Facebook Interview Question for SDE1s

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Solution in python, no recursion

def compute_combinations(s):
	res = ['']
	for c in s:
		res = [x + c.lower() for x in res] + [x + c.upper() for x in res]
	return res

- Fernando July 15, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Efficient algorithm which works for any input size.
Time efficient because of use of bit shift.

Thanks to Stackoverflow for the awesome trick!

 * Asked in Facebook.
 * Problem: Permute the String including case
 * For example: "abc" = > abc, ABC, Abc, aBc, abC, ABc, abC, AbC 
 * Solution: If N be the string length of input then there exists 2^N maximum combinations
 * Represent this as a bitwise operation of size input.length() which is 3
 * 0 0 0 => 0
 * 1 0 0 => Convert 0th char to upper case
 * 1 1 0 => Convert 0, 1 char to upper case and so on

public class PermuteCasewise 
	public void generatePermute(String input)
		int max = 1 << input.length();
		for(int i=0; i<max; i++)
			input = input.toLowerCase();
			char [] combination = input.toCharArray();
			for(int j=0; j<input.length(); j++)
				if( ((i >> j) & 1) == 1 )
					combination[j] = Character.toUpperCase(input.charAt(j));						

	public static void main(String[] args) 
		PermuteCasewise obj = new PermuteCasewise();

- JAR July 16, 2017 | Flag Reply
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void permut(string s, int l, int r) {
    if(l == r) {
        cout << s << endl;

    for(int i = l; i <= r; i++) {
        swap(s[i], s [l]);
        permut(s, l+1, r);
        swap(s[i], s [l]);
        if(islower(s[i])) {
            s[i] = s[i] - 'a' + 'A';
            permut(s, l+1, r);
            s[i] = s[i] - 'A' + 'a';
        } else {
            s[i] = s[i] - 'A' + 'a';

- ololoshka July 14, 2017 | Flag Reply
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const createTree = (characters, numFixed = 0) => {
if (numFixed === characters.length) {
return console.log(characters);
characters.slice(numFixed, characters.length).map((character, index) => {
if (characters.length >= numFixed + index) {
const swappedArr = swapChars(numFixed, numFixed + index, characters);
const capitalizedArr = capitalizeIndex(numFixed, swappedArr);
createTree(swappedArr, numFixed + 1);
createTree(capitalizedArr, numFixed + 1);

- Anonymous July 14, 2017 | Flag Reply
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const createTree = (characters, numFixed = 0) => {
  if (numFixed === characters.length) {
    return console.log(characters);
  characters.slice(numFixed, characters.length).map((character, index) => {
    if (characters.length >= numFixed + index) {
      const swappedArr = swapChars(numFixed, numFixed + index, characters);
      const capitalizedArr = capitalizeIndex(numFixed, swappedArr);
      createTree(swappedArr, numFixed + 1);
      createTree(capitalizedArr, numFixed + 1);

- Anonymous July 14, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Solution *without* recursion

Disclaimer: Only works if string length is less than 32

public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] perms = permuteBinary("abc");
        for(String perm : perms)

    private static String[] permuteBinary(String given) {
        given = given.toLowerCase();
        int numPerms = 1 << given.length();
        String[] result = new String[numPerms];
        for(int i=0; i < numPerms; i++) {
            result[i] = buildPerm(given, i);
        return result;

    private static String buildPerm(String original, int bitPositions) {
        int k = bitPositions;
        char[] result = original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0; i < original.length(); i++) {
            if ((k&1) == 1)
                result[i] =  Character.toUpperCase(result[i]);
            k = k >> 1;
        return new String(result);

- Anonymous July 15, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Solution *without* recursion.

Note: this only works if the given string is less than 32 characters long.

Step 1: Calculate the number of permutations. Basically, each character can have two states, either lower case or upper case. Hence total permutations = 2^n, where n = length of given string
Step 2: Iterate through 1 to 2^n. Each of these numbers represents one possible permutation. For example, 000 means all chars are lower, abc. 010 means aBc, 001 means abC, and so on.

public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] perms = permuteBinary("abc");
        for(String perm : perms)

    private static String[] permuteBinary(String given) {
        given = given.toLowerCase();
        int numPerms = 1 << given.length();
        String[] result = new String[numPerms];
        for(int i=0; i < numPerms; i++) {
            result[i] = buildPerm(given, i);
        return result;

    private static String buildPerm(String original, int bitPositions) {
        int k = bitPositions;
        char[] result = original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0; i < original.length(); i++) {
            if ((k&1) == 1)
                result[i] =  Character.toUpperCase(result[i]);
            k = k >> 1;
        return new String(result);

