Google Interview Question for Software Engineers

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1. BinarySearch Tree(RedBlack Tree) with average_score as the key
2. HashMap to index hotel_id to BinarySearch Tree node

add_hotel(std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t, float> hotel) {
node* cur_node = map[std::get<0>(hotel)]; // checking inclusion avoided
tree.erase(cur_node) //O(log n)

get_list(floag avg_score) {
//binary search to get the nodes(reference the hotel_id) greater than avg_score as list
//O(k + log n) k = size of output

- Suraj Poudel July 07, 2016 | Flag Reply
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1. HashMap to reference the hotel_id to its BinarySearchTree node.
2. BinarySearch Tree(RB Tree implementation) with average score as the key.

add_hotel h
- node* n = map.get(
- tree.erase(n)
- n.count++
- n.score_sum += h.score
- tree.insert(n)

- Binary Search to get to first node greater than equal to avg_score
- Traverse through the remaining nodes in the right to get the list of ids
- O(log n + k) [ k is the size of output]

- July 07, 2016 | Flag Reply
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// ZoomBA
def get_hotels( scores_file, avg_score ){
  scores = json ( scores_file , true )
  listing = mset ( scores ) -> { $.o.hotel_id }
  avg_listing = dict ( listing ) -> {
     key = $.o.key  
     items = $.o.value 
     total = sum ( items ) -> { $.o.score } 
     [ key, total / float( #|items| ) ] // do average 
  selected_hotels = select ( avg_listing ) :: { 
    $.o.value >= avg_score } -> { $.o.key }

- NoOne October 06, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Attempting this with Java.

/* Approach: Use counting sort to group hotel data together based on hotel Id. Iterate through the grouped data and compute
a moving average for each hotel Id/group's scores. If a group has an average score >= avg_min_score, add that hotel's id
to the list of ids to be returned. */
//Time Complexity: O(N).Space: O(N).

//Class representation of Input data.
class HotelData
	String hotelId;
	String userId;
	int score;
public ArrayList<String> topHotels(HotelData[] scores,int min_avg)
		return Collections.<String>emptyList();
	ArrayList<String> results=new ArrayList<String>();
			return results;
	HashMap<String,Integer> counts=new HashMap<String,Integer>();
	for(int i=0;i<scores.length;i++)
		int ct=1;
	HashMap<String,Integer> indices=new HashMap<String,Integer>();
	int idx=0;
	HotelData[] h=new HotelData[scores.length];
	for(int i=0;i<scores.length;i++)
		int p;
	int avg=h[0].score;
	int ct=1;
	for(int i=1;i<h.length;i++)
			int sum=(avg*ct)+h[i].score;
	return results;

- divm01986 July 07, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Assuming the order of the output does not matter.
space: O(n)
time complexity: O(n)

struct Hotel{
	int hotel_id, user_id, score;
	Hotel( int _hotel_id, int _user_id, int _score){
		hotel_id = _hotel_id;
		user_id = _user_id;
		score = _score;

vector<int> get_hotels(vector<Hotel> scores, float min_avg_score ){
	unordered_map<int,pair<int,int> > hash;
	unordered_map<int,pair<int,int> > :: iterator it;
	vector<int> hotels;	
	int sz = scores.size();

	for( int i = 0 ; i < sz ; ++i ){
		hash[ scores[i].hotel_id ].first+=scores[i].score;
		hash[ scores[i].hotel_id ].second++;
	for( it = hash.begin(); it != hash.end() ; ++it ){
		pair<int,int> values = it -> second;
		float avg_current = values.first/(float)(values.second);
		if( avg_current >= min_avg_score )
			hotels.push_back(it -> first );
	return hotels;

If order matters then it will be possible by changing the hash with a map. Time complexity will be O(nlogn) though.

