Facebook Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: United States
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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So, there are a couple approaches, and picking one without mentioning the others is likely a failure here.

First, I'd ask if there's any chance of a big value for K; if K will always be within a constant factor of N, O(K) == O(N).

If K is guaranteed to stay small, we can:

- look at all lists with items remaining to find the smallest element, O(K).
- pop it off it's current list , O(1).
- push it onto the merged list, O(1)
- repeat until all lists are finished; O(N).

The problem again is if O(K) == O(N), that's O(N ^ 2)... which isn't great.

If we can spend more memory on this, O(N) more memory, we can speed it up for that case.

- for each list K, push all nodes into a min-heap. O(N lg N)
- repeated pop items off the heap and add to a merged list. O(N lg N)

(Each individual pop is O(lg N) because it has to re-heap itself.)

You'd want to test this with empty lists, some empty lists, lists of different sizes, lists of size == 1, and a single list as input.

- D June 20, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I don't think the min heap approach is cheaper if we consider what N really means here. The total number of nodes is M= K*N, correct?

So if you keep adding nodes to a min heap that is O(Log M) i.e. min-heapify. If you do a heap sort on the heap, you will need to build the heap which is O(M) and for every node, call into min-heapify which is O(Log M) and so the final result is O(MLogM) which is > O(M).

What am I missing here? Thoughts?

- tdot August 08, 2015 | Flag
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@tdot M is not basically K*N. Because min-heap height will never be more than K. So its basically NLog(K), where N is the maximum length of K arrays.

- Psycho October 13, 2015 | Flag
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We can use min-heap with merge sort for this.

- Anonymous May 22, 2015 | Flag Reply
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We can solve this with min-heap.

- bayarea12345 May 22, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Question isn't clear if the resultant linked list needs to be sorted. Otherwise you can just directly merge the lists in O(k)

- Bhaavan May 22, 2015 | Flag Reply
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If the question is to make 1 singly linked list out of K lists, then it could be done thusly:

public static ListNode<T extends Comparable>{
    ListNode next;
    T value;
public static ListNode<T> mergeLists(ListNode<ListNode<T>> lists){
    if(lists == null){
        return null;
    //build the head of the results
    Object[] minObj = getMin(lists);
    ListNode<T> resultHead = (ListNode<T>)minObj[1];
    ListNode<T> resultTail = resultHead;
    while(resultTail != null){
        lists = (ListNode<ListNode<T>>)minObj[0];
        minObj = getMin(lists);
        resultTail.next = (ListNode<T>)minObj[1];
        resultTail = resultTail.next;
    return resultHead;

private static Object[] getMin(ListNode<ListNode<T>> lists){
    //[0] will be the modified list
    //[1] will be the min
    Object[] results = new Object[2];
    if(lists == null){
        return results;
    ListNode<ListNode<T>> newListsHead = null;
    ListNode<ListNode<T>> newListsTail = null;
    ListNode<ListNode<T>> temp = lists;
    ListNode<ListNode<T>> minListHolder == null;

    //set the new lists head and the first min
    while(temp != null){
        if(temp.value != null){
            if(minListHolder == null || minListHolder.value.value.compareTo(temp.value.value)){
                minListHolder = temp;
            //since the value is not null, keep it around for the next search
            if(newListsHead == null){
                newListsHead = temp;
                newListsTail = temp;
                newListsTail.next = temp;
                newListsTail = temp;
        temp = temp.next;
    //remove any dangling empty lists
    newListsTail = null;
    if(minListHolder != null){
        ListNode<T> minNode = minListHolder.value;
        minListHolder.value = minNode.next;
    results[0] = newListsHead;
    results[1] = minNode;
    return results;

- zortlord May 22, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Alternately the following could be done that would be much faster (O(n log m) instead of O(nm) )

public static class LinkNode<T extends Comparable<T>>{
   LinkNode<T> next;
   T value

public static LinkNode<T> merge(LinkNode<LinkNode<T>> lists){
   LinkNode<T> resultHead;
   LinkNode<T> resultTail;
   //build a heap of the contents
   PriorityQueue<LinkNode<LinkNode<T>>> heap = new PriorityQueue<LinkNode<LinkNode<T>>>(new Comparator<LinkNode<LinkNode<T>>>(){
        public int compare(LinkNode<LinkNode<T>> list1, LinkNode<LinkNode<T>> list2){
            return list1.value.value.compareTo(list2.value.value);
    while(lists != null){
        if(lists.value != null){
        LinkNode<LinkNode<T>> next = lists.next;
        lists.next = null;
        lists = next;

    //if there is stuff in the heap
        //build the head of the results
        lists = heap.dequeue();
        LinkNode<T> node = lists.value;
        lists.value = node.value;
        resultHead = node;
        resultTail = node;
        //don't add back an empty list
        if(lists.value != null){
        //while there is still content in the heap, keep working
            lists = heap.dequeue();
            node = lists.value;
            lists.value = node.value;
            resultTail.next = node;
            resultTail = node;
            //don't add back an empty list
            if(lists.value != null){
    return resultHead;

- zortlord May 22, 2015 | Flag
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struct Node {
	Node * next;
	int value;

Node* mergeSList(Node* lists[], int count)
	Node *end;
	Node *start;

	if (count > 0)
		start = lists[0];

	for(int i = 1; i < count; i++)
		start = merge(start, lists[i]);

	return start;

Node * merge (Node * list1, Node * list2)
	Node *start = 0;
	Node *end = 0;
	Node *cur1 = list1;
	Node *cur2 = list2;

	while (cur1 || cur2)
		Node *next = 0;
		//if list1 reached the end
		if (!cur1 && cur2)
			next = cur2;
			cur2 = cur2->next;
		} else if (cur1 && !cur2)
			next = cur1;
			cur1 = cur1->next;
		} else if (cur1->value > cur2->value)
			next = cur2;
			cur2 = cur2->next;
		} else {
			next = cur1;
			cur1 = cur1->next;

		if (!start)
			start  = end = next;
			end->next = next;
			end = next;
	return start;

This algorithm is equivalent to the merge operation of merge sort since each list is already sorted.

