Linkedin Interview Question for Senior Software Development Engineers

Country: United States
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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Use a stack to store the operands, when you encounter an operator in the character list, you pop the top two stack elements and push back the resultant into the stack again. If the input expression is valid in terms of RPN, your result stack will always have one element at the end, which is the final answer.

def isOperand(op):
	if op == "+":
		return True
	elif op == "-":
		return True
	elif op == "*":
		return True
	elif op == "/":
		return True
		return False

def performOperation(n1, n2, op):
	if op == "+":
		return n1 + n2

	if op == "-":
		return n1 - n2

	if op == "*":
		return n1 * n2

	if op == "/":
		return n2/n1

def calculateRPN(expr):
	stack = []

	for char in expr:
		if not isOperand(char):
			if len(stack) >= 2:
				first = int(stack.pop())
				second = int(stack.pop())

				stack.append(str(performOperation(first, second, char)))

	if stack:
		return stack.pop()

if __name__ == "__main__":
	s = raw_input().split(" ")
	print "The result of the given RPN is: ", calculateRPN(s)

- Anonymous October 16, 2015 | Flag Reply
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if op == "-":
		return n1 - n2

Should be n2-n1 IMHO

- Anonymous coder November 27, 2015 | Flag
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in calculateRPN, you aren't accounting for spaces

- Anonymous January 11, 2016 | Flag
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Below solution uses Shunting-yard algorithm to convert common expression to Reverse Polish Notation (a.k.a Postfix Notation) and then calculates it. It has O(N) time and O(N) complexities and calculates expressions like:

"2 + (3*5 - 3) / 3"
"1 - 2*((3 - 5) / (-2)) + 2"
"1.5 - 2*((10 - 5) / (-2)) + 2.3"

import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class AdvanceCalculator {
	public double calc(String expression) {		
		String exp = prepareExpression(expression);
		Queue<String> queue = convertToRPN(exp);
		return calc(queue);		
	// remove unnecessary symbols and deal with unary minuses
	private String prepareExpression(String expression) {
		String exp = expression.trim().replaceAll(" ","");
		// deal with unary '-'
		exp = exp.replaceAll("\\(-", "(0-");
		if (exp.charAt(0) == '-') {
			exp = "0-" + exp;
		return exp;
	// convert expression to postfix notation using Shunting-yard algorithm
	private Queue<String> convertToRPN(String exp) {
		Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
		Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<>();
		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(exp, "+-*/()", true);
		while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
			String e = st.nextToken();
			if (isOperator(e)) {				
				switch(e) {
					case "+": 
					case "-":
					case "*": 
					case "/": 	while (!stack.isEmpty() && 
									!stack.peek().equals("(") && 
									getOperatorPriority(e) <= getOperatorPriority(stack.peek())) {
					case ")": 	while(!stack.peek().equals("(")) {
								stack.pop(); break;
					case "(": 	stack.push(e);break;
			} else {
		while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
		return queue;
	// calculate postfix notation (a.k.a Reverse Polish Notation)
	private double calc(Queue<String> queue) {		
		Stack<Double> calc = new Stack<>();
		while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
			String e = queue.poll();
			if (isOperator(e)) {
				double v2 = calc.pop();
				double v1 = calc.pop();
				switch(e) {
					case "+": calc.push(v1 + v2);break;
					case "-": calc.push(v1 - v2);break;
					case "*": calc.push(v1 * v2);break;
					case "/": calc.push(v1 / v2);break;
			} else {
				double value = Double.valueOf(e);
		return calc.pop();
	private boolean isOperator(String s) {
		switch(s) {
			case "+": return true;
			case "-": return true;
			case "*": return true;
			case "/": return true;
			case "(": return true;
			case ")": return true;
			default: return false;
	private int getOperatorPriority(String s) {
		switch(s) {
			case "+": return 1;
			case "-": return 1;
			case "*": return 2;
			case "/": return 2;
			default: return 0;

- Iuri Sitinschi September 23, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Was the phone interview 30 minutes on this one question? Seems long.

- unordered_map October 12, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Hi Folks
Please, let me know if something was missed

import stack

def postfixEval(expression):
    operands = stack.Stack()
    for exp in expression:
        if exp in '0123456789':
            operator = exp
            operand2 = int(operands.pop())
            operand1 = int(operands.pop())
            result = doMath(operator, operand1, operand2)

    return operands.pop()

def doMath(operator, operand1, operand2):
    operators = '*/+-'
    if operators.index(operator) == 0:
        return operand1 * operand2
    elif operators.index(operator) == 1:
        return operand1 // operand2
    elif operators.index(operator) == 2:
        return operand1 + operand2
    elif operators.index(operator) == 3:
        return operand1 - operand2

- December 12, 2015 | Flag Reply
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace AlgorithmsTests
    public class ReversePolishNotation
        private int Calculate(string s)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                return 0;

            int result = 0;
            Queue<int> queue = new Queue<int>();
            string[] items = s.Split(new[] { ' ' });
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                int n;
                if (int.TryParse(items[i], out n))
                    //n has the int value
                else if (IsOperator(items[i]))
                    int a = queue.Dequeue();
                    int b = queue.Dequeue();

                    n = Operate(items[i], a, b);

                // enqueue the result or the number
            //return the last number form the queue
            return queue.Dequeue();

        private int Operate(string o, int a, int b)
            switch (o)
                case "+":
                    return a + b;
                case "-":
                    return a - b;
                case "*":
                    return a * b;
                case "/":
                    return a / b;
                    throw new ApplicationException("Operator not suported.");

        private bool IsOperator(string s)
            return s.Equals("+", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                s.Equals("-", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                s.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                s.Equals("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

        public void RVN_Test()
            Assert.AreEqual(0, Calculate(string.Empty));
            Assert.AreEqual(7, Calculate("3 4 +"));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, Calculate("6 3 /"));
            Assert.AreEqual(19, Calculate("3 5 * 4 +"));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Calculate("10 2 / 4 -"));

- Octavio Licea February 28, 2016 | Flag Reply

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