IBM Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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The basic is trivial. Here is how to solve it.

// ZoomBA
ip1 = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Bob,Katie"
ip = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam,John"
values = ip.split(",")
mgr = dict( [0: #|values| - 2 ] ) ->{
   #(k,v) = values[$.item].split('->') // mgr : employee
   if ( k @ $.partial ){
      $.partial[k] += v
      $.partial[k] = list(v)
   [k, $.partial[k] ]
emp = [ values[-2] , values[-1] ]
//root, the employee who never comes as value as managed
rs = mgr.keys  - fold ( mgr.values , list() ) -> { $.partial += $.item }
assert ( size(rs) == 1 ,'How come multiple Organizations?' )
root = for ( rs ){ $ } // idiomatic extraction of root
def get_path (emp, node, path ){
   if ( emp == node ) return path
   if ( !(node @ mgr) ) return ''
   for ( c : mgr[node] ){
      r = get_path ( emp, c, path + '/' + c )
      if ( !empty(r) ) return r
   return ''
// now find paths and compare :: because every time tree changes
x = get_path (emp.0, root, root )
y = get_path (emp.1, root, root )
x = x.split('/') ; y = y.split('/')
#(n,M) = minmax( #|x| , #|y| )
i = index ( [0:n] ) :: { x[ $.item ] !=  y[ $.item ] }
println ( x[i-1] )

- NoOne October 17, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Hello NoOne,

Thank you very much for your response. Could you please post the answer either in Java or Python???

- abhinav.thegame October 17, 2016 | Flag
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package myProject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class resolveIssues {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		HashMap<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
		String inputString  = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Sam,Katie";
		String mgr = createEmployeeManagerDictionary(map,inputString);
		System.out.println("Mgr who will resolve the issue is: " + mgr);


	private static String createEmployeeManagerDictionary(HashMap<String, String> map, String inputString) {
		StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(inputString,",");
		StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
		String emp1 = null;
		String emp2 = null;
		while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
			String token = tokens.nextToken();
				map.put(token.split("->")[1], token.split("->")[0]);
				sb.append(token + ",");
		tokens = new StringTokenizer(sb.toString(),",");
		while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
			emp1 = tokens.nextToken();
			emp2 = tokens.nextToken();
		String mgr = resolveIssue(emp1,emp2,map);
		return mgr;

	private static String resolveIssue(String emp1, String emp2, HashMap<String, String> map) {
		ArrayList<String> sb1 = getTree(emp1,map);
		ArrayList<String> sb2 = getTree(emp2,map);
		if(sb1.size()==0 && sb2.size()!=0){
			int i = sb2.size();
			return sb2.get(i-1);
		if(sb2.size()==0 && sb1.size()!=0){
			int i = sb1.size();
			return sb1.get(i-1);
			return sb2.get(0);
			return sb1.get(0);

	private static ArrayList<String> getTree(String emp, HashMap<String, String> map) {
		ArrayList<String> stringArray = new ArrayList<String>();
			emp = map.get(emp);
		return stringArray;


- Anonymous October 19, 2016 | Flag Reply
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace conflictResolver
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Dictionary<string, Employee> employees = new Dictionary<string, Employee>();
string ip1 = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Ron->Frank,Bob,Katie";
string ip2 = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Ram->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Mary->Ram,Pete,Katie";
var inputData = ip2.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < inputData.Length - 2; i++)
var employeeManager = inputData[i].Replace("->", "-").Split('-');
if (employees.Keys.Any(key => key == employeeManager[0]) && employees.Keys.Any(key => key == employeeManager[1]))
Employee manager = employees.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Key == employeeManager[0]).Value;
Employee employee = employees.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Key == employeeManager[1]).Value;
employee.Manager = manager;
else if (employees.Keys.Any(key => key == employeeManager[0]))
Employee manager = employees.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Key == employeeManager[0]).Value;
Employee employee = new Employee(employeeManager[1], manager);
employees.Add(employeeManager[1], employee);
else if (employees.Keys.Any(key => key == employeeManager[1]))
Employee employee = employees.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Key == employeeManager[1]).Value;
Employee manager = new Employee(employeeManager[0], null);
employee.Manager = manager;
employees.Add(employeeManager[0], manager);
// Employee managersManager = employees.FirstOrDefault(item=> item.Key == e)
Employee mananager = new Employee(employeeManager[0], null);
Employee employee = new Employee(employeeManager[1], mananager);
employees.Add(employeeManager[1], employee);
employees.Add(employeeManager[0], mananager);
Employee emp1 = employees.First(item => item.Key == inputData[inputData.Length - 2]).Value;
Employee emp2 = employees.First(item => item.Key == inputData[inputData.Length - 1]).Value;

string conflitResolver = FindCommonManger(emp1, emp2);

private static string FindCommonManger(Employee emp1, Employee emp2)
if (emp1.Rank < emp2.Rank)
return emp1.Manager.Name;
else if (emp2.Rank < emp1.Rank)
return emp2.Manager.Name;

if (emp1.Manager == emp2.Manager)
return emp1.Manager.Name;
return FindCommonManger(emp1.Manager, emp2.Manager);

private static void RankEmployees(Dictionary<string, Employee> employees)
Employee ceo = employees.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Value.Manager == null).Value;
AddRank(ceo, 1);
ForEachdirectReorts(ceo, ceo.Rank + 1);

private static void ForEachdirectReorts(Employee emp, int rank)
foreach (var item in emp.DirectReports)
AddRank(item, rank);
ForEachdirectReorts(item, item.Rank + 1);

private static void AddRank(Employee ceo, int v)
ceo.Rank = v;


public class Employee
public string Name { get; set; }
public Employee Manager { get; set; }
public int Rank { get; set; }
public List<Employee> DirectReports { get; set; }

public Employee(string employee, Employee manager)
this.Name = employee;
this.Manager = manager;
DirectReports = new List<Employee>();


