Google Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: United States

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Interesting problem, can be solved with post-order traversal. Traverse left child, then right child. Make each child traversal return a "signature". This signature identifies the tree rooted at the left and right children uniquely.

Now build current node's signature by doing:

signature = left_signature + "<identifier>" + curr.val + "<identifier>" + right_signature

The "identifier" tags are there to help separate out the values so that the string hash doesn't assign the same signature to 2 different trees (e.g. a signature "33344" could be left_signature="33", curr.val="3", right_signature="44" or left_signature="3", curr.val="334", right_signature="4")

Once we have this signature, simply check in a global hash set if this signature occurred before, if it did, return true (this solves the original problem). For fetching the dupes, we can do the following (Java):

public class TreeNodeTest {

    TreeNode testRootPos;
    TreeNode testRootNeg;   // negative match, test no dupes

    public void setUp() {
        testRootPos = new TreeNode(1);
        TreeNode a = new TreeNode(2);
        TreeNode b = new TreeNode(3);
        TreeNode c = new TreeNode(4);
        TreeNode d = new TreeNode(2);
        TreeNode e = new TreeNode(4);
        TreeNode f = new TreeNode(4);

        testRootPos.left = a;
        testRootPos.right = b;
        a.left = c;
        b.left = d;
        b.right = e;
        d.left = f;

        testRootNeg = new TreeNode(4);
        TreeNode _a = new TreeNode(2);
        TreeNode _b = new TreeNode(4);
        TreeNode _c = new TreeNode(1);
        TreeNode _d = new TreeNode(2);
        TreeNode _e = new TreeNode(4);
        TreeNode _f = new TreeNode(3);

        testRootNeg.left = _a;
        testRootNeg.right = _b;
        _a.left = _c;
        _b.left = _d;
        _b.right = _e;
        _d.left = _f;

    public void testHasDuplicateSubtreesTrue() {
        List<TreeNode> results = TreeNodeTest.hasDuplicateSubtrees(testRootPos);
        assertEquals(2, results.size());
        assertEquals(4, results.get(0).val);
        assertEquals(2, results.get(1).val);
        assertEquals(4, results.get(1).left.val);

    public void testHasDuplicateSubtreesFalse() {
        List<TreeNode> results = TreeNodeTest.hasDuplicateSubtrees(testRootNeg);
        assertEquals(0, results.size());

    private static Set<String> seen = new HashSet<>();
    private static Map<String, TreeNode> dupes = new HashMap<>();

    public static List<TreeNode> hasDuplicateSubtrees(TreeNode root) {
        return new ArrayList<>(dupes.values());

    private static String recursiveVerify(TreeNode curr) {
        if(curr == null) return "N";

        String lVal = recursiveVerify(curr.left);
        String rVal = recursiveVerify(curr.right);

        String signature = lVal + "I" + Integer.toString(curr.val) + "I" + rVal;
        if(seen.contains(signature)) {
            if(!dupes.containsKey(signature)) {
                dupes.put(signature, curr);
        return signature;

class TreeNode {
    int val;
    TreeNode left;
    TreeNode right;
    TreeNode(int x) {val = x;}

Time complexity: O(n), space-complexity: O(n)

- Killedsteel March 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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          /      \                
        2        3                 
       /        /     \
    6        2        4
             /            \
           4               2

Here 2,4 and 4,2 have the same signature which is NI4INI2IN, so it produces a match, but actually they are not the same. So, it gives the wrong match. You should use the signature= {node.value+"I"+lvalue+"I"+rvalue}, as it will always be unique.

- deepansh March 10, 2017 | Flag
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C# with Test method

public class TreeNode
    public int val;
    public TreeNode left;
    public TreeNode right;
    public TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }

public static List<TreeNode> GetDuplicateSubTrees(TreeNode tree)
    List<TreeNode> matches = new List<TreeNode>();
    FindDuplicateSubTree(tree, tree.left, matches);
    FindDuplicateSubTree(tree, tree.right, matches);
    return matches;