- kredible July 15, 2017 | Flag Reply
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JavaScript solution

function addLetter(letter, combos) {
  var newArray = [];
  if (combos.length === 0) {
    newArray = [letter.toLowerCase(), letter.toUpperCase()];
  else {
    for ( var i=0, len=combos.length; i<len; i++ ) {
      newArray.push(combos[i] + letter.toLowerCase());
      newArray.push(combos[i] + letter.toUpperCase());
  return newArray;

function getCombos(str) {
  var letters = str.split('');
  var combos = [];
  if (str.length === 0) {
    console.error('Empty string');
  else {
   for (var i=0, len=str.length; i<len; i++) {
     combos = addLetter(letters[i], combos);
   return combos;


- Ted Whitehead July 19, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Here’s one way to do it in JS:

function addLetter(letter, combos) {
  var newArray = [];
  if (combos.length === 0) {
    newArray = [letter.toLowerCase(), letter.toUpperCase()];
  else {
    for ( var i=0, len=combos.length; i<len; i++ ) {
      newArray.push(combos[i] + letter.toLowerCase());
      newArray.push(combos[i] + letter.toUpperCase());
  return newArray;

function getCombos(str) {
  var letters = str.split('');
  var combos = [];
  if (str.length === 0) {
    console.error('Empty string');
  else {
   for (var i=0, len=str.length; i<len; i++) {
     combos = addLetter(letters[i], combos);
   return combos;


- tedwhitehead July 19, 2017 | Flag Reply
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from itertools import product

bin_list = ["".join(seq) for seq in product("01", repeat=len(input))]
output_list = [input for n in range(len(bin_list))]


for bin, item in zip(bin_list, output_list):
result = ""
for bin_index in range(len(bin)):
if bin[bin_index] == '1':
result += item[bin_index].lower()
result += item[bin_index].upper()

- Hiuy July 19, 2017 | Flag Reply
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void permuteLowerCase(char[] val, int l, int h) {
        if (l == h) {
        for (int i = l; i < h; i++) {
            val[i] = Character.toLowerCase(val[i]);
            permuteLowerCase(val, l + 1, h);
            val[i] = Character.toUpperCase(val[i]);

- Balaji July 19, 2017 | Flag Reply
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In javascript

const str = "abc";
function getPerm(s) {
        const max = Math.pow(2,s.length);
        for (let x = 0 ; x < max ; x++) {
                const perm = x.toString(2);
                const fullPerm = "000".substring(perm.length) + perm;
                let currentStr = str.split('').map((v,k) => fullPerm[k]==1?v.toUpperCase():v).join('');

- Abe August 20, 2017 | Flag Reply
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In javascript

const str = "abc";
function getPerm(s) {
        const max = Math.pow(2,s.length);
        for (let x = 0 ; x < max ; x++) {
                const perm = x.toString(2);
                const fullPerm = "000".substring(perm.length) + perm;
                let currentStr = str.split('').map((v,k) => fullPerm[k]==1?v.toUpperCase():v).join('');

- Abe August 20, 2017 | Flag Reply
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In javascriptconst

str = "abc";
function getPerm(s) {
        const max = Math.pow(2,s.length);
        for (let x = 0 ; x < max ; x++) {
                const perm = x.toString(2);
                const fullPerm = "000".substring(perm.length) + perm;
                let currentStr = str.split('').map((v,k) => fullPerm[k]==1?v.toUpperCase():v).join('');

- Abe August 20, 2017 | Flag Reply
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In javascript

const str = "abc";
function getPerm(s) {
const max = Math.pow(2,s.length);
for (let x = 0 ; x < max ; x++) {
const perm = x.toString(2);
const fullPerm = "000".substring(perm.length) + perm;
let currentStr = str.split('').map((v,k) => fullPerm[k]==1?v.toUpperCase():v).join('');

- Anonymous August 20, 2017 | Flag Reply
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const str = "abc";
function getPerm(s) {
        const max = Math.pow(2,s.length);
        for (let x = 0 ; x < max ; x++) {
                const perm = x.toString(2);
                const fullPerm = "000".substring(perm.length) + perm;
                let currentStr = str.split('').map((v,k) => fullPerm[k]==1?v.toUpperCase():v).join('');