- Vipin Agarwal October 18, 2016 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.*;
public class Main{
    public static String test1 = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Katie->Steve, Steve,Bob";
    public static String test2 = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Pete,John";
    public static Map <String, ArrayList<String>> mp = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
    public static void main(String [] args){
        ArrayList<String> allPeople = new ArrayList<String>();
        String [] temp = test1.split(",");
        for(int x = 0; x<temp.length-2; x++){
            String pair = temp[x];
            String [] pairS = pair.split("\\s*(->)\\s*");
            ArrayList<String> tz;
            if(mp.get(pairS[0]) == null) {
                tz = new ArrayList<String>();
                mp.put(pairS[0], tz);
                tz = mp.get(pairS[0]);
                mp.put(pairS[0], tz);
            if(!allPeople.contains(pairS[0])) allPeople.add(pairS[0]);
        String person1 = temp[temp.length-1].replace(" ", "");
        String person2 = temp[temp.length-2].replace(" ", "");;
        if(!allPeople.contains(temp[temp.length-1])) allPeople.add(temp[temp.length-1]);
        if(!allPeople.contains(temp[temp.length-1])) allPeople.add(temp[temp.length-2]);
        for(int x = 0; x<allPeople.size(); x++){
           ArrayList<String> tez = mp.get(allPeople.get(x));
          System.out.println(allPeople.get(x) + ", " + tez);
        for(int x = 0; x<allPeople.size(); x++){
            ArrayList<String> tez = mp.get(allPeople.get(x));
            if(tez.size() == 1) continue;
            if (tez.contains(person1)) {
                //System.out.println("FOUND 1: " + person1);
                int place = tez.indexOf(person1);
                boolean xz = checkChildren(tez, person2, allPeople.get(x)); 
                if(xz) return;
            }else if(tez.contains(person2)){
                //System.out.println("FOUND 1: " + person2);
                int place = tez.indexOf(person2);
                boolean xz = checkChildren(tez, person1, allPeople.get(x)); 
                if(xz) return;
        Set set = mp.entrySet();
        // Get an iterator
        Iterator i = set.iterator();
        // Display elements
        while(i.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
            System.out.print(me.getKey() + ": ");
    public static boolean checkChildren(ArrayList<String> tez, String toFind, String curr){
        //System.out.println(tez + ",TO FIND(" + toFind + ")");
        if(tez.contains(toFind)) { 
            System.out.println("FOUND: " + curr); 
            return true;
        for(int y = 0; y < tez.size(); y++){
            ArrayList<String> tez2 = mp.get(tez.get(y));
            if(tez2 != null) checkChildren(tez2, toFind, curr);
        return false;

- I'mDoingItWrong October 18, 2016 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * Created by NoOne on 18/10/16.
public class Main {

    static String s = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Bob,Katie" ;

    static Map<String,String> createDict(String[] items){
        Map<String,String> m = new HashMap();
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < items.length - 2 ; i++ ){
            String[] pair = items[i].split("->");
            m.put( pair[1], pair[0] );
        return m;

    static String[] pathToRoot( String employee, Map<String,String> tree){
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        while ( tree.containsKey( employee ) ){
            buf.append( employee ).append( "\t") ;
            employee = tree.get( employee );
        buf.append( employee );
        return buf.toString().split( "\t" );

    static void doIBM( String s ){
        String[] values = s.split(",");
        Map<String,String> tree = createDict( values );
        String emp1 = values[ values.length -2 ] ;
        String emp2 = values[ values.length -1 ] ;
        String[] path1 = pathToRoot( emp1 , tree ) ;
        String[] path2 = pathToRoot( emp2 , tree ) ;
        int len = path1.length > path2.length ? path1.length : path2.length ;
        String resolver = "" ;
        for ( int i = 0; i <  len ; i++ ){
            if  ( !path1[ path1.length - 1 - i ].equals( path2[ path2.length -1 - i] ) ) {
            resolver = path1[ path1.length - 1 - i ];

    public static void main(String[] args){

- NoOne October 18, 2016 | Flag Reply
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From the same Java Code. My first code is a sham, and should be avoided.
This, on the other hand is very concise. Abhinav, note that 1-1 mapping with ZoomBA land and Java island are possible, see code in both the languages :

def path_2_root( emp, tree ){
  path = ''
  while ( emp @ tree ){
    path += ( emp + '\t' )
    emp = tree[emp]
  path += emp 
  return path.split('\t')

def do_ibm( s ){
  values = s.split(",")
  tree = dict ( [0: size(values) - 2 ] ) -> { 
    pair =  values[ $.item ].split('->') 
    [ pair[1] , pair[0] ] 
  emp1 = values[-2]
  emp2 = values[-1]
  path1 = path_2_root( emp1 , tree )
  path2 = path_2_root( emp2 , tree )
  len = size( path1 ) > size( path2 ) ? size( path1 ) : size( path2 )  
  resolver = fold( [1:len] , '' ) -> {
    break ( path1[ - $.item ] != path2[ - $.item ] )
    $.prev = path1[ - $.item ]

- NoOne October 18, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Didn't take the challenge so I took a stab at it myself. This is my result, all test cases succeeded, not sure if there are any edge cases I am missing, I tried to follow thru with them but the concept is there.

int main()
	static const string test1 = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Katie->Steve,Steve,Bob"; //answer = Mary
	static const string test2 = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Pete,John"; // answer = Mary
	static const string test3 = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Pete,Katie"; // answer = Mary
	static const string test4 = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam,John"; //answer = Mary
	static const string test5 = "Tom->Mary,Mary->Bob,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam->Pete,Sam->Kate,Pete,Kate"; // answer = Sam