//Find if there is at least one duplicate of the subtree in tree
private static Boolean FindDuplicateSubTree(TreeNode tree, TreeNode subTree, List<TreeNode> matches)
    if (tree == null || subTree == null) return false;
    Boolean subTreeMatched = ((tree.val == subTree.val) && tree != subTree); //values match and not the same tree
    if (subTreeMatched)
        if (tree.left != null && subTree.left != null)
            subTreeMatched = subTreeMatched & FindDuplicateSubTree(tree.left, subTree.left, matches);
        if (subTreeMatched)
            if (tree.right != null && subTree.right != null)
                subTreeMatched = subTreeMatched & FindDuplicateSubTree(tree.right, subTree.right, matches);
    if (!subTreeMatched)
        FindDuplicateSubTree(tree.left, subTree, matches);
        FindDuplicateSubTree(tree.right, subTree, matches);
        if (matches != null)
            AddNewSubTree(matches, subTree);
    return subTreeMatched;

//Add if not found
private static void AddNewSubTree(List<TreeNode> subTrees, TreeNode tree)
    foreach (TreeNode n in subTrees)
        if (FindDuplicateSubTree(n, tree, null))


public static void Test()
    TreeNode n = new TreeNode(1);
    n.left = new TreeNode(2);
    n.left.left = new TreeNode(4);
    n.right = new TreeNode(3);
    n.right.left = new TreeNode(2);
    n.right.left.left = new TreeNode(4);
    n.right.right = new TreeNode(4);
    List<TreeNode> dups = GetDuplicateSubTrees(n);

    foreach(TreeNode t in dups)
private static void Dump(TreeNode t)
    if (t == null) return;
    Console.Write(t.val + ", ");

- IC March 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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def tree_hash(tree, depth=1):
    if tree is None:
        return 0
    return tree_hash(tree.left, depth + 1) + tree_hash(tree.right, depth + 1) \
        + depth * tree.value

class Tree:
    def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
        self.value = value
        self.left = left
        self.right = right
        self.rank = None
    def set_rank(self, rank):
        self.rank = rank

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'T({0})'.format(tree_hash(self))

def heights(tree, res):
    if tree is None:
        return 0
    height = max(heights(tree.left, res), heights(tree.right, res)) + 1
    res.append((height, tree))
    return height

def rank(node):
    return -1 if node is None else node.rank

def unique_ids(nodes):
    return [(node.value, rank(node.left), rank(node.right), node) for _, node in nodes]

def equal_subtrees(tree):
    res = []
    height_list = []
    heights(tree, height_list)
    i = 0
    while i < len(height_list):
        j = i
        while j < len(height_list) and height_list[i][0] == height_list[j][0]:
            j += 1
        # Now [i, j) is a block of nodes with equal height

        ids = unique_ids(height_list[i:j])
        current_rank = 0
        k = 0
        while k < j - i:
            m = k
            while m < j - i and ids[k][:3] == ids[m][:3]:
                m += 1
            # Now [k, m) is a block of nodes with equal ids,
            # and therefore with equal subtrees
            current_rank += 1
            res.append(map(lambda tup: tup[3], ids[k:m]))
            k = m
        i = j
    return res

t = Tree(1,

print equal_subtrees(t)

- americano March 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Solution in Java. If, for example, the output is 2l4, this represents a tree with head 2 and a node in the left as 4. It also shows all duplicates. In the example of the question there are 3, so 3 results are printed in the output

public class BinaryTree {

    private class Node {

        int data;
        Node p_left;
        Node p_right;

        public Node(int data) {
   = data;

    private final Node head;

    public BinaryTree() {
        head = new Node(1);
        head.p_left = new Node(2);
        head.p_left.p_left = new Node(4);
        head.p_right = new Node(3);
        head.p_right.p_left = new Node(2);
        head.p_right.p_left.p_left = new Node(4);
        head.p_right.p_right = new Node(4);

    public void findDuplicates() {
        ArrayList<String> paths = getPaths();
        Set<String> uniquePaths = new HashSet<>();
        for (String aPath : paths) {
            while (aPath.length() > 1) {
                if (!uniquePaths.contains(aPath)) {
                } else {
                aPath = aPath.substring(2);
            if (!uniquePaths.contains(aPath)) {
            } else {

    private ArrayList<String> getPaths() {
        ArrayList<String> paths = new ArrayList<>();
        getPaths(head, "", paths);
        return paths;

    private void getPaths(Node root, String currentPath, ArrayList<String> paths) {
        if (root == null) {
        if (root.p_left == null && root.p_right == null) {
            paths.add(currentPath +;
        getPaths(root.p_left, currentPath + + "l", paths);
        getPaths(root.p_right, currentPath + + "r", paths);



