "";
                String foundIt = "";
                char[] _seq = seq.toCharArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < _seq.length; i++) {
                    helper += String.valueOf(_seq[i]);
                    if (dict.contains(helper))
                        foundIt = helper;
                if (foundIt.length() > 0) {
                    seq = seq.substring(foundIt.length());
                    if (seq.length() > 0)
                        sb.append(" ");
                } else return;
        System.out.println("--> " + sb.toString());

- george.maggessy April 04, 2014 | Flag Reply
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This will not work if "aa" is also in the dictionary. The output then would be "aa a is a name" which is 5 words. The objective is to output minimum no of words.

- punkrokr911 April 05, 2014 | Flag
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Just tested it and it works.

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
Set<String> dict = new HashSet<String>();

stringIntoSentence("aaaaisname", dict);


- george.maggessy September 19, 2014 | Flag
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doesn't work for:
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
Set<String> dict = new HashSet<String>();

stringIntoSentence("aaaaisname", dict);

- Anonymous November 23, 2014 | Flag
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def segment(str: String, dict: List[String], output: List[String]) {
if (str == "") println(output.mkString(" "))
else {
dict.foreach { word =>
if (str.startsWith(word)) {
segment(str.substring(word.length), dict, output :+ word)

- scala code August 12, 2014 | Flag Reply
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This can be solved using Trie.

Assuming we have a Trie data structure with all the dictionary words in it

Basic idea is for each character keep on tracking whether the prefix it covered is a valid word or not. If it is then we have 2 subproblems

a. substring upto i is valid but need to check validity of i+1 to length subsequence.

b. ignore validity of substring 0 to i instead keep on checking validity of the subsequence from 0 to i+1

if any of the two subproblems give a result true. Overall result will be true.

public static boolean isValidSequence(Trie trie, String sequence){
		boolean rslt = false;
		int length = sequence.length();
		TrieNode node = trie.getRoot();
		int i = 0;
		for( i = 0; i < length; i++){
			char ch = sequence.charAt(i);
			int charIdx = ch - 'a';
			TrieNode[] children = node.getChildren();
			TrieNode charNode = children[charIdx];
			if(charNode == null){
				rslt = false;
				String subSeq = sequence.substring(i+1);
				boolean rsltOfNextSeq = isValidSequence(trie, subSeq);
					rslt = true;
			node = charNode;
		if((i == length) && (node.isEndsWord()))
			rslt = true;
		return rslt;

- anshulzunke September 29, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Not very efficient but it does the job when under the pressure and you forgot how to implement a trie

// O(n^2) running time
  def wordSeparator2(dict:Set[String], s:String):List[String] = {
     val chars = s.toCharArray

    var words = List[String]()

    var i = 0
    var j = i
    while(i < chars.size) {

      val c = chars(i)
      var word = ""
      var unusedChars = ""

      // be greedy and try to get the longest word
        for(j <- i to chars.length - 1) {
          if(dict.contains(word + unusedChars + chars(j))) {
            word = word + unusedChars + chars(j)
            unusedChars = ""
            i = j
          } else {
            unusedChars = unusedChars + chars(j)

        if(word != "")
          words = word :: words
        i = i +1



- flipCoder December 16, 2014 | Flag Reply
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class Solution:
    def wordBreak(self, s, wordDict):
	        #word[i] means minimum number of words in the string s[:i+1]
        w = [float('inf')] * (len(s) + 1)
        w[0]  = 0 

        for i in range(len(s)):
            for j in range(i, len(s)):
                if s[i:j+1] in wordDict:
                    w[j+1] = min(w[j+1], w[i] + 1)

        return w[-1]

- codemuncher February 22, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Naive backtrack solution

public static void main(String[] args) {
        Set<String> dict = new HashSet<>();
        dict.add("a"); dict.add("aaa"); dict.add("name"); dict.add("is");
        String input = "aaaisaname";
        List<String> res = formattedWordWithMinimumNumber(dict, input);
        for(String s : res) {

    public static List<String> formattedWordWithMinimumNumber(Set<String> dict, String input) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        List<List<String>> res = new ArrayList<>();
        formattWordWithMinimumNumber(dict, input, list, res);
        List<String> minWordList = new ArrayList<>();
        StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        int minNumOfWords = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for(int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
            int listSize = res.get(i).size();
//            System.out.println(listSize);
//            if(listSize > 0)
                minNumOfWords = Math.min(listSize, minNumOfWords);
        for(int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
            if(res.get(i).size() == minNumOfWords) {
        return minWordList;

    public static String formatListToStr(List<String> list) {
        StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        for(String s : list) {
            strBuilder.append(s+" ");
        strBuilder.setLength(strBuilder.length()-1); // remove last space
        return strBuilder.toString();

    public static void formattWordWithMinimumNumber(Set<String> dict, String input, List<String> list, List<List<String>> res) {
        if(input.length() == 0) {
            res.add(new ArrayList<>(list));
        for(int i = 1; i <= input.length(); i++) {
            String current = input.substring(0,i);
            if(dict.contains(current)) {
                formattWordWithMinimumNumber(dict, input.substring(i), list, res);

- Richard Luo October 20, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Brute force approach in javascript.

function longest(input, dict) {
    let res = [];

    while (input.length > 0) {
        let longest = "";

        for (var i = 1; i <= input.length; i++) {
            let test = input.substring(0, i);

            if (dict.has(test)) {
                longest = test;

        if (longest.length == 0) {
            throw new Error();

        input = input.substring(longest.length);


    return res;

- Anonymous April 18, 2018 | Flag Reply
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Word break problem but more like coin change during solution.

- Pegasi October 01, 2019 | Flag Reply
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import UIKit

final class PTTSolution {
static let words: Set = ["a", "aa", "is", "name"]
// static let words: Set = ["a"]
class func Verify(_ input:String?) -> String? {
guard let input = input, input.count > 0 else {
return nil;
var lengths: Set<Int> = []
words.forEach { word in
var result: Array<(i: Int, w: String)> = Array(repeating: (0, ""), count: input.count + 1)
result[0] = (i: 1, w: "")
for i in 1...input.count {
lengths.forEach { length in
let startIndex = i - length
if startIndex < 0 {
let steps = result[startIndex]
if steps.i == 0 {
let start = input.index(input.startIndex, offsetBy: startIndex)
let end = input.index(input.startIndex, offsetBy: i)
let substring = String(input[start..<end])
if !words.contains(substring) {
let fullWord = steps.w.count == 0 ? substring : steps.w + " " + substring;
if (result[i].i == 0) || (result[i].i > steps.i + 1) {
result[i] = (i: steps.i + 1, w: fullWord)
return result.last!.w;

let input = "aaaisaname";
print(PTTSolution.Verify(input) ?? "no result");

// O(w + n*l) - where w - is number of words, n - is a number of characters in the input, l - is different lengths of word in the dictionary

- mvdizel February 29, 2020 | Flag Reply
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fun test(){
        val dic : ArrayList<String> = arrayListOf("a", "aaa", "is", "name")
        val input = "aaaisaname"
        var output = StringBuilder() {
                if (!output.isEmpty()) output.append(" ")

        Log.d("TAG", output.toString())


- Antonio Lopez November 22, 2021 | Flag Reply
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- Anonymous February 22, 2016 | Flag Reply
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