	//we will reverse the relationship since each employee can have only one manager, we will use a hashmap to represent this
	unordered_map<string, string> myMap;
	string stringToTest = test3;
	string employee1, employee2;
	size_t posNext = 0;
	size_t posLast = 0;

	//parse thru the string
	while ((posNext = stringToTest.find(",", posLast)) != string::npos) {
		string tmpString = stringToTest.substr(posLast, posNext-posLast);
		size_t pos;
		string employee, manager;
		if ((pos = tmpString.find("->")) != string::npos) {
			manager = tmpString.substr(0, pos);
			employee = tmpString.substr(pos + 2);
			myMap.emplace(employee, manager);
		else {
			if (employee1.empty()) {
				employee1 = tmpString;
		posLast = ++posNext;
	employee2 = stringToTest.substr(posLast);

	//use this set to keep track of which nodes were visited
	unordered_set<string> visited;
	//traverse with employee1 and mark all nodes as visited unless its employee1 or employee2
	auto it = myMap.find(employee1);
	while (it != myMap.end()) {
		if (it->second != employee1 || it->second != employee2) {
		it = myMap.find(it->second);

	//continue searching with employee2 and find traces of employee1's footsteps, ignore instances of employee1 or employee2
	string result;
	it = myMap.find(employee2);
	while (it != myMap.end() || 
			it->first == employee1 && 
			it->first == employee2) {
		//if its visited, we know we found a match
		if (visited.find(it->second) != visited.end()) {
			result = it->second;
		it = myMap.find(it->second);

	cout << result << endl;
    return 0;

- sum1 October 18, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Went back and redid the challenge. This is working code and I tested many cases. Should be good to go.

int main()
	static const string test1 = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Katie->Steve,Steve,Bob"; //answer = Mary
	static const string test2 = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Pete,John"; // answer = Mary
	static const string test3 = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Pete,Katie"; // answer = Mary
	static const string test4 = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam,John"; //answer = Mary
	static const string test5 = "Tom->Mary,Mary->Bob,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam->Pete,Sam->Kate,Pete,Kate"; // answer = Sam

	//we will reverse the relationship since each employee can have only one manager, we will use a hashmap to represent this
	unordered_map<string, string> myMap;
	string stringToTest = test3;
	string employee1, employee2;
	size_t posNext = 0;
	size_t posLast = 0;

	//parse thru the string
	while ((posNext = stringToTest.find(",", posLast)) != string::npos) {
		string tmpString = stringToTest.substr(posLast, posNext-posLast);
		size_t pos;
		string employee, manager;
		if ((pos = tmpString.find("->")) != string::npos) {
			manager = tmpString.substr(0, pos);
			employee = tmpString.substr(pos + 2);
			myMap.emplace(employee, manager);
		else {
			if (employee1.empty()) {
				employee1 = tmpString;
		posLast = ++posNext;
	employee2 = stringToTest.substr(posLast);

	//use this set to keep track of which nodes were visited
	unordered_set<string> visited;
	//traverse with employee1 and mark all managers as visited unless its employee1 or employee2
	auto it = myMap.find(employee1);
	while (it != myMap.end()) {
		if (it->second != employee1 || it->second != employee2) {
		it = myMap.find(it->second);

	//continue searching with employee2 and find traces of employee1's footsteps, ignore instances of employee1 or employee2
	string result;
	it = myMap.find(employee2);
	while (it != myMap.end() || 
			it->first == employee1 && 
			it->first == employee2) {
		//if its visited, we know we found a match
		if (visited.find(it->second) != visited.end()) {
			result = it->second;
		it = myMap.find(it->second);

	cout << result << endl;
    return 0;

- lucej October 18, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Went back and redid the challenge. This is working code and I tested many edges cases. Should be good to go.

int main()
	static const string test1 = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Katie->Steve,Steve,Bob"; //answer = Mary
	static const string test2 = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Pete,John"; // answer = Mary
	static const string test3 = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Pete,Katie"; // answer = Mary
	static const string test4 = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam,John"; //answer = Mary
	static const string test5 = "Tom->Mary,Mary->Bob,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam->Pete,Sam->Kate,Pete,Kate"; // answer = Sam

	//we will reverse the relationship since each employee can have only one manager, we will use a hashmap to represent this
	unordered_map<string, string> myMap;
	string stringToTest = test3;
	string employee1, employee2;
	size_t posNext = 0;
	size_t posLast = 0;

	//parse thru the string
	while ((posNext = stringToTest.find(",", posLast)) != string::npos) {
		string tmpString = stringToTest.substr(posLast, posNext-posLast);
		size_t pos;
		string employee, manager;
		if ((pos = tmpString.find("->")) != string::npos) {
			manager = tmpString.substr(0, pos);
			employee = tmpString.substr(pos + 2);
			myMap.emplace(employee, manager);
		else {
			if (employee1.empty()) {
				employee1 = tmpString;
		posLast = ++posNext;
	employee2 = stringToTest.substr(posLast);

	//use this set to keep track of which nodes were visited
	unordered_set<string> visited;
	//traverse with employee1 and mark all managers as visited unless its employee1 or employee2
	auto it = myMap.find(employee1);
	while (it != myMap.end()) {
		if (it->second != employee1 || it->second != employee2) {
		it = myMap.find(it->second);

	//continue searching with employee2 and find traces of employee1's footsteps, ignore instances of employee1 or employee2
	string result;
	it = myMap.find(employee2);
	while (it != myMap.end() || 
			it->first == employee1 && 
			it->first == employee2) {
		//if its visited, we know we found a match
		if (visited.find(it->second) != visited.end()) {
			result = it->second;
		it = myMap.find(it->second);

	cout << result << endl;
    return 0;