- NL March 05, 2017 | Flag Reply
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1. For each subtree compute a unique representation of it. We can use a pre-order traversal and construct a string for each subtree. However 2 different subtrees can have the same pre-order output. So represent each missing child with a "NULL" or something.
2. For each node, add the string representation of the subtree rooted at that node to a hashmap. If the hashmap already contains such a string then we found a duplicate. Add the duplicate to a set and continue

Code :

public class DuplicateSubtrees {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    TreeNode root = new TreeNode(1);
    TreeNode two = new TreeNode(2);
    TreeNode three = new TreeNode(3);
    TreeNode four1 = new TreeNode(4);
    TreeNode four2 = new TreeNode(4);
    TreeNode four3 = new TreeNode(4);
    TreeNode two2 = new TreeNode(2);
    root.right = three;
    three.left = two2;
    three.right = four3;
    two2.left = four2;
    two.left = four1;

    Set<String> results = new HashSet<String>();
    findAllSubtrees(root, new HashMap<String, Integer>(), results);
    for (String str : results) {
      System.out.println(str.replace("-", " ").replace("N", ""));


  public static String findAllSubtrees(TreeNode root, HashMap<String, Integer> map, Set<String> results) {
    if (root == null) return "N";
    String str = root.val + "-";
    String leftStr = findAllSubtrees(root.left, map, results);
    String rightStr = findAllSubtrees(root.right, map, results);
    str = str + leftStr + rightStr;
    if (map.containsKey(str)) {
    map.put(str, 1);
    return str;

  public static class TreeNode {
    TreeNode right;
    TreeNode left;
    int val;

    public TreeNode(int x) {
      this.val = x;

- Anonymous March 06, 2017 | Flag Reply
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C++ approach

A basic Node structure

struct Node
  Node* left;
  Node* right;
  int val;

Part 1 - Check if a tree has duplicate sub-trees

bool hasDuplicates(Node* root)
  std::vector<Node*> nodesToCheck;
  nodesToCheck.reserve(100); // Helps with vector push_back efficiency
  Node* node = root;

  // Compare the children
  while (node != NULL)
    // Push the right tree onto a list to compare

    // Compare the each right sub-tree to the left tree
    for (int i = 0; i < nodesToCheck.size(); ++i)
      if (duplicateFound(node->left, nodesToCheck[i]) return true;

    // Check for duplicates purely within the right trees
    if hasDuplicates(node->right) return true;

    // Get the next left node to check
    node = node->left;

  return false;

// Recursively compare two trees
bool duplicateFound(Node* left, Node* right)
  if (left == right == NULL) return true;
  if (left == NULL && right != NULL) return false;
  if (left != NULL && right == NULL) return false;

  // Recursive check
  if (left->val == right->val &&
     compare(left->left, right->left &&
     compare(left->right, right->right)
    return true; 

  // The trees are not the same, so check all the right children
  if (duplicateFound(left, right->left)) return true;

  return duplicateFound(left, right->right));

Part 2 - Return all duplicates
With the above code, this isn't too hard. Just replace the main
"return true" with "duplicates.push_back(...);"

std::vector<Node*> hasDuplicates(Node* root)
  std::vector<Node*> duplicates;
  duplicates.reserve(100); // Helps with vector push_back efficiency

  std::vector<Node*> nodesToCheck;
  nodesToCheck.reserve(100); // Helps with vector push_back efficiency
  Node* node = root;

  // Compare the children
  while (node != NULL)
    // Push the right tree onto a list to compare

    // Compare the each right sub-tree to the left tree
    for (int i = 0; i < nodesToCheck.size(); ++i)
      if (duplicateFound(node->left, nodesToCheck[i])

    // Check for duplicates purely within the right trees
    hasDuplicates(node->right); // No need for an extra push_back()

    // Get the next left node to check
    node = node->left;

  return duplicates

// Recursively compare two trees
bool duplicateFound(Node* left, Node* right)
  if (left == right == NULL) return true;
  if (left == NULL && right != NULL) return false;
  if (left != NULL && right == NULL) return false;

  // Recursive check
  if (left->val == right->val &&
     compare(left->left, right->left &&
     compare(left->right, right->right)
    return true; 

  // The trees are not the same, so check all the right children
  if (duplicateFound(left, right->left)) return true;

  return duplicateFound(left, right->right));

- Josh May 21, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Another C++ solution, but with hash maps for better efficiency.

The style here is to add up the values of each node, then
hash the result and store the node into a map with the hashed
key. The idea is to save time by only comparing trees when
there is a hash collision.