- jariasf03 July 08, 2016 | Flag Reply
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//Class score
public class Scores {
String id;
String user_id;
int val;
public Scores(){}
public Scores(String id, String uid, int val){ = id;
	this.user_id = uid;
	this.val = val;

// Class hotels
import java.util.*;
public class hotels {
public static void main(String args[]){
	ArrayList<Scores> score = new ArrayList<Scores>();
		score.add(new Scores("101","1001",5));
		score.add(new Scores("101","1002",7));
		score.add(new Scores("103","1003",3));
		score.add(new Scores("104","1001",5));
		score.add(new Scores("105","1001",4));
		get_scores(score, 5); }
	public static void get_scores(ArrayList<Scores> score , int avg){
	HashMap<String,Integer> hmap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
	HashMap<String,Integer> hmapForCount = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
	int numberOfEntries = score.size();
	for(int i=0;i<numberOfEntries;i++){
		String key = score.get(i).id;
		int val = score.get(i).val;
			hmap.put(key, val);
			hmapForCount.put(key, 1);
			hmap.put(key, hmap.get(key)+val);

	ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<String>();
	for(Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : hmap.entrySet() ){
		String k = (String) e.getKey();
		int val = (int)hmap.get(k);
		int entries = (int)hmapForCount.get(k);
		Integer newVal = Integer.valueOf(val / entries) ;


- Anonymous July 08, 2016 | Flag Reply
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//class Scores

public class Scores {
String id;
String user_id;
int val;
public Scores(){}
public Scores(String id, String uid, int val){ = id;
	this.user_id = uid;
	this.val = val;

//class Hotels
import java.util.*;
public class hotels {
public static void main(String args[]){
	ArrayList<Scores> score = new ArrayList<Scores>();
		score.add(new Scores("101","1001",5));
		score.add(new Scores("101","1002",7));
		score.add(new Scores("103","1003",3));
		score.add(new Scores("104","1001",5));
		score.add(new Scores("105","1001",4));
		get_scores(score, 5); }
	public static void get_scores(ArrayList<Scores> score , int avg){
	HashMap<String,Integer> hmap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
	HashMap<String,Integer> hmapForCount = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
	int numberOfEntries = score.size();
	for(int i=0;i<numberOfEntries;i++){
		String key = score.get(i).id;
		int val = score.get(i).val;
			hmap.put(key, val);
			hmapForCount.put(key, 1);
			hmap.put(key, hmap.get(key)+val);

	ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<String>();
	for(Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : hmap.entrySet() ){
		String k = (String) e.getKey();
		int val = (int)hmap.get(k);
		int entries = (int)hmapForCount.get(k);
		Integer newVal = Integer.valueOf(val / entries) ;


- Shruthi Prakash July 08, 2016 | Flag Reply
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public List<String> getHotels(List<HotelRating> ratings, double minAverage) {
                .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(rating -> rating.hotelId,
                        Collectors.averagingDouble(rating -> rating.score)))
                .filter(entry -> entry.getValue() >= minAverage)

- haldokan July 11, 2016 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.ArrayList;

public class hotels {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int [] [] scores = {{1001, 501, 7}, {1001, 502, 7}, {1001, 503, 7}, {2001, 504, 10}, {3001, 505, 5}, {2001, 506, 5}};
		ArrayList<Integer> hotel_ids = get_hotels(scores,7);
	public static ArrayList<Integer> get_hotels(int [] [] scores, int min_avg_score) {
		//Step 1: Check the averages of all the unique hotels
		ArrayList<Integer> subList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		ArrayList<double[]> compareTo = new ArrayList<double[]>();
		for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) {
			//If the hotel already exist, Update the average and counter (how many items it appeared)
			int indx = subList.indexOf(scores[i][0]);
			if (indx != -1) {
				double [] E = compareTo.get(indx);
				E[1] = E[1] + 1; //How many times this hotel appeared (helps in calculating the average)
				E[0] = (E[0]*(E[1]-1)+scores[i][2])/E[1]; //The new average
				compareTo.set(indx, E); //update the average and counter of the existing hotel
			//if it is new to the list, initiate the average to be the score and the counter to be 1
			else {
				double [] E2 = {scores[i][2], 1}; //average and counter
				compareTo.add(E2); //add the new hotel to the list of available hotels
		//Step 2: Check which hotels pass the test and add it to the list
		ArrayList <Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		for (int i = 0; i < subList.size(); i++) {
			if (compareTo.get(i)[0] >= min_avg_score) {
		return result;

- AbdallahCh89 July 12, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Python 3.5

def get_hotels(scores=scores, min_avg_score=5):
    import collections
    to_return = []
    hotel_scores = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for s in scores:
    for hotel in hotel_scores.keys():
        score_list = hotel_scores[hotel]
        if sum(score_list) / len(score_list) >= in_avg_score:
    return to_return