- joeluce7 October 18, 2016 | Flag Reply
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My above solution doesn't work. Here is my fixed one that finds all grandchildren or underling of each person. Then, it finds which person has both of the conflict employees as grandchildren.

import java.util.*;
public class Main{
    public static String test1 = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Katie->Steve, Steve,Bob";
    public static String test2 = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Pete,John";
    public static Map <String, ArrayList<String>> mp = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
    public static Map <String, ArrayList<String>> grandmp = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
    public static ArrayList<String> allPeople = new ArrayList<String>();
    public static ArrayList<String> visited = new ArrayList<String>();
    public static ArrayList<String> managers = new ArrayList<String>();
    public static String person1;
    public static String person2;
    public static boolean found = false;
    public static void main(String [] args){
        String [] temp = test2.split(",");
        for(int x = 0; x<temp.length-2; x++){
            String pair = temp[x];
            String [] pairS = pair.split("\\s*(->)\\s*");
            ArrayList<String> tz;
            if(mp.get(pairS[0]) == null) {
                tz = new ArrayList<String>();
                mp.put(pairS[0], tz);
                tz = mp.get(pairS[0]);
                mp.put(pairS[0], tz);
            if(!allPeople.contains(pairS[0])) allPeople.add(pairS[0]);
        person1 = temp[temp.length-1].replace(" ", "");
        person2 = temp[temp.length-2].replace(" ", "");;
        if(!allPeople.contains(temp[temp.length-1])) allPeople.add(temp[temp.length-1]);
        if(!allPeople.contains(temp[temp.length-1])) allPeople.add(temp[temp.length-2]);
        for(int x = 0; x<allPeople.size(); x++){
           ArrayList<String> tez = mp.get(allPeople.get(x));
           System.out.println(allPeople.get(x) + ", " + tez);
        for(int x = 0; x<allPeople.size(); x++){
            if(found) break;
            if(visited.contains(allPeople.get(x))) continue;
            ArrayList<String> tez = mp.get(allPeople.get(x));
            //System.out.println("ADDING FOR: " + allPeople.get(x));
            addChildren(allPeople.get(x), tez, allPeople.get(x));
        if(managers.size()>1) {
            System.out.println("Managers: " + managers);
            String cManager = "";
            int leastleaves = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i< managers.size(); i++){
                if(leastleaves == 0) {
                    leastleaves = grandmp.get(managers.get(i)).size();
                    cManager = managers.get(i);
                else if(grandmp.get(managers.get(i)).size() < leastleaves) {
                    leastleaves = grandmp.get(managers.get(i)).size();
                    cManager = managers.get(i);
            System.out.println("cManager: " + cManager);
    public static void addChildren(String root, ArrayList<String> tez, String current){
        //if(found) return;
        //System.out.println("Adding children for root: " + root + " with Children: " + grandmp.get(root) + ", current: " + current + " with Children: " + mp.get(current));;
        if(tez == null) return;
        if(mp.get(root).contains(person1) && mp.get(root).contains(person2)){
            System.out.println("BOSS FOUND: " + root);
            if(!managers.contains(root)) managers.add(root);  
        for(int i = 0; i<tez.size();i++){
            if(found) return;
            //System.out.println("Current check: " + tez.get(i));
                ArrayList<String> tz;
                tz = mp.get(root);
                grandmp.put(root, tz);
            addChildren(root, mp.get(tez.get(i)), tez.get(i)); 

- I'mDoingItWrong October 19, 2016 | Flag Reply
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace InterviewQuestions.September2016
    //Programming Challenge Description: 
    //Develop a service to help a client quickly find a manager who can resolve the conflict between two employees.When there is a conflict between two employees, the closest common manager should help resolve the conflict.The developers plan to test the service by providing an example reporting hierarchy to enable the identification of the closest common manager for two employees.Your goal is to develop an algorithm for IBM to efficiently perform this task.To keep things simple, they just use a single relationship "isManagerOf" between any two employees. For example, consider a reporting structure represented as a set of triples:
    //Tom isManagerOf Mary
    // Mary isManagerOf Bob
    //Mary isManagerOf Sam
    // Bob isManagerOf John
    //Sam isManagerOf Pete
    // Sam isManagerOf Katie
    //The manager who should resolve the conflict between Bob and Mary is Tom(Mary's manager). The manager who should resolve the conflict between Pete and Katie is Sam(both employees' manager). The manager who should resolve the conflict between Bob and Pete is Mary(Bob's manager and Pete's manager's manager). 
    //There will be at least one isManagerOf relationship.
    //There can be a maximum of 15 team member to a single manager
    //No cross management would exist i.e., a person can have only one manager
    // There can be a maximum of 100 levels of manager relationships in the corporation
    //R1, R2, R3, R4...Rn, Person1, Person2 R1...Rn - A comma separated list of "isManagerOf" relationships.Each relationship being represented by an arrow "Manager->Person". Person1, Person2 - The name of the two employee that have conflict
    // Output: 
    //The name of the manager who can resolve the conflict Note: Please be prepared to provide a video follow-up response to describe your approach to this exercise.
    //Test 1:
    //Test Input 
    //Frank-> Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Bob,Katie
    //Expected Output
    //Test 2:
    //Test Input 
    //Sam-> Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam,John
    //Expected Output

    public class ReportTreeNode
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public List<ReportTreeNode> Reports { get; set; }
        public ReportTreeNode Manager { get; set; }

        public ReportTreeNode(string name, ReportTreeNode manager)
            Reports = new List<ReportTreeNode>();
            Name = name;
            Manager = manager;
            if (Manager != null)

        public void AddReport(ReportTreeNode toAdd)
            toAdd.Manager = this;

