Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: United States
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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As this is a file then reading 1 character is really make IO consumption too high
better is take a good buffer (especially equal to sector size/or divisible of sector size i.e. multiple of 1024 byte, nowadays 4096 is best) say this as BUFFSIZE

char* buff[BUFFSIZE];
int readLen = 0;

fdr is src file handle open in read mode
fdw is dst file handle open in write mode

divide file size in terms of BUFFSIZE(i.e. sector size) and from seeking to last sector (which will have data maybe less than BUFFSIZE) to first sector
	readLen = fread(fdr, buff, BUFFSIZE)
        reverseBuff(buff, readLen);		//reverses the buffer content upto readLen 
	fwrite(fdw, buff, readLen);
        seek to previous sector (BUFFSIZE)

This is a general idea. Hope it will help

- Bharat Kumar Arya January 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Nice overall idea, but this won't work if the buffer size is bigger then the buffer lenght.

To get a block size, just ask for it using stat() system call on Unix. then check the st_blksize property.

Check my comment for an actual implementation code.

- ftonello January 12, 2015 | Flag
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You probably needed to clarify with questions like:
What does it mean to be efficient? What does it mean by in place?
Does it mean with a low memory profile, only write the file once or really fast?

Because depending on the response you should design the algorithm.

Low memory profile in place:
Might mean write directly at another file and replace the original one once done.

No additional memory than the array then perform just swaps in memory.

Really fast might mean just load into an array in and write in reverse order.

- Nelson Perez January 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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In place probably means you cannot copy data into temp memory and then write to file again..

- Raju January 11, 2015 | Flag
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The interviewer meant following:
What does it mean to be efficient?
--> with less I/O
What does it mean by in place?
Means ...the same file should have the content reversed..not some other file..
He was ok with me creating a temp file to write the output...

- Clarifications January 12, 2015 | Flag
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Why not go through array backward creating new array. Then it's O(n)

- jovan January 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Because it is not an array, it is a file. Given such a question they probably want you to avoid reading the file into a buffer. If you want so the interviewer would tell you that file can not be fitted to the memory.

- autoboli January 11, 2015 | Flag
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You would want to read an entire file block / disk block (for example. 4KB) and transfer. Memory requirement would be 2x(Block size). Otherwise you would be prone to disk thrashing.

- Noobie January 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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O(n) space and time
But the big O notation here doens't really matter, the I/O and memory allocation is what matters. In this case, it uses optimal block size to reverse any type of file.

The code is a bit complicated, but it is safe and robust. But to be honest, I doubt that the engineer would require that much...

Also, it only runs on Unix, of course. Why would you even consider having something else? :)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

inline void swap(unsigned char *a, unsigned char *b)
	unsigned char tmp = *b;
	*b = *a;
	*a = tmp;

void reverse_file(int fd, size_t file_size, size_t buffer_size)
	if (file_size <= buffer_size) {
		buffer_size = file_size;
		unsigned char buffer[buffer_size];
		size_t i, io_size = 0;

		lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
		do {
			io_size += read(fd, buffer + io_size, buffer_size - io_size);
		} while (io_size < buffer_size);

		for (i = 0; i < buffer_size / 2; ++i)
			swap(&buffer[i], &buffer[buffer_size - 1 - i]);

		lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
		do {
			io_size += write(fd, buffer + io_size, buffer_size - io_size);
		} while (io_size < buffer_size);

	} else {

		size_t total_io_size = 0;

		/* make sure buffer_size is at maximum half of the file */
		buffer_size = buffer_size > (file_size / 2) ? file_size / 2 : buffer_size;
		unsigned char buffer1[buffer_size], buffer2[buffer_size];

		do {
			size_t i, io_size = 0;

			lseek(fd, total_io_size, SEEK_SET);
			io_size = 0;
			do {
				io_size += read(fd, buffer1 + io_size, buffer_size - io_size);
			} while (io_size < buffer_size);

			lseek(fd, file_size - buffer_size - total_io_size, SEEK_SET);
			io_size = 0;
			do {
				io_size += read(fd, buffer2 + io_size, buffer_size - io_size);
			} while (io_size < buffer_size);

			for (i = 0; i < buffer_size / 2; ++i) {
				swap(&buffer1[i], &buffer1[buffer_size - 1 - i]);
				swap(&buffer2[i], &buffer2[buffer_size - 1 - i]);

			lseek(fd, total_io_size, SEEK_SET);
			io_size = 0;
			do {
				io_size += write(fd, buffer2 + io_size, buffer_size - io_size);
			} while (io_size < buffer_size);

			lseek(fd, file_size - buffer_size - total_io_size, SEEK_SET);
			io_size = 0;
			do {
				io_size += write(fd, buffer1 + io_size, buffer_size - io_size);
			} while (io_size < buffer_size);

			total_io_size += buffer_size;

		} while (total_io_size < file_size / 2);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *file = argv[1];
	struct stat st;
	size_t file_size, buffer_size;
	int fd;

	fd = open(file, O_RDWR);

	fstat(fd, &st);

	reverse_file(fd, st.st_size, st.st_blksize);


	return 0;