Basic Node structure

struct Node
  Node* left;
  Node* right;
  int val;

Part 1 - Check if a tree has duplicate sub-trees

bool hasDuplicates(Node* root)
  if (root == NULL) return false;

  bool dupFound = false;

  // Multimap allows multiple values with same key
  std::unordered_multimap<int, Node*> hashMap;

  hashTree(root, hashMap, dupFound);

  return dupFound;

// Returns recursively calculated hash value
int hashTree(Node* node,
             std::unordered_multimap<int, Node*>& hashMap,
             bool& dup)
  if (dup) return; // Kick out of recursion early
  if (node == NULL) return 0;

  // Get hash value of left tree
  int leftHash  = hashTree(node->left,  map, dup);
  if (dup) return; // Kick out of recursion early

  // Get hash value of right tree
  int rightHash = hashTree(node->right, map, dup);
  if (dup) return; // Kick out of recursion early

  int hashValue = hash(leftHash + rightHash + node->val);

  // Loop through collisions
  for (std::unordered_multimap<int, Node*>::iterator collisionMap =
       collisionMap != hashMap.end();
    // Compare due to a hash collision
    dup = compareTrees(node, collisionMap->second);

    // Return on duplicate found
    if (dup) return;

  // Add the tree to the map
  hashMap.insert(std::make_pair(hashValue, node));

// Simple hash function
int hash(int key)
  // Increase number to sacrifice space for time, and vice-versa
  return key % 100;

// Recursive tree comparison method
bool compareTrees(Node* left, Node* right)
  if (NULL == left == right) return true;
  if (left == NULL || right == NULL) return false;

  return left->val == right->val &&
         compareTrees(left->left,  right->left) &&
         compareTrees(left->right, right->right);

Part 2 - Return all duplicates
For efficiency, the duplicate list should be passed in by reference

void hasDuplicates(Node* root, std::list<Node*>& duplicates)
  duplicates.clear(); // Good coding practice

  if (root == NULL) return;

  // Multimap allows multiple values with same key
  std::unordered_multimap<int, Node*> hashMap;

  hashTree(root, hashMap, duplicates);

  return dupFound;

// Returns recursively calculated hash value
int hashTree(Node* node,
             std::unordered_multimap<int, Node*>& hashMap,
             std::list<Node*>& duplicates)
  if (node == NULL) return 0;

  // Get hash value of left tree
  int leftHash  = hashTree(node->left,  map, dup);
  if (dup) return; // Kick out of recursion early

  // Get hash value of right tree
  int rightHash = hashTree(node->right, map, dup);
  if (dup) return; // Kick out of recursion early

  int hashValue = hash(leftHash + rightHash + node->val);

  // Loop through collisions
  for (std::unordered_multimap<int, Node*>::iterator collisionMap =
       collisionMap != hashMap.end();
    // Compare due to a hash collision
    if (compareTrees(node, collisionMap->second))

  // Add the tree to the map
  hashMap.insert(std::make_pair(hashValue, node));

// Simple hash function
int hash(int key)
  // Increase number to sacrifice space for time, and vice-versa
  return key % 100;

// Recursive tree comparison method
bool compareTrees(Node* left, Node* right)
  if (NULL == left == right) return true;
  if (left == NULL || right == NULL) return false;

  return left->val == right->val &&
         compareTrees(left->left,  right->left) &&
         compareTrees(left->right, right->right);

- Josh May 22, 2017 | Flag Reply
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package helloworld;

import java.awt.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument.Iterator;
public class TreeRep{
	public static class TreeNode{
		TreeNode left;
		TreeNode right;
		int val;
		public TreeNode(int val){this.val = val;}
	private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<TreeNode>> map = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<TreeNode>>();
	private void hashTree(TreeNode tn){
		if(tn == null){
			map.put(tn.val, new  ArrayList<TreeNode>());
	private ArrayList<Integer> getInorderScan(TreeNode tn, ArrayList<Integer> result){
		if(tn == null)
			return result;