    public class ReportTree

        public ReportTreeNode Root { get; set; }
        public ReportTree(ReportTreeNode root)
            Root = root;

        public ReportTree(string toParse)

        public ReportTreeNode Find(string name)
            return Find(name, Root);

        public ReportTreeNode Find(string name, ReportTreeNode root)
            ReportTreeNode r = null;
            if (name == root.Name)
                r = root;
                foreach (var item in root.Reports)
                    r = Find(name, item);
                    if (r != null)

            return r;

        public ReportTreeNode FindFirstCommonManager(string name1, string name2)
            ReportTreeNode r = null;
            ReportTreeNode first = Find(name1);
            if (first != null)
                if (first.Manager == null)
                    //this guy is the root
                    r = first;
                    ReportTreeNode manager = first;
                    while (manager != null)
                        ReportTreeNode isReport = Find(name2, manager);
                        if (isReport != null)
                            if (manager == first)
                                r = manager.Manager;
                                r = manager;
                            manager = manager.Manager;
            return r;

        //Sam-> Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam,John
        public void Parse(string listOfReports)
            string[] reports = listOfReports.Split(',');

            foreach (var item in reports)
                string[] relation = item.Split("->".ToArray(),StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (relation.Count() != 2)
                    throw new FormatException();

                string manangerName = relation[0].Trim();
                string reportName = relation[1].Trim();

                if (Root == null)
                    Root = new ReportTreeNode(manangerName, null);
                    ReportTreeNode node = new ReportTreeNode(reportName, Root);
                    //find manager
                    ReportTreeNode manager = Find(manangerName);
                    if (manager == null)
                        //create manager reporting to root
                        manager = new ReportTreeNode(manangerName, Root);
                    ReportTreeNode report = Find(reportName);
                    if (report == null)
                        report = new ReportTreeNode(reportName, manager);
                        report.Manager = manager;



- AR October 27, 2016 | Flag Reply
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def find_manager(rels, emp1, emp2):
    for manager,employees in rels.iteritems():
        if emp1 in employees:
            manager1 = manager
        if emp2 in employees:
            manager2 = manager
    if manager1 == emp2:
        return manager1
    if manager2 == emp1:
        return manager2
    if manager1 == manager2:
        return manager1
    return find_manager(rels, manager1, manager2)

def parse(str):
    rels = dict()
    for rel in str.split(','):
        m,e = rel.split('->')
        if m not in rels:
            rels[m] = e
            rels[m] += ',' + e
    return rels

- Kool October 30, 2016 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

class Hierarchy(object):

    class Node:

        def __init__(self, token, parent):
            self.token = token
            self.parent = parent

        def get_parents(self, l=None):
            l = l or []
            if self.parent:
            return l

        def __repr__(self):
            return "(%s, %s)" % (self.parent, self.token)

    def __init__(self, tokens):
        self.node_dict = {}
        for parent, child in tokens:
            if parent not in self.node_dict:
                self.node_dict[parent] = self.Node(parent, None)
            if child not in self.node_dict:
                self.node_dict[child] = self.Node(child, None)
            self.node_dict[child].parent = self.node_dict[parent]
    def lcp(self, t1, t2):
        t1_parents = self.node_dict[t1].get_parents()
        for p in self.node_dict[t2].get_parents():
            if p in t1_parents:
                return p

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.node_dict)
ip = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Bob,Katie"
employee1, employee2 = ip.split(',')[-2:]
relationships = [x.split('->') for x in ip.split(',')[:-2]]

print Hierarchy(relationships).lcp(employee1, employee2)

ip = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam,John"
employee1, employee2 = ip.split(',')[-2:]
relationships = [x.split('->') for x in ip.split(',')[:-2]]

print Hierarchy(relationships).lcp(employee1, employee2)

- Anonymous December 15, 2016 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

class Hierarchy(object):

    class Node:

        def __init__(self, token, parent):
            self.token = token
            self.parent = parent

        def get_parents(self, l=None):
            l = l or []
            if self.parent:
            return l

        def __repr__(self):
            return "(%s, %s)" % (self.parent, self.token)

    def __init__(self, tokens):
        self.node_dict = {}
        for parent, child in tokens:
            if parent not in self.node_dict:
                self.node_dict[parent] = self.Node(parent, None)
            if child not in self.node_dict:
                self.node_dict[child] = self.Node(child, None)
            self.node_dict[child].parent = self.node_dict[parent]
    def lcp(self, t1, t2):
        t1_parents = self.node_dict[t1].get_parents()
        for p in self.node_dict[t2].get_parents():
            if p in t1_parents:
                return p

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.node_dict)
ip = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Bob,Katie"
employee1, employee2 = ip.split(',')[-2:]
relationships = [x.split('->') for x in ip.split(',')[:-2]]

print Hierarchy(relationships).lcp(employee1, employee2)

ip = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam,John"
employee1, employee2 = ip.split(',')[-2:]
relationships = [x.split('->') for x in ip.split(',')[:-2]]

print Hierarchy(relationships).lcp(employee1, employee2)

- Danno December 15, 2016 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

Nothing about the punchcards?