Running time will O(N), where N is total number of elements in K sorted linked lists.

- hankm2004 June 16, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Class mintree  { 

initminTree(v,  minTree t )  {  

for(int i  = 0 ;  i <  v.size() ; i ++){
    t.insert(make_pair<int, int> (v[i][0],  i) ) ;    


 boolean mergenarray (vector<vector<int>> v ) { 
       minTree t = new minTree() ; 
     t.initminTree(v)  ; 
     vector<int>  index  ;
     vector<int>  final  ;
     for(int j = 0 ; j < v.size() ; j++ )
         index[j] = 0 ;
     while(!t.isempty())  { 
         ind =  t.getmin().second() ; 
         final.pushback(v[index]) ;
         index[ind] ++;
         if !(v[index].size () <= [index[ind]])
             t.insert( make_pair<int, int> (v[i][index[ind]],  i))

- anshulnsit July 07, 2015 | Flag Reply
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class MergeList{
	private List<List<Integer>> listOfLists = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
	private List<Integer> output =  new ArrayList<Integer>();
	public void readInput(){
		this.listOfLists = intializeInput(); // TODOs
	// T(n) = m * O(n); where m =  # of sorted Lists
	public List<List<Integer>> mergeAll(){
		for(int i = 0; i < listOfLists.length(); i++){
			this.output = merge(this.output, listOfLists.get(i));
		return this.output;
	// T(n) = O(n); where n is the length of the longest sortedList
	private List<Integer>  merge(List<Integer> list1, List<Integer> list2){
	    List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		int i = 0, int j = 0;
		for(; i < list1.length() && j < list2.length();){
			Integer element1 = list1.get(i);
			Integer element2 = list2.get(j);
			if(element1 < element2){
		if(i == list1.length()){
			// list1 is expended
			for(; j < list2.length(); j++){
		if(j == list2.length()){
			// list2 is expended
			for(; i < list1.length(); i++){
		return list;


- Java Solutions August 19, 2015 | Flag Reply
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class MergeList{
	private List<List<Integer>> listOfLists = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
	private List<Integer> output =  new ArrayList<Integer>();
	public void readInput(){
		this.listOfLists = intializeInput(); // TODOs
	// T(n) = m * O(n); where m =  # of sorted Lists
	public List<List<Integer>> mergeAll(){
		for(int i = 0; i < listOfLists.length(); i++){
			this.output = merge(this.output, listOfLists.get(i));
		return this.output;
	// T(n) = O(n); where n is the length of the longest sortedList
	private List<Integer>  merge(List<Integer> list1, List<Integer> list2){
	    List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		int i = 0, int j = 0;
		for(; i < list1.length() && j < list2.length();){
			Integer element1 = list1.get(i);
			Integer element2 = list2.get(j);
			if(element1 < element2){
		if(i == list1.length()){
			// list1 is expended
			for(; j < list2.length(); j++){
		if(j == list2.length()){
			// list2 is expended
			for(; i < list1.length(); i++){
		return list;


- coolguy August 19, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Java code implementation with min-heap (PriorityQueue); O(N log M) where N is the size of all elements in the lists.

private static List<Integer> kWayMerge(List<List<Integer>> lists) {
		Queue<List<Integer>> queue = new PriorityQueue<List<Integer>>(new Comparator<List<Integer>>(){
			public int compare(List<Integer> l1, List<Integer> l2) {
				return l1.get(0) - l2.get(0);
		for (List<Integer> list : lists)
			if (!list.isEmpty()) queue.add(list);
		List<Integer> result = new LinkedList<Integer>();
		while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
			List<Integer> minlist = queue.remove();
			if (!minlist.isEmpty()) queue.add(minlist);
		return result;

- keighobadi April 02, 2016 | Flag Reply
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we simply have to merge the first two linked list and loop thru all the k linked list to merge.

public class LinkedList {
			public int value { get; set; }
			LinkedList next { get; set; }
			public LinkedList(int v) {
				value = v;
				next = null;

		public class LinkedListAlgorithms {
			public LinkedList Merge(LinkedList[] a, int k) {
				LinkedList result = merge(a[0], a[1]);
				for(int i=2; i<k; i++) {
					result = merge(result, a[i]);
				return result;

			private LinkedList merge(LinkedList a, LinkedList b) {
				LinkedList p1 = a;
				LinkedList p2 = b;
				LinkedList head = new LinkedList(0);
				LinkedList prev = head;
				while( p1 != null && p2 != null ) {
					if(p1.value < p2.value) {
						prev.next = p1;
						p1 = p1.next;
					else {
						prev.next = p2;
						p2 = p2.next;
					prev = prev.next;
				if(p1 != null) prev.next = p1;
				if(p2 != null) prev.next = p2;
				return head.next;

- tus124 May 22, 2015 | Flag Reply

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