- Abe August 20, 2017 | Flag Reply
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use strict;
use warnings;

# permute the String including case change 
# "abc". 
# For example: 
# abc 
# ABC 
# Abc 
# aBc 
# abC 
# ABc 
# abC 
# AbC
# - ajay.raj July 14, 2017 in United States | Report Duplicate | Flag 

sub swap_case {
    my $c=shift;
    if ( $c ge 'a' && $c le 'z' ) {
        return uc($c); }
    if ( $c ge 'A' && $c le 'Z' ) {
        return lc($c); }

sub permute{
    my %args=@_;
    my $string = $args{string};
    my $index = $args{index};

    if ( $index >= length($string) ) { print $string . "\n"; return ; }
    &permute( string => $string , index => $index+1 );
    my @char_array = split // , $string;
    &permute( string => join('', @char_array), index => $index + 1 );

print &permute(string => $ARGV[0], index => 0);

- Anonymous March 15, 2018 | Flag Reply
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In perl using recursion

use strict;
use warnings;

# permute the String including case change 
# "abc". 
# For example: 
# abc 
# ABC 
# Abc 
# aBc 
# abC 
# ABc 
# abC 
# AbC
# - ajay.raj July 14, 2017 in United States | Report Duplicate | Flag 

sub swap_case {
    my $c=shift;
    if ( $c ge 'a' && $c le 'z' ) {
        return uc($c); }
    if ( $c ge 'A' && $c le 'Z' ) {
        return lc($c); }

sub permute{
    my %args=@_;
    my $string = $args{string};
    my $index = $args{index};

    if ( $index >= length($string) ) { print $string . "\n"; return ; }
    &permute( string => $string , index => $index+1 );
    my @char_array = split // , $string;
    &permute( string => join('', @char_array), index => $index + 1 );

print &permute(string => $ARGV[0], index => 0);

- jl123 March 15, 2018 | Flag Reply
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def combinations(string, result='', index=0):
    if index >= len(string):
        print result

    combinations(string, result + string[index].lower(), index+1)
    combinations(string, result + string[index].upper(), index+1)

if __name__ == '__main__':

- saishg April 30, 2018 | Flag Reply
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Assumption for simplicity:
1) every letter is used at most once in the upper cased input string
"AaB" wouldn't be a valid input, "AbC" is ok
2) input string is a mix of lower and upper case letters (no numbers, etc.)

do permutations by swaping elements in a recursion:

recursion(string, pos) = string is a permutation, if pos = 0
                         recurse(swap(string, pos, j), pos - 1), 
                                                for j = pos - 1 to 0

swap(string, i, j): creates a new string that is equal to string with
characters at position i and j exchanged.

the recursion tree would look like this:

pos = 2                          "ABC"   
                 /                 |                  \           
pos = 1       "ABC"              "BAC"              "CBA"        
              ------            ------              ------
             /      \          /      \            /      \    
pos = 0   "ABC"    "ACB"    "BAC"    "BCA"      "CBA"    "CAB"

now, adding the upper / lower case is just similar, the recursion then

recursion(string, pos) = string is a permutation, if pos = 0
                         recurse(swap(string, pos, j), pos - 1), 
                                                for j = pos - 1 to 0
                         recurse(swap_lower(string, pos, j)) 
                                                for j = pos - 1 to 0
swap_lower is like swap, but it will convert the character that is 
placed at position pos to lowe case
it asumes the input string is all upper case

this is O(n!*2^n), where n is the length of the string or other way
to think of, there are n! permutations and for each of this every
letter can be upper or lower case, so another 2^n

in python 3

def permutation_case(input):
    def aux(i):
        if i == n: 
            print(''.join(map(lambda x: chr(x), input_a)))
            for j in range(i, n):
                # swap to get a changing prefix and recurse
                input_a[i], input_a[j] = input_a[j], input_a[i]
                aux(i + 1)                
                # change upper, lower case of the just swaped element in prefix and recurse
                temp = input_a[i]
                input_a[i] = input_a[i] + (ord('a') - ord('A'))                
                aux(i + 1)
                # set the old 'string' back
                input_a[i], input_a[j] = input_a[j], temp

    n = len(input)    
    input_a = bytearray(input, 'ascii').upper()


- Chris July 14, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Chris, the original question seems to suggest *only* all possible combinations of lower case and upper case, *without* changing the order of characters.

- kredible July 15, 2017 | Flag

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