- IBM, really? April 19, 2017 | Flag Reply
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#Develop a service to help a client quickly find a manager who can resolve the conflict between two employees. When there is a conflict between two employees, the closest common manager should help resolve the conflict. The developers plan to test the service by providing an example reporting hierarchy to enable the identification of the closest common manager for two employees. Your goal is to develop an algorithm for IBM to efficiently perform this task. To keep things simple, they just use a single relationship "isManagerOf" between any two employees. For example, consider a reporting structure represented as a set of triples: 
#Tom isManagerOf Mary 
#Mary isManagerOf Bob 
#Mary isManagerOf Sam 
#Bob isManagerOf John 
#Sam isManagerOf Pete 
#Sam isManagerOf Katie 
#The manager who should resolve the conflict between Bob and Mary is Tom(Mary's manager). The manager who should resolve the conflict between Pete and Katie is Sam(both employees' manager). The manager who should resolve the conflict between Bob and Pete is Mary(Bob's manager and Pete's manager's manager). 
#There will be at least one isManagerOf relationship. 
#There can be a maximum of 15 team member to a single manager 
#No cross management would exist i.e., a person can have only one manager 
#There can be a maximum of 100 levels of manager relationships in the corporation 
#R1,R2,R3,R4...Rn,Person1,Person2 R1...Rn - A comma separated list of "isManagerOf" relationships. Each relationship being represented by an arrow "Manager->Person". Person1,Person2 - The name of the two employee that have conflict 
#The name of the manager who can resolve the conflict Note: Please be prepared to provide a video follow-up response to describe your approach to this exercise. 
#Test 1: 
#Test Input 
#Expected Output 
#Test 2: 
#Test Input 
#Expected Output 
def conflict(conflict_1,conflict_2,book):
    if(book.get(conflict_1)== conflict_2):
       return conflict_2
    if(book.get(conflict_2)== conflict_1):
       return conflict_1
    if(book.get(conflict_1)== None):
       return conflict_1
    if(book.get(conflict_2)== None):
       return conflict_2     
    if(book.get(conflict_1)== book.get(conflict_2)):
       return book[conflict_1]
       return conflict(book[conflict_1],book[conflict_2],book)
def main(ip1):
    for i in range(l-2):

- Sana April 21, 2017 | Flag Reply
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#Develop a service to help a client quickly find a manager who can resolve the conflict between two employees. When there is a conflict between two employees, the closest common manager should help resolve the conflict. The developers plan to test the service by providing an example reporting hierarchy to enable the identification of the closest common manager for two employees. Your goal is to develop an algorithm for IBM to efficiently perform this task. To keep things simple, they just use a single relationship "isManagerOf" between any two employees. For example, consider a reporting structure represented as a set of triples:
#Tom isManagerOf Mary
#Mary isManagerOf Bob
#Mary isManagerOf Sam
#Bob isManagerOf John
#Sam isManagerOf Pete
#Sam isManagerOf Katie
#The manager who should resolve the conflict between Bob and Mary is Tom(Mary's manager). The manager who should resolve the conflict between Pete and Katie is Sam(both employees' manager). The manager who should resolve the conflict between Bob and Pete is Mary(Bob's manager and Pete's manager's manager).
#There will be at least one isManagerOf relationship.
#There can be a maximum of 15 team member to a single manager
#No cross management would exist i.e., a person can have only one manager
#There can be a maximum of 100 levels of manager relationships in the corporation
#R1,R2,R3,R4...Rn,Person1,Person2 R1...Rn - A comma separated list of "isManagerOf" relationships. Each relationship being represented by an arrow "Manager->Person". Person1,Person2 - The name of the two employee that have conflict
#The name of the manager who can resolve the conflict Note: Please be prepared to provide a video follow-up response to describe your approach to this exercise.
#Test 1:
#Test Input
#Expected Output
#Test 2:
#Test Input
#Expected Output
def conflict(conflict_1,conflict_2,book):
if(book.get(conflict_1)== conflict_2):
return conflict_2
if(book.get(conflict_2)== conflict_1):
return conflict_1
if(book.get(conflict_1)== None):
return conflict_1
if(book.get(conflict_2)== None):
return conflict_2
if(book.get(conflict_1)== book.get(conflict_2)):
return book[conflict_1]
return conflict(book[conflict_1],book[conflict_2],book)
def main(ip1):
for i in range(l-2):


- Sana April 21, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Using an n-ary tree where each node has both a parent pointer as well as a list of children.

import java.util.*;
public class ManagerResolveConflicts {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //String x = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Katie,Bob";
        String x = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Nancy,Katie";
        // Parse the string and create a HM. Also create unique nodes at the same time.
        // Go through the HM and for that particular name, find the nodes and set up associations
        String[] spl = x.split(",");
        String emp1 = spl[spl.length - 2];
        String emp2 = spl[spl.length - 1];
        Map<String, List<String>> hm = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        List<String> uniqNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String p: Arrays.copyOfRange(spl, 0, spl.length - 2)) {
            String mgr = p.split("->")[0];
            String emp = p.split("->")[1];
            List<String> vals = null;
            if (!hm.containsKey(mgr)) {
                vals = new ArrayList<String>();
            } else {
                vals = hm.get(mgr);
            hm.put(mgr, vals);
            if (!uniqNames.contains(mgr)) {
            if (!uniqNames.contains(emp)) {

        List<TreeNode> uniqNodes = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
        for (String uniq: uniqNames) {
            uniqNodes.add(new TreeNode(uniq));
        System.out.println("HM: " + hm);
        for (TreeNode n: uniqNodes) {
            // For each node, put all children in n.children.
            List<String> childNames = hm.get(;
            if (childNames != null) {
                for (String c: childNames) {
                    n.children.add(new TreeNode(c));
        for (TreeNode n: uniqNodes) {
            // For each node, traverse the keys to see which key is the parent for n. n.parent is that node.
            Set<String> keys = hm.keySet();
            for (String k: keys) {
                if (hm.get(k).contains( {
                    TreeNode pNode = null;
                    for (TreeNode tn: uniqNodes) {
                        if ( {
                            pNode = tn;
                    n.parent = pNode;

        // uniqNodes now has a fully updated list of nodes.
        // Traverse this list based on data and see if it matches emp1. Also find emp2.
        // 2 situations:
        // emp1 and emp2 have a distinct common mgr. Then easy LCA problem.
        // One of emp1 and emp2 is in the manager hierarchy. Then, choose that mgr's parent.