- ftonello January 12, 2015 | Flag Reply
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
FILE* fptr = fopen("input.txt","r+");

int sizeOfFile = ftell(fptr);

sizeOfFile--; // to eliminate EOF
char *buff = (char*)malloc(sizeOfFile);

//read file to buffer
int result = fread(buff,1,sizeOfFile,fptr);

//reverse buffer
int i;
for(i=0;i< sizeOfFile/2;i++){
char tmp = buff[i];
buff[i] = buff[sizeOfFile - i - 1];
buff[sizeOfFile - i - 1] = tmp;

//write to file
result = fwrite(buff,1,sizeOfFile,fptr);
return 0;

- Anonymous January 13, 2015 | Flag Reply
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how do we do it using recursion

- Anonymous January 15, 2015 | Flag Reply
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how do we do it using recursion

- Anonymous January 15, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Clearly we cannot swap first character for last character, etc. Way too much I/O consumption (reading from disk is wayyy slow).
What we can do is read in a block B_f of characters from the front of the file and a block of the same size B_e from the end of the file.
Then, reverse B_f and reverse B_e. Now, swap the blocks. Now continue this process with block reversing and swapping like we would have done with character swaps until you reach the center of the file.

B_f = ab, B_e = cd
Rev(B_f) = ba, Rev(B_e) = dc
Swap(B_f, B_e) => dcba


- akyker20 January 16, 2015 | Flag Reply
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input_string=raw_input("Enter String in File ")

- Aman Sadhwani January 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I am not sure about the requirement but following programme will solve our purpose:

private void reverseFile(String inputFile, String outputFile){
		try {
			PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(outputFile);
			FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(new File(inputFile));
			BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
			String line = null;
			while((line = bufferedReader.readLine())!=null){
				StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(line);
			    String rs=buffer.toString();
		} catch (IOException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block

- Mritunjay Kumar January 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I think they want us to read from both ends, swap and replace these lines in the same file. Your approach creates additional file hence it is not in place.

- autoboli January 11, 2015 | Flag
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Your code is not correct... because it will read line by line and reverse each line...That is not what is expected...
The requirement is to reverse entire content as it is :
Example: if file has

Then after running the program it should have:

- Anonymous January 12, 2015 | Flag
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C++ solution using only FILE-API. It can be adjusted to use at most n bytes of extra memory

class MyFILE {
  MyFILE(const char* fname)
      : f_(fopen(fname, "r+"))

  ~MyFILE() {

  int Size() {
    fseek(f_, 0, SEEK_END);
    return ftell(f_);

  void ReadAt(int pos, int len, uint8_t *v) {
    fseek(f_, pos, SEEK_SET);
    fread(&v[0], 1, len, f_);

  void WriteAt(int pos, int len, const uint8_t *v) {
    fseek(f_, pos, SEEK_SET);
    fwrite(&v[0], 1, len, f_);

  FILE *f_;

void ReverseFileInplace(const char *fname, const int max_bufsize) {
  int bufsize = max_bufsize/2;
  vector<uint8_t> buf(2*bufsize, 0);
  MyFILE f(fname);
  int size = f.Size();

  int b = 0;
  int e = size-bufsize;

  while (b+bufsize <= e) {
    f.ReadAt(b, bufsize, &buf[0]);
    f.ReadAt(e, bufsize, &buf[bufsize]);
    reverse(buf.begin(), buf.end());
    f.WriteAt(e, bufsize, &buf[bufsize]);
    f.WriteAt(b, bufsize, &buf[0]);
    b += bufsize;
    e -= bufsize;

  int rest = e+bufsize-b;
  f.ReadAt(b, rest, &buf[0]);
  reverse(buf.begin(), buf.begin()+rest);
  f.WriteAt(b, rest, &buf[0]);

- Tobi January 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Too much I/O. And also you could work more on your code.

- ftonello January 11, 2015 | Flag
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Can you elaborate that? It does exactly the same amount of I/O as your solution if called with 2*st_blksize and has a lot less unneeded complexity

- Tobi January 13, 2015 | Flag
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I got confused, your I/O is fine if called with the right block size, altough you are not specifing the optiomal size. Also you are always dividing it by half of the file size, which is not optimal if the file size is smaller then the block size or if it is not divisible by the block size.

Some observations:
* The OOP API can be worked out more. You should use STL like implementation, itarators and operators.
* Using a vector<> for that is not optimal since you don't need it. Use array instead. Altough some compilers generate std::vector assembly as arrays when possible, still I wouldn't recommend for best portabilty and performance.
* For C++ implementation fopen family fucntions (C lib std) is not recommented. Use fstreams instead.
* You fstat(), or any OS system call, instead of ftell() for file size.
* The implementation is not robust.
* &v[0] == v

But for an interview for a Jr position should be fine.

Good luck.

- ftonello January 13, 2015 | Flag
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int main()
FILE *fw;
FILE *fr;
char a[]="HiCarrerCup";
char b,e,t;
int i;
int l;
l = strlen(a);
fw = fopen("myfile","w");
printf(" read char is [%c] \n",b);
printf(" read char is [%c] \n",e);


- Abhishek January 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Too much I/O

- Anonymous January 12, 2015 | Flag

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