Google Interview Question for Java Developers

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you have used ArrayList, but the question asks to use LinkedList

- Sabbir Manandhar February 26, 2018 | Flag Reply
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public class Solution { 
    public static TreeNode list2BST(ListNode head) { 
          if ( head == null ) return null; 
          return toBST(head, null);
    public static TreeNode toBST(ListNode head, ListNode tail ) {
          ListNode slow = head; 
          ListNode fast = head; 
          while( fast != tail && != tail  )  { 
                fast =; 
                slow =; 
          TreeNode current = new TreeNode(slow.val);
          current.left = toBST(head, slow);
          current.right = toBST(, tail); 
          return current; 

- Jack February 26, 2018 | Flag Reply
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package main

import (

type LList struct {
	val  int
	next *LList

type Tree struct {
	val   int
	left  *Tree
	right *Tree

func convert(head *LList) *Tree {
	tmp := head
	count := 0
	for tmp != nil {
		tmp =
	if count == 0 {
		return nil
	return convertHelper(head, count)

func convertHelper(head *LList, count int) *Tree {
	if count == 0 {
		return nil
	if count == 1 {
		return &Tree{val: head.val}
	levels := uint(math.Log2(float64(count)))
	full := 1<<levels - 1
	lastLevel := count - full
	if lastLevel > (full+1)/2 {
		lastLevel = (full + 1) / 2
	middle := (full-1)/2 + lastLevel
	middleOrig := middle
	tmp := head
	for middle > 0 {
		tmp =
	root := &Tree{val: tmp.val}
	root.left = convertHelper(head, middleOrig)
	root.right = convertHelper(, count-1-middleOrig)
	return root

func main() {
	head := fillList(13)

func height(root *Tree) int {
	if root == nil {
		return 0
	lh := height(root.left)
	rh := height(root.right)
	if lh < rh {
		return rh + 1
	} else {
		return lh + 1

func printLevelTree(root *Tree) {
	h := height(root)
	for i := 1; i <= h; i++ {
		printGivenLevel(root, i)

func printGivenLevel(root *Tree, level int) {
	if root == nil {
	if level == 1 {
		fmt.Print(root.val, " ")
	printGivenLevel(root.left, level-1)
	printGivenLevel(root.right, level-1)

func fillList(count int) *LList {
	var head *LList
	for i := count; i > 0; i-- {
		newNode := &LList{val: i, next: head}
		head = newNode
	return head

func printList(root *LList) {
	for root != nil {
		fmt.Print(root.val, " ")
		root =

- dmitry.labutin February 23, 2018 | Flag Reply
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Recursive solution is really easy.

- shrishty February 24, 2018 | Flag Reply
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viv, try to execute your solution with 10 elements.

- dmitry.labutin February 26, 2018 | Flag Reply
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My code produces a balanced BST, but not necessary a complete one.
O(N) time.

Node *BuildBst(LLNode *head, int size)
    if (size <= 0) {
        return NULL;

    LLNode *ll_n = head;
    int left_size = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size / 2; ++i) {
        ll_n = ll_n->next_;

    Node *n = new Node(ll_n->val_);
    n->left_ = BuildBst(head, left_size);
    n->right_ = BuildBst(ll_n->next_, size - left_size - 1);
    return n;

- Alex March 08, 2018 | Flag Reply
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this is not O(n), it is O(nlogn). At each level you do for loop. There are logn levels, and at each level, you have k loops that are n/k in size. Similar to merge sort.

- tskrgulja1 March 21, 2019 | Flag
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First calculate the root node... Then recursively call for left and right child to make complete bst

- rahulkumarsk2015 May 29, 2018 | Flag Reply
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This is my O(n) time solution. It is recursive so uses O(logn) stack space.
It first computed tree height etc. and then does in-order recursion till it reaches tree height, creating nodes in order (smallest value node first and so on).
Other solutions that I see here, that use recursion by first creating root node (using slow and fast pointers), are O(nlogn) time.

//binary tree node
struct BTNode{
  int value;
  BTNode* left = nullptr;
  BTNode* right = nullptr;

//linked list node
struct LLNode{
  int value;
  LLNode* next = nullptr;

//recursive function
BTNode* sortedLinkedListToCompleteBinaryTree(LLNode** current_llnode, int depth, int* current_height, int num_extra_leaves, int* num_extra_leaves_visited){
  //recurse left if we are not at the leaf node
  BTNode* left_child = nullptr;
  if(depth < *current_height){
    left_child = sortedLinkedListToCompleteBinaryTree(current_llnode, depth + 1, current_height, num_extra_leaves, num_extra_leaves_visited);

  //create tree node with value of the current linked list node and progress current linked list node
  BTNode *node = new BTNode();
  node->left = left_child;
  node->value = (*current_llnode)->value;
  *current_llnode = (*current_llnode)->next;

  //check if we filled in all the extra leaf nodes
  if(*num_extra_leaves_visited < num_extra_leaves){
    if(depth == *current_height){

      //if we right now filled all the extra leaves we now have to fill rest of the tree that is one less in height
      if(*num_extra_leaves_visited == num_extra_leaves){