        // First, check if emp1 is an ancestor of emp2. Then check if emp2 is an ancestor of emp1.
        // In these two cases, return the ancestor's parent if not null, as the output.
        // If the above check fails, keep checking parent pointers for the node with emp1 and node with emp2.
        // If they are equal, return that node's name.

        TreeNode e1 = null;
        for (TreeNode t: uniqNodes) {
            if ( {
                e1 = t;
        TreeNode e2 = null;
        for (TreeNode t: uniqNodes) {
            if ( {
                e2 = t;
        if (e1 == null || e2 == null) {
        TreeNode temp1 = e1;
        while (temp1 != null) {
            if ( {
                if (temp1.parent != null) {
                } else {
            temp1 = temp1.parent;

        TreeNode temp2 = e2;
        while (temp2 != null) {
            if ( {
                if (temp2.parent != null) {
                } else {
            temp2 = temp2.parent;

        TreeNode te1 = e1;
        TreeNode te2 = e2;
        List<String> emp1Parents = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> emp2Parents = new ArrayList<String>();

        while (te1.parent != null) {
            te1 = te1.parent;

        while (te2.parent != null) {
            te2 = te2.parent;

        for (String i: emp1Parents) {
            if (emp2Parents.contains(i)) {

class TreeNode {
    String name;
    public List<TreeNode> children;
    TreeNode parent;

    public TreeNode(String name) { = name;
        this.parent = null;
        this.children = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();

- Chinmay Rudrapatna May 21, 2017 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

Using an n-ary tree with each node having both a parent pointer and a list of children.

import java.util.*;
public class ManagerResolveConflicts {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //String x = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Katie,Bob";
        String x = "Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Nancy,Katie";
        // Parse the string and create a HM. Also create unique nodes at the same time.
        // Go through the HM and for that particular name, find the nodes and set up associations
        String[] spl = x.split(",");
        String emp1 = spl[spl.length - 2];
        String emp2 = spl[spl.length - 1];
        Map<String, List<String>> hm = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        List<String> uniqNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String p: Arrays.copyOfRange(spl, 0, spl.length - 2)) {
            String mgr = p.split("->")[0];
            String emp = p.split("->")[1];
            List<String> vals = null;
            if (!hm.containsKey(mgr)) {
                vals = new ArrayList<String>();
            } else {
                vals = hm.get(mgr);
            hm.put(mgr, vals);
            if (!uniqNames.contains(mgr)) {
            if (!uniqNames.contains(emp)) {

        List<TreeNode> uniqNodes = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
        for (String uniq: uniqNames) {
            uniqNodes.add(new TreeNode(uniq));
        System.out.println("HM: " + hm);
        for (TreeNode n: uniqNodes) {
            // For each node, put all children in n.children.
            List<String> childNames = hm.get(;
            if (childNames != null) {
                for (String c: childNames) {
                    n.children.add(new TreeNode(c));
        for (TreeNode n: uniqNodes) {
            // For each node, traverse the keys to see which key is the parent for n. n.parent is that node.
            Set<String> keys = hm.keySet();
            for (String k: keys) {
                if (hm.get(k).contains( {
                    TreeNode pNode = null;
                    for (TreeNode tn: uniqNodes) {
                        if ( {
                            pNode = tn;
                    n.parent = pNode;

        // uniqNodes now has a fully updated list of nodes.
        // Traverse this list based on data and see if it matches emp1. Also find emp2.
        // 2 situations:
        // emp1 and emp2 have a distinct common mgr. Then easy LCA problem.
        // One of emp1 and emp2 is in the manager hierarchy. Then, choose that mgr's parent.

        // First, check if emp1 is an ancestor of emp2. Then check if emp2 is an ancestor of emp1.
        // In these two cases, return the ancestor's parent if not null, as the output.
        // If the above check fails, keep checking parent pointers for the node with emp1 and node with emp2.
        // If they are equal, return that node's name.

        TreeNode e1 = null;
        for (TreeNode t: uniqNodes) {
            if ( {
                e1 = t;
        TreeNode e2 = null;
        for (TreeNode t: uniqNodes) {
            if ( {
                e2 = t;
        if (e1 == null || e2 == null) {
        TreeNode temp1 = e1;
        while (temp1 != null) {
            if ( {
                if (temp1.parent != null) {
                } else {
            temp1 = temp1.parent;

        TreeNode temp2 = e2;
        while (temp2 != null) {
            if ( {
                if (temp2.parent != null) {
                } else {
            temp2 = temp2.parent;

        TreeNode te1 = e1;
        TreeNode te2 = e2;
        List<String> emp1Parents = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> emp2Parents = new ArrayList<String>();

        while (te1.parent != null) {
            te1 = te1.parent;

        while (te2.parent != null) {
            te2 = te2.parent;

        for (String i: emp1Parents) {
            if (emp2Parents.contains(i)) {

class TreeNode {
    String name;
    public List<TreeNode> children;
    TreeNode parent;

    public TreeNode(String name) { = name;
        this.parent = null;
        this.children = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();

- Chinmay Rudrapatna May 21, 2017 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

def main():
    dict = {'frank':['mary'],'mary':['sam','bob'],'sam':['katie','pete'],'bob':['john']}
    n1 = 'john'
    n2 = 'pete'
    flag = 0
    while flag != 1:
        for k,v in dict.items():
            if n1 in v:
                n1_man = k
        for k,v in dict.items():
            if n2 in v:
                n2_man = k
        if n1_man == n2_man:
            print ('Manager is : {}'.format(n1_man))
            flag = 1
        elif (n1_man in dict[n2_man]):
            print ('Manager is : {}'.format(n2_man))
            flag = 1
        elif (n2_man in dict[n1_man]):
            print ('Manager is : {}'.format(n1_man))
            flag = 1
            n1 = n1_man
            n2 = n2_man


if __name__ == '__main__':