- July 14, 2016 | Flag Reply
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def my_solution(data, ratting):
    track = dict()

    for hotel in data:

        if track.get(hotel["hotel_id"], ""):

            prev_sum = track[hotel["hotel_id"]][0]
            prev_len = len(track[hotel["hotel_id"]][1])

            left = prev_sum
            total = left + (hotel["score"] * prev_len)
            new_avg = int(total/(1 + prev_len))

            track[hotel["hotel_id"]][0] = new_avg


            track[hotel["hotel_id"]] = [hotel["score"], [hotel]]

    ans = []
    for i, j in track.items():
        if j[0] >= ratting:

    return ans

if __name__ == '__main__':
    scores = [ 
    {'hotel_id': 1001, 'user_id': 501, 'score': 7}, 
    {'hotel_id': 1001, 'user_id': 502, 'score': 7}, 
    {'hotel_id': 1001, 'user_id': 503, 'score': 7}, 
    {'hotel_id': 2001, 'user_id': 504, 'score': 10}, 
    {'hotel_id': 3001, 'user_id': 505, 'score': 5}, 
    {'hotel_id': 2001, 'user_id': 506, 'score': 5} 

    print(my_solution(scores, 5))
    print(my_solution(scores, 7))

- python_guy July 15, 2016 | Flag Reply
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It is not google question and it is too simple for google. ask these kind of questions frequently.

- ugurdonmez87 July 26, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Select hotel_id, Avg(score) as avg_score
From scores
Group by hotel_id
Having avg_score >= min_avg_score

Don't overcomplicate a simple problem. Your code should be doing the equivalent of this sql in the language of your choice. C# linq or java streams or functional programming makes this trivial.

- Anonymous July 29, 2016 | Flag Reply
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def get_hotel(scores, min_avg_score):
    return sorted(list(set(val['hotel_id'] for val in scores if val['score'] >= min_avg_score)))

- python August 19, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Javascript solution. keep track of ids, the total score for that id, and the number of occurances of that id as we go through the list. Then go through our map, calculate the average score, and return everything that has a higher average.

function get_hotels(scores, min_avg_score){
    var averageScores = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < scores.length; i++){
        if (scores[i].hotel_id in averageScores){
            averageScores[scores[i].hotel_id].total += scores[i].score;
            averageScores[scores[i].hotel_id] = {total: scores[i].score, count: 1};


    var toReturn = [];
    for (var key in averageScores) {
        if (averageScores.hasOwnProperty(key)){
            if (averageScores[key].total/averageScores[key].count >= min_avg_score){

    return toReturn;

- ferriercory August 25, 2016 | Flag Reply
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from collections import defaultdict

def get_hotels(scores, min_avg_score):
    hotel_score = defaultdict(list)
    for score in scores:
    hotel_avg = [key for key in hotel_score \
                 if sum(hotel_score[key])/len(hotel_score[key]) \
                    >= min_avg_score]
    return hotel_avg
scores = [ 
    {'hotel_id': 1001, 'user_id': 501, 'score': 7}, 
    {'hotel_id': 1001, 'user_id': 502, 'score': 7}, 
    {'hotel_id': 1001, 'user_id': 503, 'score': 7}, 
    {'hotel_id': 2001, 'user_id': 504, 'score': 10}, 
    {'hotel_id': 3001, 'user_id': 505, 'score': 5}, 
    {'hotel_id': 2001, 'user_id': 506, 'score': 5} 

print get_hotels(scores, 7)

- Nitish Garg January 04, 2017 | Flag Reply
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I think it is easy implementing it in python.

def get_average_rating( arrayDict ):

    average_rating = 0
    hotel_id_rating = {}
    for each_record in arrayDict:

        # Sum of rating
        average_rating += each_record['score']
        hotel_id = each_record['id']

        if hotel_id not in hotel_id_rating.keys():
            hotel_id_rating[hotel_id] = each_record['score']

            hotel_id_rating[hotel_id] = ( hotel_id_rating[hotel_id] +  each_record['score'] ) / 2

    average_rating = average_rating / len(arrayDict)

    print "Average Rating: %d" % average_rating
    # List of hotel whose average rating is more than overall average rating
    for key in hotel_id_rating:
        if  hotel_id_rating[key] >=  average_rating:
            print "Hotel ID: %d Avg Rating: %d" % ( key, hotel_id_rating[key])

- som July 10, 2016 | Flag Reply

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