		return result;
	private boolean isContained(ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> set, ArrayList<Integer> a){
		if(a == null){
			return false;
		for(ArrayList<Integer> arr : set){
				return true;
		return false;
	public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> findRepitions(TreeNode tn){
		System.out.println("Hashing the tree");
		ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
		System.out.println("Finished hashing the tree");
		System.out.println("Check repitions in the lists and check if duplicate trees");
		Set<Integer> keys = map.keySet();
		for(Integer key: keys){
			ArrayList<TreeNode> repeatedNodes = map.get(key);
			ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> inorderScan = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
			for(TreeNode node : repeatedNodes){
				ArrayList<Integer> newScan = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		return result;
	public static void main(String[] args){
		TreeNode n2 = new TreeNode(2);
		TreeNode n4 = new TreeNode(4);
		TreeNode n5 = new TreeNode(5);
		TreeNode n3 = new TreeNode(3);
		TreeNode nr2 = new TreeNode(2);
		TreeNode nr4 = new TreeNode(4);
		TreeNode nr5 = new TreeNode(5);
		TreeNode nr3 = new TreeNode(3);
		System.out.println("The repetitions are:");
		System.out.println(new TreeRep().findRepitions(n2));		


create a hash list. then on each list that has duplicates, run inorder and check if the result is the same

- exh August 24, 2017 | Flag Reply
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- exh August 24, 2017 | Flag Reply
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package helloworld;

import java.awt.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument.Iterator;
public class TreeRep{
public static class TreeNode{
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;
int val;
public TreeNode(int val){this.val = val;}
private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<TreeNode>> map = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<TreeNode>>();
private void hashTree(TreeNode tn){
if(tn == null){
map.put(tn.val, new ArrayList<TreeNode>());

private ArrayList<Integer> getInorderScan(TreeNode tn, ArrayList<Integer> result){

if(tn == null)
return result;

return result;

private boolean isContained(ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> set, ArrayList<Integer> a){
if(a == null){
return false;
for(ArrayList<Integer> arr : set){
return true;
return false;
public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> findRepitions(TreeNode tn){
System.out.println("Hashing the tree");
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
System.out.println("Finished hashing the tree");
System.out.println("Check repitions in the lists and check if duplicate trees");
Set<Integer> keys = map.keySet();
for(Integer key: keys){
ArrayList<TreeNode> repeatedNodes = map.get(key);
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> inorderScan = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
for(TreeNode node : repeatedNodes){
ArrayList<Integer> newScan = new ArrayList<Integer>();


return result;
public static void main(String[] args){
TreeNode n2 = new TreeNode(2);
TreeNode n4 = new TreeNode(4);
TreeNode n5 = new TreeNode(5);
TreeNode n3 = new TreeNode(3);
TreeNode nr2 = new TreeNode(2);
TreeNode nr4 = new TreeNode(4);
TreeNode nr5 = new TreeNode(5);
TreeNode nr3 = new TreeNode(3);
System.out.println("The repetitions are:");
System.out.println(new TreeRep().findRepitions(n2));


- exhesham August 24, 2017 | Flag Reply
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A c++ solution. running at O(nlogn).
First step - convert all of the sub trees into strings, and them to a vector. The hack is that i'm building the strings with a recursive function, because each sub tree is subTreeLeft + node + subTreeRight. It tooks O(n).
Second Step - Sort the vector, then run over the vector and find duplicate strings and print them. O(nlogn).

// Example program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>    // std::sort

struct Node {
 int val;
 Node* r;
 Node* l;
 Node (int x) {
     val = x;
std::vector<std::string> all;

std::string getStringForNodeAddToVec(Node* head) {
 std::string retVal;
 if (head != NULL) {
     retVal = getStringForNodeAddToVec(head->l) + ' ' + std::to_string(head->val) + ' ' + getStringForNodeAddToVec(head->r);
     //std::cout << retVal << "\n";
 return retVal;

void DuplicateSubTrees(Node* head) {
    std::sort(all.begin(), all.end() );
    std::string prev;
    int t=0;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i< all.size(); i++ )  {
           if (prev != all[i] ) {
           else {
               if (t == 0 ) {
                    std::cout << all[i] << "\n";
           prev = all[i];

int main()
  Node a(1); 
  Node b(2);
  Node c(3);
  Node d(4);
  Node e(2);
  Node f(4);
  Node g(4);

- Jay September 06, 2017 | Flag Reply
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public static List<TreeNode> findDuplicateTree(TreeNode root){
        List<TreeNode> res = new ArrayList<>();
        findDuplicateTreeHelper(res,new HashSet<>(),root,new StringBuilder());
        return res;
    public static String findDuplicateTreeHelper(List<TreeNode> res,Set<String> set,TreeNode root,
                                               StringBuilder stribuild){
            return "()";
        String str = "(" + root.val;
        if(!set.contains(str) && stribuild.indexOf(str)>=0){
        return str;

- tiandiao123 September 24, 2017 | Flag Reply

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