  //recurse right if we are not at the leaf node
  if(depth < *current_height){
    node->right = sortedLinkedListToCompleteBinaryTree(current_llnode, depth + 1, current_height, num_extra_leaves, num_extra_leaves_visited);

  return node;

BTNode* sortedLinkedListToCompleteBinaryTree(LLNode* head){
  LLNode* tail = head;

  //get total number of nodes
  int num_nodes = 1;
  while(tail->next != nullptr){
    tail = tail->next;

  //get number of digits in binary to get size of perfect tree (greatest power of 2-1 <= total nodes)
  int num_binary_digits = 0;
  int num_nodes_copy = num_nodes;
    num_nodes_copy >>= 1;
  }while(num_nodes_copy != 0);

  int num_nodes_perfect = (1<<num_binary_digits)-1;

  //num digits in binary equals to tree height for perfect tree
  int num_digits_perfect = num_binary_digits;
  if(num_nodes_perfect > num_nodes){
    num_nodes_perfect >>= 1;
  int perfect_height = num_digits_perfect;

  //number of extra leaves in bottom level (that make tree not perfect)
  int num_extra_leaves = num_nodes - num_nodes_perfect;

  //height of the whole tree
  int max_height = perfect_height;
  if(num_extra_leaves > 0){

  //this variable tracks current maximum depth to which we recurse (should get decreased by 1 when we fill all the extra leaves)
  int current_height = max_height;
  int num_extra_leaves_visited = 0;

  //we do in-order recursion (because our linked list it ordered) and track current linked list node
  LLNode* current_llnode = head;
  BTNode* root = sortedLinkedListToCompleteBinaryTree(&current_llnode, 1, &current_height, num_extra_leaves, &num_extra_leaves_visited);

  return root;

- tskrgulja1 March 21, 2019 | Flag Reply
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public class ListToBSTConversion {

	public static int[] convert(List<Integer> sortedList) {
		int[] tree = new int[sortedList.size()];
		recurse(sortedList, tree, 0, sortedList.size(), 0);
		return tree;

	private static void recurse(List<Integer> sortedList, int[] tree, int start,
			int end, int nextPosition) {
		if (nextPosition < sortedList.size()) {
			int middle = (start + end) / 2;
			tree[nextPosition] = sortedList.get(middle);
			recurse(sortedList, tree, start, middle, 2 * nextPosition + 1);
			recurse(sortedList, tree, middle, end, 2 * nextPosition + 2);

	public static void main(String args[]) {
		List<Integer> sortedList = Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
				6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 });

- viv February 25, 2018 | Flag Reply
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#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;

struct node{
int value;
node* next;
struct treenode{
int value;
treenode* left;
treenode* right;
void PrintLinkedList(node* head)
while(head!= NULL)
head = head->next;
void PrintBST(treenode* head)
if(head == NULL)
int new_count = 1;
queue<treenode*> q;
while(q.size() != 0)
int count = new_count;
new_count = 0;
for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
treenode* parent = q.front();
if(parent->left != NULL)
if(parent->right != NULL)
cout<<parent->value<<" ";
int Length(node* head)
int length = 0;
while(head!= NULL)
head = head->next;
return length;
int Power(int x, int count)
int y = x;
for(int i=0; i<count-1; i++)
x = x * y;
return x;
int GetLevel(int length)
int level = 0;
int x = 2;
while(x*2 <= length)
return level;
treenode* ToBST(node* head, int length)
if(length == 1)
treenode* newnode = new treenode();
newnode->value = head->value;
return newnode;
if(length == 2)
treenode* newnode = new treenode();
newnode->value = head->next->value;
newnode->left = new treenode();
newnode->left->value = head->value;
return newnode;

int level = GetLevel(length);
int firstSubTree = Power(2, level) - 1;
int leaves = firstSubTree + 1;

int total = length - 1;
int secondSubTree;
if(total - firstSubTree > firstSubTree)
secondSubTree = firstSubTree;
total = total - 2*firstSubTree;
if(total - leaves > 0)
firstSubTree = firstSubTree + leaves;
secondSubTree = secondSubTree + total - leaves;
firstSubTree = firstSubTree + total;
secondSubTree = total - firstSubTree;
node* left = head;
for(int i=0; i<firstSubTree-1; i++)
left = left-> next;
treenode* current = new treenode();
current->value = left->next->value;
node* right = left->next->next;
left->next->next = NULL;
left->next = NULL;
current->left = ToBST(head, firstSubTree);
current->right = ToBST(right, secondSubTree);
return current;

treenode* ConvertLinkedListToCompleteBST(node* head)
if(head == NULL)
return NULL;
int length = Length(head);
treenode* root = ToBST(head, length);
return root;
int main() {
node* head = new node();
head->value = 1;
head->next = new node();
head->next->value = 2;
head->next->next = new node();
head->next->next->value = 3;
head->next->next->next = new node();
head->next->next->next->value = 4;
treenode* root = ConvertLinkedListToCompleteBST(head);

- Anonymous February 23, 2019 | Flag

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