- PS August 31, 2017 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

def main():

dict = {'frank':['mary'],'mary':['sam','bob'],'sam':['katie','pete'],'bob':['john']}
n1 = 'john'
n2 = 'pete'
flag = 0

while flag != 1:
for k,v in dict.items():
if n1 in v:
n1_man = k

for k,v in dict.items():
if n2 in v:
n2_man = k

if n1_man == n2_man:
print ('Manager is : {}'.format(n1_man))
flag = 1
elif (n1_man in dict[n2_man]):
print ('Manager is : {}'.format(n2_man))
flag = 1
elif (n2_man in dict[n1_man]):
print ('Manager is : {}'.format(n1_man))
flag = 1
n1 = n1_man
n2 = n2_man

if __name__ == '__main__':

- PS August 31, 2017 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;

public class IBM_Q2{
	public class Graph{
		private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> adjacent = new HashMap<>();
		public void addEdge(String emp, String manager){
			ArrayList<String> empList = getList(emp);
		public ArrayList<String> getList(String vertex){
			ArrayList<String> list = null;
				list = adjacent.get(vertex);
				list = new ArrayList<>();
				adjacent.put(vertex, list);
			return list;
		public String BFS(String v1, String v2){
			HashMap<String, Boolean> visit1 = new HashMap<>();
			Queue<String> queue1 = new LinkedList<>();
			HashMap<String, Boolean> visit2 = new HashMap<>();
			Queue<String> queue2 = new LinkedList<>();

			visit1.put(v1, true);
			visit2.put(v2, true);

			String collision = null;
			while(!queue1.isEmpty() && !queue2.isEmpty()){
				collision = search(queue1, visit1, visit2);
				if(collision != null)
					return collision;
				collision = search(queue2, visit2, visit1);
				if(collision != null)
					return collision;
			return null;
		public String search(Queue<String> queue, HashMap<String, Boolean> primary, HashMap<String, Boolean> secondary){
			String vertex = queue.poll();

				return vertex;

			primary.put(vertex, true);
			for(String friend : adjacent.get(vertex))

			return null;
	public String findCommonManager(String relations){
		Graph graph = new Graph();

		String[] tokens = relations.split(",");
		for(int i = 0; i < tokens.length - 2; i++){
				String[] edges = tokens[i].split("->");
				graph.addEdge(edges[1], edges[0]);

		String name1 = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
		String name2 = tokens[tokens.length - 2];
		return graph.BFS(name1, name2);
	public static void main(String[] args){
		IBM_Q2 tmp = new IBM_Q2();
		String relations = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Bob,Katie";


- Anonymous October 16, 2017 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;

public class IBM_Q2{
	public class Graph{
		private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> adjacent = new HashMap<>();
		public void addEdge(String emp, String manager){
			ArrayList<String> empList = getList(emp);
		public ArrayList<String> getList(String vertex){
			ArrayList<String> list = null;
				list = adjacent.get(vertex);
				list = new ArrayList<>();
				adjacent.put(vertex, list);
			return list;
		public String BFS(String v1, String v2){
			HashMap<String, Boolean> visit1 = new HashMap<>();
			Queue<String> queue1 = new LinkedList<>();
			HashMap<String, Boolean> visit2 = new HashMap<>();
			Queue<String> queue2 = new LinkedList<>();

			visit1.put(v1, true);
			visit2.put(v2, true);

			String collision = null;
			while(!queue1.isEmpty() && !queue2.isEmpty()){
				collision = search(queue1, visit1, visit2);
				if(collision != null)
					return collision;
				collision = search(queue2, visit2, visit1);
				if(collision != null)
					return collision;
			return null;
		public String search(Queue<String> queue, HashMap<String, Boolean> primary, HashMap<String, Boolean> secondary){
			String vertex = queue.poll();

				return vertex;

			primary.put(vertex, true);
			for(String friend : adjacent.get(vertex))

			return null;
	public String findCommonManager(String relations){
		Graph graph = new Graph();

		String[] tokens = relations.split(",");
		for(int i = 0; i < tokens.length - 2; i++){
				String[] edges = tokens[i].split("->");
				graph.addEdge(edges[1], edges[0]);

		String name1 = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
		String name2 = tokens[tokens.length - 2];
		return graph.BFS(name1, name2);
	public static void main(String[] args){
		IBM_Q2 tmp = new IBM_Q2();
		String relations = "Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Mary->Bob,Sam->Katie,Sam->Pete,Bob->John,Bob,Katie";



- Lizzard October 16, 2017 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

def closestManager(string):
    # split the string into the manager/employee pairs and the two conflicting employees
    sepValues = string.split(",")
    emp1 = sepValues[-2]
    emp2 = sepValues[-1]
    # get dictionary of employee and their manager
    empManagers = {}
    for pair in sepValues[:-2]:
        splitPair = pair.split("->")
        empManagers[splitPair[1]] = splitPair[0]
    # find the closest common manager
    orig_emp2 = emp2
    while emp1 in empManagers.keys():
        manager1 = empManagers[emp1]
        emp2 = orig_emp2
        while emp2 in empManagers.keys():
            manager2 = empManagers[emp2]
            if manager1 == manager2:
                return manager1
                emp2 = manager2
        emp1 = manager1

closestManager("Sam->Pete,Pete->Nancy,Sam->Katie,Mary->Bob,Frank->Mary,Mary->Sam,Bob->John,Sam,John") gives the answer "Mary"

- Krystal May 09, 2019 | Flag Reply

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